Albert Camus

Albert Camus

Nacimiento : 1913-11-07, Dréan, Algeria

Muerte : 1960-01-04


Albert Camus was a French Algerian philosopher, author, and journalist. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature at the age of 44 in 1957, the second-youngest recipient in history. Camus was born in Algeria to French Pieds Noirs parents. His citizenship was French.


Albert Camus
Albert Camus


The Stranger
An emotionally indifferent man's mother passes away. With his arrival at his hometown, he is presented with a myriad of morally questionable situations. Later on, his indifference turns to violence.
La cura
The Lives of Albert Camus
Self (archive footage)
Albert Camus died at 46 years old on January 4, 1960, two years after his Nobel Prize in literature. Author of “L'Etranger”, one of the most widely read novels in the world, philosopher of the absurd and of revolt, resistant, journalist, playwright, Albert Camus had an extraordinary destiny. Child of the poor districts of Algiers, tuberculosis patient, orphan of father, son of an illiterate and deaf mother, he tore himself away from his condition thanks to his teacher. French from Algeria, he never ceased to fight for equality with the Arabs and the Kabyle, while fearing the Independence of the FLN. Founded on restored and colorized archives, and first-hand accounts, this documentary attempts to paint the portrait of Camus as he was.
Camus, l'icône de la révolte
Self (archive footage)
Les Justes
Original Story
Today, immense confusion reigns over the quest for the absolute, revolt and fury, violence and its appendages. And many people plunge back in Albert Camus' work to find answers. In the foreword to his play, the philosopher and writer summarizes the intrigue as follows: "In February 1905, in Moscow, a group of terrorists, belonging to the Socialist Revolutionary Party, organized a bomb attack against the Grand Duke Serge, Tsar's uncle ”. The rapper and slammer Abd Al Malik offers with this "musical tragedy" a contemporary staging of "The Just", a complete creation, faithful to the text of Camus, but reinventing a scenic and musical language resolutely inscribed in our time.
Lejos de los hombres
Short Story
Argelia, 1954. En medio del duro invierno, Daru (Viggo Mortensen), un profesor francés, acepta de mala gana escoltar a Mohamed (Reda Kateb), un hombre acusado de asesinato, a través de las montañas Atlas para que se enfrente a juicio. Perseguidos por hombres que reclaman la ley de la sangre y por colonos revanchistas, los dos hombres se rebelan. Juntos lucharán para recuperar la libertad.
The First Man
Based on a novel that Albert Camus was working on when he died, we follow Jacques Comery as he travels back to Algeria in 1957, a place full of childhood memories. The country is split between those wanting to remain a part of France, and those demanding independence. Reminiscences of his mother, his stern grandmother and a young Arab boy come flooding back.
Albert Camus en Menorca
Self (archive footage)
Un relato de la breve vida del escritor Albert Camus (1913-1960), francés nacido en Argelia: su origen español en la isla de Menorca, su infancia en Argel, su carrera literaria y su lucha constante contra los pomposos intelectuales burgueses franceses, su compromiso comunista, su amor por España y su oposición a la independencia de Argelia, ya que causaría la pérdida de su verdadero hogar, su alejamiento definitivo.
The Stranger
A short interpretation of Camus novel with a couple of emotional alterations to the drama.
El malentendido
Theatre Play
A young woman will seek to reunite with her family after being adopted. After finding out her whereabouts with a detective, she will travel inside to meet them waiting to be recognized. Her mother and brother have a roadside post on the Paraguayan border, but only in appearance, as they actually do macabre and terrifying work.
Musa, a customs clerk, lives quietly with his mother. Tragedy and change come for him, as they do for everyone, and he must confront his own attitude towards life’s absurdity.
Theatre Play
In the last house just behind the western borders of Russia, between Paris/Texas and Korleput/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Cindy Sherman, Dogma 95 and Duma 2000, Frank Castorf directs his virst video production "Dämonen" ("Demons") as a sort of post-Soviet-panslavistic panopticon in his own dramaturgy based on Dostojewski's "Demons" and Camus' "The Posessed". All that in set designer Bert Neumann's industrial-designed bungalow (with swimming pool) built onto forbidding landscape.
Los Inquietos
Ari de 27 años (Mikko Nousiainen) es un doctor de ambulancias que trabaja en el cuerpo de bomberos de Turku. Fuera de su trabajo, su principal afición son las noches y tiene como norma no acostarse dos veces con la misma mujer porque está seguro que el compromiso es dolor y él no desea herir a nadie. Todo en la vida de Ari marcha bien excepto ese profundo sentimiento de vacío. Pero cuando Ari conoce a Tina (Laura Malmivaara) algo inesperado ocurre: Ari se enamora.
La peste
