Wanda Ventham
Nacimiento : 1935-08-05, Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK
Wanda Ventham (born 5 August 1935) is an English actress.
Versión cinematográfica de “Absolutely Fabulous”, serie producida de 1992 a 1995, que presentaba las desventuras de Edina y Patsy, dos amigas inmaduras, fumadoras empedernidas, alcohólicas y adictas a cualquier tidpo de droga, que llegaron en la edad media, pero se niega a envejecer. En la comedia escrita por Jennifer Saunders, las dos amigas continúan buscando los placeres de la vida. Sin embargo, durante una fiesta en un yate, accidentalmente matan a la modelo Kate Moss. Huyendo de las autoridades, las dos deciden esconderse en la Riviera Francesa.
Woman on Bus
John Smith has been happily involved in a bigamous marriage for five years. He lives with Stephanie in Finsbury and Michelle in Stockwell. Fortunately, for John, he's a taxi driver which involves varying shift work! Simple? Well, when John unwittingly becomes a have-a-go hero and the Finsbury and Stockwell police forces discover something suspicious in their paperwork, John's happy bubble is about to be burst. The action of the movie takes place during the next hectic 24 hours as John, with the assistance of his gullible neighbor Gary, rush between North and South London attempting to thwart the police and prevent the two loving wives coming face to face!
Bridie Straffen
Stella (Natasha Richardson) es la atractiva esposa de Max Raphael (Hugh Bonneville), el nuevo director de un hospital psiquiátrico de máxima seguridad en las afueras de Londres. Inesperadamente, empieza a sentirse atraída por Edgar Stara (Marton Csokas), un artista recluido en la clínica, tras el brutal asesinato de su mujer en un ataque de celos. Stella y Edgar inician un tórrido romance que es contemplado en secreto por el doctor Meter Cleave (Ian McKellen).
After her husband's death, A woman starts looking for independence.
Liz Bennett
A U.S. Embassy worker is helped by an Interpol agent to prove herself innocent of a murder in the Greek isles.
The Rani has returned with another malicious scientific scheme. Taking advantage of the post-regenerative trauma the recently regenerated and unstable Doctor is going through, she hopes to achieve control of an approaching asteroid composed entirely of strange matter. Can the Doctor figure out he is being used for the Rani's evil experiment, and what is behind the door the Rani won't allow him past?
Col. Virginia Lake
El pánico real que amenaza a la Tierra empieza a convertirse en realidad, cuando se confirma de una forma definitiva la aparición de unos OVNIS. Una organización altamente secreta, se organiza en la Tierra con el nombre de Shado, a fin de preparar una estrategia defensiva capaz de disuadir al enemigo de un posible ataque. los OVNIS llegan de un planeta a punto de extinción a millones de años luz, buscando órganos humanos a fin de reparar y dar fuerzas a sus propios cuerpos decadentes. Lo inevitable llega. Una gran batalla espacial decidirá de forma contundente quién dominará el Planeta Tierra
Actress attended by homosexual dresser.
Thea Ransome
The present day: just as the Fourth Doctor and Leela arrive in Fetchborough, England, Professor Fendelman prepares to experiment on a fossilized skull which science says should not exist. The skull is actually an artefact of the Fendahl, a god-like being who feeds on the life force of others. It has begun to awaken and kill. Worse yet, others seek to exploit the Fendahl's dreadful power.
Lady Durward
Cuando varias jóvenes aparecen muertas, extrañamente envejecidas y sin una gota de sangre en el cuerpo, el Dr. Marcus sospecha que se trata de vampirismo, por lo que recluta a Kronos, el Cazador de Vampiros, el cual ha destinado su vida a luchar contra el mal. Una vez víctima él mismo del vampirismo, conoce la fuerza y la debilidad de los vampiros, así como los grandes peligros que conlleva el enfrentamiento a las fuerzas del mal.
Khasi's First Wife
Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond looks after the British outpost near the Khybar pass. Protected by the kilted Third Foot and Mouth regiment, you would think they were safe, but the Khazi of Kalabar has other ideas—he wants all the British dead. But his troops fear the 'skirted-devils, who are rumoured not to wear any underwear.
Clare Mallinger
Tras ocurrir una serie de inexplicables crímenes, el inspector Quenell es asignado al caso. Sus investigaciones le llevarán hasta un científico que ha conseguido crear una especie de mariposa vampiro que crece desmesuradamente y ataca a los seres humanos para beberse su sangre.
