Salvatore. vuelve a Sicilia tras haber pasado algún tiempo en América. A su llegada, toda la familia le recibe con los brazos abiertos, su hermano, la cuñada, y Maríuchia. su sobrina, la cual se ha convertido en una mujer durante su ausencia...
Es la historia de un hombre que no puede dejar embarazada a su esposa, por lo que deciden pedir "ayuda" a una joven muy sensual.
Leopoldo Lalumera, nieto de un rico barón de ochenta y cuatro años, enfurecido durante una convención galáctica con una criada prosaica, descubre, en la víspera de la boda con su prima Mariantonia, que se ha convertido en impotente.
En Catania, en la casa de la familia Platania, una joven francesa llega como ama de llaves: Caterina Leher. En esta casa viven el anciano viudo Leopoldo; su hijo Enrico, dedicado a aventuras ex matrimoniales; la nuera Elena, una intelectual más alejada que se deja cortejar con discreción por el escritor Alessandro Bonivaglia, un visitante tolerado de la casa; los dos niños pequeños de estos, todos servidos fielmente por una chica ingenua: Jana.
1600, Southern Italy is under the Spanish Government. A few years before an attempt at rebellion, inspired by the preaching of the philosopher and monk Tommaso Campanella, is severely quelled by the Government. Tommaso Campanella, under the charge of the plot, is put into a prison in Naples and waits for the conclusion of an endless process. Throughout the Calabrian countries his name is wrapped up in legend, he becomes almost a myth. Someone believes he has escaped from prison and wanders about under a false name.
Un antiguo mafioso ya retirado y que no quiere volver a oír hablar de su pasado recibe la visita de un emisario de sus antiguos compañeros, que le exigen colaborar con ellos en un asunto turbio. Ante la negativa de éste a colaborar y no prestar su empresa de construcción para el turbio negocio, recibe la visita de unos sicarios disfrazados de policías que matan a todos los trabajadores y lo dejan a él con vida. A partir de este momento una lucha sin cuartel se desata entre el viejo gangster y los mafiosos. En medio de los dos bandos, un inspector de policía intentará aclarar el asunto y detener a los culpables.
Darmon Henchman
El sheriff Alamo (Harry Riebauer) atrapa a Alan Fox (Toni Sailer) y lo acusa del asesinato de una joven maestra de Silver City. Pero el verdadero asesino es Jerry Damon (Mario Petri), el dueño del saloon de Silver City. Entonces interviene un amigo de Alan, que es Sansón (Alan Steel), y lo libera, de manera que ambos, junto con un indio llamado Jim, pueden ponerse a la cacería de Damon, que prepara una expedición a los Montes Pálidos, donde supuestamente se ocultan los últimos incas y sus fabulosos tesoros.
Carla, casada con Massimo desde hace cinco años, vive una aventura amorosa con Aldo. Ella desea que su marido lo sepa y lo lleva a la playa donde ha concertado una cita con Aldo.
il cugino di Ascalone
En un pequeño pueblo de Sicilia, la joven Agnese es embaucada y seducida por Peppino, el novio de su hermana Matilde. Cuando el padre de la chica se entera de lo ocurrido, sufre un ataque de ira: primero se desahoga con ella y luego, confirmado su embarazo, va a buscar a Peppino y lo obliga a casarse con ella, renunciando así a Matilde. Sin embargo, el joven consigue ganar tiempo y, con la ayuda de su familia, se fuga.
Miguel - Rojo Gunman (uncredited)
Tras la muerte de Juárez, en México dominan la injusticia y el terror. Joe, un pistolero vagabundo, llega al pueblo fronterizo de San Miguel, donde dos familias se disputan el control del territorio, y entra al servicio del clan Rojo. Una noche, Joe es testigo del intercambio de oro por armas entre mexicanos y soldados de la Unión...
Don Luigino Trizzini
Two young men in a village in Sicily raping a girl. In the end, two skilled lawyers will succeed in getting them to complete the trial, but one, who in the meantime has fallen in love with the victim.
