What Alice Found (2003)
Género : Drama, Crimen
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 36M
Director : A. Dean Bell
A poor young woman is recruited by a friendly couple traveling in an RV into becoming part of the dark world of truck stop prostitution.
Mirada desafecta sobre la prostitución, rodada en Tailandia, Bangladesh y México, que fue galardonada con el Premio Especial del Jurado en la sección Horizontes del Festival de Venecia.
Ambientada en un México sórdido, patético, doloroso. En el prostíbulo de un pequeño pueblo sobreviven la Manuela, un trasvesti, y la Japonesita, una joven prostituta hija de un desliz de la Manuela. Don Alejo, el anciano cacique del lugar, quiere comprar el prostíbulo para venderlo a un consorcio junto con el resto del pueblo. El regreso de Pancho, un joven camionero ahijado de don Alejo, desata las tensiones entre los personajes. (FILMAFFINITY)
La joven Madelon Claudet es una prostituta que ha de pasar diez años en la cárcel por un delito que no ha cometido. (FILMAFFINITY)
Anne (Juliette Binoche) es una periodista de investigación que escribe reportajes para la revista 'Elle'. En esta ocasión ha querido reflejar la situación de dos chicas, Charlotte y Alicja (Anaïs Demoustier y Joanna Kulig), que se prostituyen para pagarse los estudios universitarios. Anne aborda el tema con rigor y prejuicios, pero poco a poco irá poniendo en duda sus propias convicciones sobre el dinero, el sexo y la familia.
Sandra Dawson (Claudia Cardinale) regresa al pueblo de su infancia, Volterra, en la Toscana, y lo hace acompañada de Andrew, su marido (Michael Craig). Una vez instalada en su casa natal, la persigue el recuerdo de su padre, muerto en el campo de concentración de Auschwitz.
Hanna es una chica completamente abandonada a sí misma, desinhibida sexualmente y atraída por personas sin escrúpulos como Miguel , que se aprovecha de Hanna , y la introduce en el mundo de la prostitución para obtener su dosis de drogas. Hasta que conoce a Alex , un joven con un afecto sincero por Hanna ..
En Los Ángeles, Carol, una ingenua y solitaria camarera aspirante a cantante, ve un anuncio sobre una oportunidad de trabajo en Tokio. Al viajar a Japón para trabajar en el club nocturno White Orchid, descubre una trama de prostitución en el club, que pertenece a la Yakuza. Sola, sin dinero y sin pasaporte, es protegida por Shiro, pero presionada por los gerentes Madame Mori y su marido Hatanaka para que sea receptiva a las propuestas de los clientes.
After Annunziata (Angela Molina) opens up a hostel with her friend Antonio (Daniel Ezralow), she is saved from being raped by a Camorra boss as the gangster is suddenly killed. The killer escapes before Annunziata is able to see who it was. Following this murder are several others, and always with the same “signature” — a syringe in one of the testicles of the victims. As the gangsters continue to be killed off, the identity of the killer – or killers – slowly becomes obvious.
Thanks to his wife Madeleine, a social worker who saved him from the street when he was 17-years-old, Pierre Dalpé has become a prosperous entrepreneur, running a garbage-collection business in the Montreal area. His quiet happiness with his wife and their children changes when he crosses paths with Eve, a teenage drug addict/prostitute who belongs to a street gang. At the risk of destroying everything he’s built up, Pierre decides to make it his mission to help Eve get out of her unhealthy situation before she dies of an overdose, like his sister did. But in doing so, he has to confront his old demons, to Madeleine’s despair, as she feels him slipping farther away from her every day.
Cuando comienza la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Mamie (Jane Russell), una atractiva prostituta de San Francisco, se instala en Hawaii. A pesar de que sus perspectivas parecen mejorar cuando se enamora de un escritor de ciencia- ficción (Richard Egan), tanto la guerra como su pasado complicarán la relación.
A naive couple leave their small town for success in London's adult entertainment culture.
Rebecca and Sandra borrow a car and decide to go on a road trip. Soon after they have stopped at an isolated gas station, their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Sandra decides to hike back to the gas station to get some help
While living with her grandmother in Poland, a young woman falls in love. Her boyfriend is charming and suggests they travel around Europe and work here and there to pay for their trip. Unfortunately, the boyfriend isn't as he seems and the young woman is sold as a prostitute when they cross over to Germany. We follow her ordeal as she tries to free herself and stay sane as time goes by and her captors try to break and condition her to a new life of servitude.
1905: Syphilis and prostitution flourish in a small town somewhere in the Danube monarchy. In the midst of the night stands Marie, a young prostitute, who has learned how to live in this shady environment. Marie's encounters with johns have many faces; notorious bon vivants, an old man who brings cake from his wife, and Count Albin, a lofty gentleman whose behavior is very strange. Before Marie sleeps with him, she must tie a blue band with white dots around her thigh. The next day she encounters the Count shopping with his twelve year old daughter, Anna. It's apparent that Anna who wears a blue band with white dots in her hair is afraid of her father. Marie is deeply touched by Anna's emotional state which provokes her curiosity about the child. As she investigates Anna's situation Marie's humanity is revealed. It's ironic that a girl, Anna, of noble origins finds a motherly role model in Marie the prostitute.
From the sultry streets of Hunts Point in the South Bronx, comes the rawest, realest and truest documentation of the world's oldest profession ever captured on video. From Brent Owens, the director of Pimps Up, Ho's Down, comes the first two in a series of five films. Hookers At The Point focuses on the business of sex and the people involved in it. As a special bonus we have included Hookers At The Point: Going Out Again, where we follow up on the personalities from the first film and see where "The Life" has led them.
En un tribunal universitario, una preciosa estudiante presenta su tesis para su aprobación. En el tribunal destacan tres de sus miembros: el presidente decano, un cura y una espigada señorona, como representantes de los prejuicios sociales.
La chica va presentando su tesis sobre la prostitución (comenzando con sus categorías de hombres según el tamaño del miembro viril); y que para realizarla ha asumido ella misma el papel de promiscua, asegurando haber hecho el amor con más de 150 hombres, ante el estupor general del jurado.
Siguiendo la estela del especial televisivo de título homónimo emitido en 1992, 'Les contes de la nuit' recoge seis pequeñas historias presentadas, esta vez, en tres dimensiones. A partir de unas siluetas animadas, el director Michel Ocelot recoge las siguientes historias: "El hombre lobo"; "Tijean y la bella sin conocer"; "Los elegidos de la ciudad dorada"; "El pequeño tamborilero"; "El niño que nunca mintió"; y "La muchacha coneja y el hijo del arquitecto".
A man investigates the disappearance of his sister with the help of her roommate. He uncovers a trail of prostitution, incest, blackmail...and murder.
An unreservedly matter-of-fact look at two young women who consider prostitution an adventure until reality catches up with them.
Una banda de ladrones que huye tras atracar un banco se topa con una familia que se encuentra de acampada. Aprovechando la ocasión, los criminales esconderán el dinero robado en su coche mientras éstos descansan.