
The Peach Girl (1931)

Género : Romance, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M

Director : Bu Wan-Cang


An upper-class son of urbane landowners falls in love with a peasant girl. When a pregnancy results, the couple are kept apart by strict societal morays.


Ruan Lingyu
Ruan Lingyu
Miss Lim
Jin Yan
Jin Yan
King Teh-en
Zhou Lili
Zhou Lili
Mrs. King
Wang Guilin
Wang Guilin
Loo Chi
Han Lan-Gen
Han Lan-Gen
Liu Jiqun
Liu Jiqun
Chow Lee-Lee
Chow Lee-Lee
Lim's Mother
Y.C. Lay
Y.C. Lay
Chow Chuen Chuen
Y.C. Wong
Y.C. Wong
Chow's Mother
S.M. Shen
S.M. Shen
A Brave Man
Li Shiyuan
Li Shiyuan


Bu Wan-Cang
Bu Wan-Cang
Bu Wan-Cang
Bu Wan-Cang
Huang Shaofen
Huang Shaofen
Director of Photography
Ming-Yau Lo
Ming-Yau Lo

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