Four petty criminals pretend to be friars escaped from communist Hungary and go and live in a Sicilian convent
Direttore del carcere
Lina, sirvienta de una familia acomodada, tras ser acusada de complicidad en un robo, termina en prisión. Allí conoce a a una delincuente habitual, que con su fuerte caracter, le hará aprender a ser mas independiente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Three vignettes about couples trying to get together and the problems that continue to keep them apart.
Don José
Don José es un buen padre de familia y empleado modelo. Él vive en su casa como un rey, su esposa e hijos sus más felices súbditos; el único enemigo es doña Rosa, su suegra, que tiene la manía de decir la última palabra en todo. Un día solicita la concesión de un Seat 600, pero para comprarlo tendrá que prescindir de su colección de sellos y cumplir las condiciones que le propone su suegra, si quiere que ésta le ayude a conseguirlo.
Gaspare Puggioni, 1st Coast Guard Officer
Squarcio, un pobre pescador italiano (Yves Montand) trata de sacar adelante a su familia practicando la pesca con dinamita - lanzando granadas al agua para capturar el marisco-. Desgraciadamente, llega al pueblo un nuevo jefe de la Guardia Costera, que está decidido a acabar con esa ilegal forma de pesca.
Miguel, de profesión camionero, quiere prosperar y comprar una estación de servicio por la que pasa habitualmente. Para conseguir el dinero, despeña un camión de una empresa rival. Sólo una persona conoce el delito, la camarera del restaurante donde se reúnen todos los camioneros.
Philippe Perrin, a young engineer passionate about his work, leads the construction of a huge dam in the High Alps. Like all the men who work on the building site, he gives the best part of himself. Unfortunately, his health deteriorates but he refuses to follow the doctor's orders as well as the advice of Micheline, a young nurse who has fallen in love with him. However, driven by the evolution of his illness, Philippe finally makes up his mind to go down to the valley for a treatment. On the very day of his departure though, a young Arab worker gets killed in a rock crusher...
Bezzi, il contadino
Tercera entrega de las andanzas del alcalde comunista Peppone y el párroco del pueblo don Camilo. Todo transcurre en Brescello, a orillas del Po, donde Peppone aspira a llegar a senador, para lo que hará una importante campaña. Pero a pesar de su lucha heroica contra los fascistas durante la guerra, no tiene ni un mísero título académico. Don Camilo podría ayudarle en este tema...
Don Puglisi
Capitano del battello
En los mares ecuatoriales africanos se escapa un aventurero sin escrúpulos, junto con su esposa, después de robar perlas y matar a su cómplice. Para perseguirlo no solo está la policía, sino también una verdadera maldición.
Uncle Brasi
In Pietro Mascagni's tragic opera, a soldier returns home from war to reclaim his former fiancée, only to find that she's married someone else in his absence, leading to jealousy, betrayal, and murder.
Lucia Spinelli, orphaned by both parents, is taken as a housekeeper in the house of Mrs. Carla Parodi, when she reaches the age of majority, the young woman is almost forced to marry Mrs. Carla's brother. After the marriage and the birth of the first child, Parodi's intrusions on the life of the two spouses continue.
Don Antonio Percucoco
El sueño de la incontenible Anna Zaccheo de contraer un buen matrimonio le acarreará varias experiencias trágicas tratando de conseguir una dote para casarse con Andrea, un marinero del cual se ha enamorado.
Padre putativo di Jolanda
Collected at the age of two, under extreme conditions, by a company of Gypsies, Jolly grew up among them, together with the man who accompanied her.
Achille Buongiorno
A mild-mannered man is mistaken for a subversive.
Il maestro di musica
Mario and Fabrizio are two boxer friends who fall for the same girl and become enemies because of her. As time goes by things get better between the two men but... tragedy looms behind the corner.
colonnello Grimaldi
maresciallo della legione straniera
As the Legion Etrangère puts in at Napoli, legionnaire Walter escapes from the ship to meet a woman he still loves ,in spite of his five years away from home.