Jean Rock
The TARDIS arrives on Earth in July, 1966, on a runway at Gatwick Airport. Polly witnesses a murder in a nearby hangar and is then kidnapped by the perpetrator, Spencer of Chameleon Tours. Ben also vanishes. The Second Doctor and Jamie are left to convince the sceptical airport Commandant there has been foul play.
Percy Pointer's passion in life is the theatre, and all his spare time is devoted to the play he is writing.When it's finished it arrives on the desk of a London impresario, at a time when he wants to stage a flop.
Mrs. Winters
A dog with a spying device under its skin is sent to the Russian government as a present. When the Russians send the dog to a veterinary, British intelligence must get to the dog first and retrieve the spying device.
Priscilla Blunstone-Smythe
Narcotics agent Dennis goes undercover in the Mediterranean Islands to investigate a smuggling operation, and gains the confidence of a woman who works for the ringleader. But Dennis ends up arrested for murder when the crime boss turns up dead.
Gym Mistress
Londres, años 60. Colin (Michael Crawford) se ha perdido toda la revolución sexual, pero tiene a su amigo Tolen (Ray Brooks), a quien envidia, para que le enseñe todos los secretos que debe conocer para conquistar a las mujeres y poder recuperar el tiempo perdido. Nancy Jones (Rita Tushingham) es una joven despistada y provinciana que llega a Londres... Anárquico clásico de la cultura mod con una música genuina del swinging London. Palma de Oro en Cannes. (FILMAFFINITY
Italian Girl
While posters urge austerity and vigilance in wartime Britain, 'Joey Boy' Thompson has never had it better. In a cellar beneath his East London fish shop, a gambling club thrives – and austerity provides a nice black-market sideline. But the dolce vita crumbles when police arrive in a lightning raid, and offer Joey and his fellow reprobates a stark choice: sign up for active service, or face another stint inside. Thus the lads find themselves heading off to Italy, determined to make the best of it...
Dot Franklin
Atraco imperfecto está protagonizada por Sydney James, Dick Emery y Lance Percival como un trío de ladrones de banco no muy brillantes. Tras salir de prisión después de 15 años, los tres muchachos acuden al árbol bajo el que habían escondido el dinero robado. Pero al lado del árbol, existe ahora una comisaría de policía... ¿Cómo conseguirán estos sinvergüenzas recuperar su botín?.
Pretty Bidder
Dos británicos son capturados y esclavizados por los invasores romanos y llevado a Roma. Hengist Pod crea inventos inútiles, mientras Horsa es un luchador valiente y astuto. En uno de sus primeros encuentros en Roma Hengist deja de ser confundido con un luchador, y se establece en la Guardia Real para proteger a Cleopatra. Cleo no lo quiere cerca y comienza a manipular para su desaparición repentina.
An accident in the butchers shop leads Norman Pitkin and Mr Grimsdale to the hospital where, after causing the normal ammount of chaos, Pitkin finds Lindy, a little girl who hasn't spoken or smiled since her parents were killed in an aeroplane accident. Pitkin decides to help.
Dartmouth Girl
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
Ernest Wright's peerless prowess as a locksmith comes to the attention of a tough big-time crook, who feels that the little man would be a valuable asset to his crime kingdom. In order to inveigle him into a series of jobs, he sets up a beautiful hostess as a trap, into which the hapless Ernest inevitably falls..!
Outraged Hair-Salon Customer
Norman Pitkin wants to be a policeman like his father was, but he fails the height test (amongst others). One day he gets out his father's old uniform and "walks the beat". This leads to a level of chaos that only Pitkin could cause
Un grupo de ladrones mata sin querer a la empleada anciana de una tienda, cuando le roban las llaves de la joyería dnde trabaja.
An Inshore Minesweeping Unit has been forgotten by the Navy after World War II on the peaceful island of Boonsley and they have adapted to their circumstances. The men still wear uniforms and the proper reports are filed, although the reports of hundreds of mines are exaggerated. The captain spends his time fishing, the Number One is busy romancing the only Wren on the island and The Chief Boatswain runs a wine smuggling business. Unfortunately the Navy start to get suspicious.
Magazine editor Valerie Carr lives in London with her two daughters Jan, aged seventeen, and Poppet, thirteen. When Jan is invited to a party at the Savoy, she meets dashing young Tony Ward Black mad about jive, owner of a Bentley, and supposedly running through a legacy. Attracted to the daring young man, she rejects Mark, a young farmer who is in love with her. But it soon becomes apparent to everyone but Jan that neither Tony's fortune nor even his name may be his own, and her association with him will lead her into delinquency and danger.