Newton Blick

Nacimiento : 1899-06-10,

Muerte : 1965-10-14


Morgan, un caso clínico
Mr Henderson
Morgan es un artista que, influido por las ideas marxistas de su madre, siente la necesidad de rebelarse contra el orden social establecido y contra toda clase de convencionalismos. Pero esta actitud lo alejará cada vez más de la realidad y, poco a poco, contraerá una grave patología psicológica que lo lleva a identificarse con un gorila, animal al que se siente muy unido. Llegado a este punto, su mujer Leonie le pide el divorcio y, aunque Morgan intenta recuperarla, ella ha empezado a sentirse atraída por otro hombre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Lord Jim
Basada en la novela homónima de Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), cuenta la historia de un oficial de la marina mercante que navega en el Patna, un barco de tercera categoría que transporta peregrinos musulmanes. Durante una tormenta y con el barco a punto de hundirse, Jim y el resto de la tripulación huyen del barco abandonando a los pasajeros. Pero, para su desgracia, cuando llegan a la costa descubren que el Patna ha sido rescatado.
Ring of Spies
P.O. Meadows
The film is based on the actual events of the Portland Spy Ring trial in the U.K. A disgruntled Navy Clerk is transferred to a secret research establishment and is subsequently black-mailed/paid by Czech intelligence to procure secrets for them. He seduces the secretary who controls the most secret documents, and they enjoy the fruits of their treachery until the British authorities begin to close in on them.
Term of Trial
A schoolteacher plagued by alcoholism and his refusal to serve in World War II, Graham Weir inspires contempt in almost everyone around him, including his bitter wife, Anna. When the lovely young Shirley Taylor, one of Weir's students, falls for her unfortunate instructor, he is tempted and flattered but turns down her advances. Taylor's subsequent actions make Weir's life even more complicated.
Fuego en las calles
A finales de los años cincuenta, la sociedad británica experimenta un cierto clima de odio racial, que afecta sobremanera a los trabajadores de color, inmigrantes en su mayoría, que sienten la animadversión de algunos de sus jefes y de sus compañeros. Este no es el caso de Jacko Palmer, un artesano que realiza su oficio en una fábrica londinense, siempre dispuesto a ayudar a la comunidad negra. No obstante, la actitud que adopta Jacko Palmer en relación a este tema, se pone nuevamente a prueba cuando su hija Kathie se enamora de un colega suyo, el maestro de escuela de raza negra, originario de Jamaica, Peter Lincoln. Su convicción personal lleva a Jacko a aceptar la relación, pero encuentra la oposición de su esposa Nell. Tan sólo una revuelta que enfrenta a una banda de hampones con un grupo de jamaicanos indefensos hace recapacitar a Nell y, de esta forma, aceptar el futuro matrimonio entre su hija y el joven antillano.
Bachelor of Hearts
A German scholar has girl troubles while studying at Cambridge.
La gitana y el caballero
Durante una feria, Paul Deverill (Keith Michell) conocerá a la gitana Belle (Melina Mercouri) de la cual quedará tan prendado que, en contra de un compromiso ya establecido, a la primera oportunidad la convertirá en su amante. Para ella, él no será más que la ocasión de conseguir todo lo que la vida le ha denegado y junto a su enamorado Jess (Patrick McGoohan), hará cuanto pueda para conseguirlo.
Town on Trial
Asst. Commissioner Beckett
When an attractive young girl is murdered, suspicion falls on several members of the local tennis club. It falls to Police Inspector Halloran to sort out all the red herrings, and finally after a confrontation at the top of the local church spire, arrest the culprit. Another fascinating look at what life was like in Britain during the 50's.
The Feminine Touch
Following a group of five very different student nurses during their first year of training at an NHS hospital in London called St. Augustine’s Hospital (filmed at Guy's Hospital), where they live in a dormitory. Susan (Belinda Lee) is reliable and sensible; Pat (Delphi Lawrence) is flighty and open; Maureen (Adrienne Corri) is Irish and loud; Ann (Henryetta Edwards) is a typical public school girl; and Liz (Barbara Archer) comes from a typical working class background. As they get to know each other, they bond in spite of their differences.
The Long Arm
Deputy Commander
Scotland Yard detectives attempt to solve a spate of safe robberies across England beginning with clues found at the latest burglary in London. The film is notable for using a police procedural style made popular by Ealing in their 1950 film The Blue Lamp. It is known in the US as The Third Key.
Charley Moon
Monty Brass
A new career opens for Charley Moon when, during his army service, he is detailed to appear in a unit concert. In doing so, he becomes friendly with Harold Armytage, a peacetime actor of the old school. Hearing that Charley has no job to go to when demobilized, Armytage suggests they team up as stage comics. Things are not easy; jobs are few and far between, and when they can be found they are in the tattiest of theatres, but Charley gains the experience he needs. They then decide to try their luck in London.
Carrington V.C.
Judge Advocate
Major Charles Carrington (David Niven), is arrested for taking £125 from the base safe, he also face two other charges that could finish his distinguished service career. He decides to act on his own defence at his court martial hearing, his argument being that he is owed a lot of money from the army for his various postings that have cost him out of his own pocket. To further complicate the proceedings, Carrington alleges he told his superior, the very disliked Colonel Henniker, that he was taking the money from the safe. A mans career, his marriage, and quite a few reputations, all hang in the balance.
The Agitator
Workman (uncredited)
A socialist inherits the ownership of a major firm and begins wrestling with his beliefs.