L'homme de ma vie stars Madeleine Robinson as Madeleine, who after being abandoned by her lover is forced to raise her baby all by herself. Supporting herself and her child as a prostitute, Madeleine manages to give her daughter an expensive girl's-school education, all the while keeping her own identity and profession a secret. The girl grows up to be an insufferable snob; nonetheless, Madeleine attempts to re-establish a relationship. Things take a sorry turn when the daughter takes drastic actions to defend her mother's honor.
Detective Pietrangeli
A woman has jumped or been pushed from five stories of an apartment house. The detective on the case lives there, and he discovers that the woman's estranged husband does also.
Gustavo Castelli
In 1951, two years after the “scandal” of the Fiamma che non si spegne, Cottafavi got the opportunity to work on a film with a small production company, Novissima Film. With little means, a number of technical and financial problems and working Sundays with the pieces of film given to him bit by bit, Cottafavi shot Una donna ha ucciso, a minor film that marked his comeback to directing. (Gianni Rondolino)
don Filippo
Commissario capo
Un inspector de policía se alía con un ex militar para acabar con una banda de traficantes de droga.
Doctor Micheli
Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He falls in love for Mara, a village girl, and with her help he hunts down all of the witnesses who lied about him at the trial.
don Ciccio Balestrieri
Turi, having returned to Sicily from abroad, learns that his sister Maruzza is the lover of Cosimo Barrese, a militant of the Movement for the Independence of Sicily, who, abandoned by everyone, has become a bandit. The two would like to get married, but life as an outlaw seems an insurmountable obstacle. Turi asks for revenge on the bandit who has dishonored the family and uses a shady and devious lawyer to drive him into a trap.
Scoppola - the killer
The title of this Italian melodrama translates to Pact with the Devil. However, His Satanic Majesty does not appear in the film. Rather, this expensively produced period piece is more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, with young love threatened by warring families. In his first Italian film, Hollywood veteran Eduardo Cianelli goes through his usual villainous paces as the scheming father of the male lead (Jacques Francois). The most fascinating performance is rendered by Umberto Spadaro, as the village idiot, or is he? Patto col Diavolo makes the most of the visual dynamics of Italy's mountainous Calabrian region.
Don Gennaro
An Italian man is released from prison after World War II, excited to meet the son his late wife had while he was away, only to be shocked when he discovers that the son is half-black, the result of an encounter between his wife and an American GI. Released in America as "Angelo"
Aldo Piscitello
Aldo Piscitello, a minor government clerk, is forced in 1934 to join the Fascist party. When the war comes, he finds himself able only to talk ineffectually in secret against Mussolini, even as his own son Giovanni is sent into battle. By the end of the war, Aldo has found the courage to stand up for his beliefs, but by then it is too late.
En la Roma de la posguerra, un obrero sin empleo consigue un sencillo trabajo pegando carteles a condición de que posea una bicicleta. Obra maestra del neorrealismo italiano que forma junto con "Umberto D." y "Miracolo a Milano" la famosa trilogía de De Sica.
Sicily, 17th Century. When his fiancée is kidnapped, a young man sets out to find her.
Un hombre descubre que su hija, la cual creía muerta en la guerra, está unida a una organización criminal.
A young woman is murdered and robbed in broad daylight. A young man is arrested, in possession of some of the jewels of the victim. The passionate protests of his sister arouse the compassion of Za la Mort, who promises to help the girl.
il gobbo
A film that is going to be viewed on Filmoteca
Lo stregone
The explorer Smith leaves with Laura, a beautiful but naive girl, in search of Professor Berti, who mysteriously disappeared in Africa in the midst of one of his researches.
Sicily, early 1900s. An impoverished prince settles into the house of a rich shipowner and becomes his counselor.