
Pelle Svanslös (1991)

Género : Familia, Música, Comedia, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 2M

Director : Knut Hendriksen


A filmed stage production of the story of Pelle Svanslös, the cat who lost his tail as a kitten, and his interactions with all the other cats in the neighbourhood.


Mark Bartholdsson
Mark Bartholdsson
Pelle Svanslös
Iwa Sörenson
Iwa Sörenson
Maja Gräddnos
Magnus Lindén
Magnus Lindén
Elaka Måns
Hans Dornbusch
Hans Dornbusch
Roland Häggström
Roland Häggström
Lars Kullenbo
Lars Kullenbo
Elaka Konrad
Solweig Lindström
Solweig Lindström
Rolf Cederlöf
Rolf Cederlöf
Feta Trisse
Gunilla Söderström
Gunilla Söderström
Bengt Lindberger
Bengt Lindberger
Rickard från Rickomberga
Ragne Wahlroth
Ragne Wahlroth
Murre från Skogstibble
Gunilla Wallin
Gunilla Wallin
Gullan från Arkadien
Tord Slättegård
Tord Slättegård
Fritz / Har-Olle
Erika Sanfridsson
Erika Sanfridsson
Anna Zetterström
Anna Zetterström
Olle af Klintberg
Olle af Klintberg


Erland von Koch
Erland von Koch
Original Music Composer
Björn Hallman
Björn Hallman
Cecilia Olsson
Cecilia Olsson
Gösta Knutsson
Gösta Knutsson
Ann-Cathrine Byström
Ann-Cathrine Byström
Bertil Wikman
Bertil Wikman
Art Direction
Gunilla Löfvenberg
Gunilla Löfvenberg
Property Master
Karin Ahnborg
Karin Ahnborg
Property Master
Nils Bylon
Nils Bylon
Property Master
Christer Lindarw
Christer Lindarw
Tommy Lannge
Tommy Lannge
Costume Assistant
Marie Wretman
Marie Wretman
Costume Assistant
Anna Blylods
Anna Blylods
Costume Assistant
Anita Merkelius
Anita Merkelius
Costume Assistant
Petra Palmer
Petra Palmer
Costume Assistant
Arne Suttner
Arne Suttner
Costume Assistant
Carin Blum
Carin Blum
Makeup Artist
Rannveig Glimskär Wiktorsson
Rannveig Glimskär Wiktorsson
Makeup Artist
Yvonne Persson
Yvonne Persson
Makeup Artist
Christina Sjöblom
Christina Sjöblom
Makeup Artist
Birgitta Stenqvist
Birgitta Stenqvist
Makeup Artist
Eva-Helene Wiktorsson
Eva-Helene Wiktorsson
Makeup Artist
Katarina Trovallius
Katarina Trovallius
Graphic Designer
Per-Erik Liljeström
Per-Erik Liljeström
Technical Supervisor
Lars Ekdahl
Lars Ekdahl
Lighting Artist
Yngve Mansvik
Yngve Mansvik
Lighting Artist
Tore Johnsson
Tore Johnsson
Lighting Artist
Gunnar Kock
Gunnar Kock
Lighting Artist
Olle Bolander
Olle Bolander
Roland Engström
Roland Engström
Lennart Duvsjö
Lennart Duvsjö
Per-Olof Runa
Per-Olof Runa
Camera Operator
Bengt Nyman
Bengt Nyman
Camera Operator
Sven Jarnerup
Sven Jarnerup
Camera Operator
Göran Österberg
Göran Österberg
Stage Director
Rigmor Bewö-Lundblad
Rigmor Bewö-Lundblad
Assistant Director
Johan Molander
Johan Molander
Assistant Director
Olle Bolander
Olle Bolander
Sound Post Production Coordinator
Jan Askelöf
Jan Askelöf
Ann-Christine Wickberg
Ann-Christine Wickberg
Production Secretary
Madeleine Lundevall-Bolin
Madeleine Lundevall-Bolin
Script Supervisor
Margareta Ferm
Margareta Ferm
Knut Hendriksen
Knut Hendriksen

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