
Fritz Berger: The Photographer of Memories (2016)

The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.

Género : Documental, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 26M

Director : Nikos Kavvadas, Dimitris Soldatos


In the spring of 1962, members of the Christian Peace Service aid group flew in from Bern, Switzerland and settled in the poorest villages in all of Greece. Led by photographer and social worker Fritz Berger, the group itself had one purpose: the provision of aid and development services to local communities inhabiting the southwest region of Lefkada. What followed were revolutionary advancements that would leave their lives forever changed.


Angelica Koga
Angelica Koga


Nikos Kavvadas
Nikos Kavvadas
Dimitris Soldatos
Dimitris Soldatos
Marcos Sfetsas
Marcos Sfetsas
Director of Photography
Nikos Kavvadas
Nikos Kavvadas
Director of Photography

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