La peste muestra cómo se afecta la vida en una ciudad tras ser declarada una epidemia de peste. Pero va mucho más allá y refleja como el desastre y la desgracia pueden hacer aflorar los mejores sentimientos y actitudes de las personas para luchar y lograr sobreponerse ante lo que consideran injusto. El protagonista, el doctor Rieux, se queda en la ciudad porque marcharse sería desertar, siente la necesidad de combatir para acabar con el mal, que tiene la forma de la temible peste bubónica. Esta enfermedad da al traste con las vidas e ilusiones de cientos de inocentes. El miedo inunda las calles, y, además del doctor Rieux, hay otras personas dispuestas a ayudar y conseguir terminar con el horror. El esfuerzo común logra que la peste acabe desapareciendo ante el júbilo de todos. Pero queda planteada la duda sobre si no es posible que la amenaza siga vigente y algún día regrese. (FILMAFFINITY)
La furia de un dios
En la orilla de una playa yace el cadáver de Claudio O´Riley, heredero de un monopolio camaronero, y su voz narra su ascenso al poder: la relación incestuosa con su hermana, el trato degradante a su socios, la caprichosa detención de toda actividad de las empresas, la humillación constante a sus colegas más corruptos, la fornicación con sus esposas y finalmente su enloquecimiento por el poder.
Original Story
At an isolated Canadian area Madiha lives with her mother; they run a small motel after they immigrated from Egypt when the mother got divorced. Madiha doesn't know that she has a brother in Cairo named Nagi, And she hate the way they make their living by sedating the few customers who arrive to the motel, steal their money and using their deaf/mute servant to get ride of the bodies in the near by lake. Nagi arrives to Canada after his father dies trying to locate his mother and sister, he arrives to the motel and checks in hiding his personality trying yo get to know his mother first and understand why his father didn't want him to have anything to do with her..
Jonah, or the Artist at Work
A painter lives with his wife and four children in a studio. Due to creative frustrations and the irritation of admirers and hangers-on he becomes increasingly reclusive, finally sealing himself away in the attic. Based on an Albert Camus story.
Bajo la metralla
Theatre Play
A guerrilla commando tries to kidnap a politician. In the attempt, several policemen and a guerrillero die. By chance the head of the kidnappers meets an old colleague; to prevent him from betraying them, he kidnaps him.
A Town in Fog
Theatre Play
A man who has been living overseas for many years returns home to find his sister and widowed mother are making a living by taking in lodgers and murdering them.
El malentendido
Theatre Play
Jan, un joven cuya vida transcurre con éxito, rico y enamorado, decide renovar los vínculos con su familia, a la que había abandonado hacía algunos muchos años. Así que, junto a su esposa Maria, regresa a su ciudad natal y, más concretamente a la pensión regentada por su madre y su hermana. Al no saber cómo desvelar su verdadera identidad, Jan se aloja en el albergue, esperando el momento oportuno para su declaración. Sin embargo un destino cruel le espera. Su madre y su hermana Martha tienen la costumbre de asesinar a los viajeros que pernoctan en el albergue para robarles y para obtener así los recursos necesarios para escapar de esos tristes páramos y encontrar tierras más soleadas. Jan, al no revelar su identidad, sufrirá el mismo destino que depara al resto de viajeros.
La obra de teatro Calígula, escrita por Albert Camus, se basa en la vida del emperador romano y de ahí parte su historia. El tema es el de este personaje, quien se vuelve loco a partir de la muerte de su hermana con quien tenía relaciones incestuosas. Al principio desaparece unos días. Sus leales compañeros temen por él ya que suponen que la pérdida de Drusila le está dando un sufrimiento mortal. Cuando Calígula retorna de “su retiro” viene totalmente cambiado. Ha adoptado una nueva lógica para su vida, quizá para amortiguar el enorme dolor de la pérdida de su amada.
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Inspired by Albert Camus’s The Plague, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow is perhaps Lung Kong’s grandest vision, and a testament to his uncompromising humanist convictions. From a rat infestation in the slums, a fast-spreading virus grips Hong Kong, inducing panic when the government is slow to react. Mercilessly cut down by censors for its frank portrayal of class and political conflicts at the time of its release, the film found new critical acclaim in during the SARS outbreak decades later. In 2011, it was placed on Hong Kong Film Archive’s list of the 100 must-see Hong Kong films of all time.
Le parole a venire
Free adaptation of Camus' "Les muets".
El Extranjero
En 1935, un empleado francés asesina a tiros a un árabe en Argelia y durante el juicio renuncia a defenderse.
Short Story
Young man from "the provinces" adrift in Mexico City.
Der Belagerungszustand
A comet drops from the sky and causes a stir in Cadiz, Spain. A nihilistic drunk called Nada announces that very bad things are imminent. A herald gives orders that it is punishable to mention the comet.
Die Besessenen
Theatre Play