
Doggiewoggiez! Poochiewoochiez! (2012)

Prepare yourself for a new leash on life...

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 55M

Director : Dimitri Simakis, Nic Maier


Those krazed VHS-hunting pupz from Everything Is Terrible! (everyone’s favorite found footage chop shoppe) are back with their third inner-eye-opening feature, containing a feat never before attempted in either human or canine history. EIT! asks but two simple questions, “What if we make a movie composed ENTIRELY out of dog-related found footage?” and ‘'What if this magickal movie, made up of thousands of other dog movies, is also a remake of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s 1973 masterpiece The Holy Mountain?” Well, let’s stop asking dumb rhetorical questions because this never-ending spiral of World-Pup winning, sunglasses-wearing, murder-solving, skateboarding pooches is real! No Bonez about it, this is it! Are you dog enough to go fetch it? ARFFFFFF!



Nic Maier
Nic Maier
Dimitri Simakis
Dimitri Simakis
Dimitri Simakis
Dimitri Simakis
Nic Maier
Nic Maier

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