
The Do-Deca-Pentathlon (2012)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 16M

Director : Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass


Two brothers compete in their own private 25-event Olympics.


Mark Kelly
Mark Kelly
Steve Zissis
Steve Zissis
Jennifer Lafleur
Jennifer Lafleur
Julie Vorus
Julie Vorus
Reid Williams
Reid Williams
Brendan Robinson
Brendan Robinson
Young Mark
Noël Wells
Noël Wells
Elton LeBlanc
Elton LeBlanc
Poker Player
Brock Patrick Kaufman
Brock Patrick Kaufman
Young Jeremy age 10 (uncredited)


Jay Duplass
Jay Duplass
Mark Duplass
Mark Duplass
Mark Duplass
Mark Duplass
Jay Duplass
Jay Duplass
Jay Duplass
Jay Duplass
Mark Duplass
Mark Duplass
Stephanie Langhoff
Stephanie Langhoff
Jas Shelton
Jas Shelton
Jay Deuby
Jay Deuby
Nat Sanders
Nat Sanders
Julian Wass
Julian Wass
Original Music Composer

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