Defeated and alone, Dave wanders the streets in the early hours of his 40th birthday. His great love is music... from a long forgotten era… and he has dedicated himself to it. Unfortunately, no one’s listening. This is the end of Dave’s dream… and things go from bad to worse until… he is offered a job: a wedding in Connecticut. He gets one last chance to play, but with a band he has never met.
In his eighth HBO special, the comic reflects on humorous events from his childhood, his summer job as a lifeguard in the Catskills, the 1960s sexual revolution and signs of aging. Taped in New York City at the John Jay College Theater.
Crónica neoyorquina de la dura década de los 30, durante la cual artistas (Diego Rivera, Orson Welles), miembros de la alta burguesía de los negocios (Rockefeller) y obreros se aliaron para luchar contra la censura y en defensa de la libertad de expresión, en una revolución cultural sin precedentes.
Durante el rodaje de una película la protagonista, madre de Jeff, muere trágicamente. El padre y el hijo deciden abandonar la gran ciudad e instalarse en un pueblo donde el padre ejercerá su profesión de veterinario. (FILMAFFINITY)