Laurent Lavolé

Laurent Lavolé


Laurent Lavolé


Seven Winters in Tehran
After seven years in prison, a female student in Tehran is hanged for murder. She had acted in self-defence against a rapist. For a pardon, she would have had to retract her testimony. This moving film reopens the case.
Tres Veranos
Una mujer de unos cincuenta años, trabaja como limpiadora en una urbanización de lujo cerca de la costa, donde la exhuberante vegetación tropical rodea las mansiones veraniegas y los yates privados de la élite de Río de Janeiro.
My Favourite Fabric
Damascus, Spring 2011. It's the early stages of the civil war. 25-year-old Nahla is torn between her desire for freedom and the hope of leaving the country thanks to her arranged marriage with Samir, a Syrian expatriate in the USA. When he chooses her younger, more docile sister Myriam, Nahla finds refuge at her neighbor's, the mysterious Ms Jiji.
November 2016 : The United States of America are about to elect their new president. AMERICA is a deep dive into the heart of Arizona, meeting the inhabitants of a little town crossed by Road 66, the broken inheritors of the American Dream who deliver us their hopes and fears.
Looking for Her
Elisa, on a verge of divorce, leaves Paris with her son Noe to settle in her hometown of Dunkerque to find the biological mother who gave her up for adoption 30 years before.
Campo Grande
A wealthy middle-aged woman unexpectedly finds herself caring for two impoverished young siblings, in this subtle, touching and sincere study of class disparity from Brazilian filmmaker Sandra Kogut.
En la flor de la vida
Gaspard Dassonville tiene 63 años, pero vive como si fuera joven. Es un famoso productor de TV, que colecciona novias treintañeras y se niega a reconocer signo alguno de envejecimiento. Gaspard se ve obligado a acoger en su casa a su padre, que ya no puede vivir solo, pero el indómito anciano fastidia los juveniles planes de su hijo. La llegada de Zana, una extravagante cuidadora de imaginación galopante, acaba enfrentando a padre e hijo, pues cada uno a su manera se siente atraído por ella. (FILMAFFINITY)
Belleville Story
Freddie is starting as a thug for Jazdec the Polish, a pimp and concealer of illicit goods. Freddy's love for Larna, whom he dreams to snatch from prostitution, drive them into jeopardy under the clutches of a Chinese Godfather. To see Larna alive, Freddie must kill the so-called Mr. Zhu, a strange Chinese Zorro who just arrived in Paris to retrieve a young runaway fellow countrywoman.
Una Nueva Vida
Jenhee (Kim Sae-ron, 'The Man from Nowhere'), una niña coreana de 9 años, es abandonada por su padre en un orfanato, sin ni siquiera despedirse de ella. Los primeros días Jenhee mantiene la esperanza de que su progenitor vaya a buscarla de nuevo, pero transcurrido el tiempo la pequeña se hace a la idea de que su estancia va a ser más larga de lo esperado, y que quizás ya nunca vuelva a ver a su padre. Aunque al principio no resulta fácil, la huérfana consigue integrarse con sus compañera, llegando incluso a hacer amigas. Desafortunadamente, algunas de estas amistades se esfumarán antes de haberse consolidado, ya que algunas de las chicas serán progresivamente adoptadas. El del abandono y la separación son sentimientos muy arraigados en la pequeña, que tendrá que lidiar con el miedo a tener que separarse de sus nuevos padres cuando sea adoptada.
Maré, Our Love Story
Delegated Producer
Free adaptation of Romeo and Juliet translated to the harsh life in Favela da Maré, one of largest and most violent slums in Rio de Janeiro. Living in a slum divided between two rival gangs of drug traffickers, Analídia is the daughter of one of the gangs' leaders and Jonathan is a childhood friend of the other gang leader. Both study in a dance group situated exactly in the middle of the two territories, looking for solace in art.
Thiago lives with his family on an isolated farm in the arid backlands of Minas Gerais, Brazil. As the story unfolds and Thiago is forced to confront separations and betrayal within the home, Thiago begins, little by little, to see and understand a place that he had never been able to before, thus slowly letting go of his innocence.
Après lui
Cuando su hijo Mathieu muere en un accidente de coche, Camille (Catherine Deneuve) siente que su mundo se hunde. La única persona en la que logra encontrar consuelo es Franck, el mejor amigo de su hijo y el responsable de su muerte. Ni su marido ni su hija le sirven de apoyo; sólo Franck, atormentado por la culpa, parece entender y compartir su dolor. Pero el interés de Camille por el chico se convierte pronto en algo obsesivo. (FILMAFFINITY)
A Thousand Months
1981, Morocco. A village in the Atlas mountains. A city in the distance. A child. A family facing its destiny.
Quand on sera grand
At thirty, Simon is juggling with life and it's problems. He is torn between his job as a journalist at "Tobacco Monthly", his girlfreind Christine with whom he can't seem to have a child and his friends Fabrice, Léa and Roché. On the family side, he should be sorting things out with his psychiatrist father but he mainly takes care of his Granma who is loosing her mind and making life impossible for everyone around her. When he meets Claire, a pregnant neighbour neglected by her husband, his life takes an unexpected turn.
An Early Frost
A young girl's pet rabbit shows homosexual inclinations, and her parents take some very extreme measures. Meanwhile, in her own neighborhood, the girl observes similar inclinations in humans.
La polyclinique de l'amour