Harry Goldstein


"Tag!" - About the American malaria researcher Nkruma who arrives with a family to Gothenburg for a lecture at Sahlgrenska Hospital. Nkruma ends up in a strange prank. The adults play tag in the streets. Nkruma refuses to participate in the game. This will be fatal for him and his family.
Four young boys with immigrant backgrounds stumble upon the recipe for Elixir, a drink that will make them more Swedish, both culturally and in appearance. What starts out as fun...
Un grupo de policías se aburre mortalmente en una comisaría local; el problema es que como en los últimos diez años no se ha cometido un verdadero crimen en la zona, las autoridades competentes están a punto de cerrar la comisaria. Dadas las circunstancias, tendrán que pensar algo para salvar su puesto de trabajo.
The Best Man's Wedding
Sex-shop owner
Roro and Måns who are best friends, work at the park management and get to do all the shit jobs - clean up duck ponds and pick up dog poop. Roro's Swedish girlfriend Lisa wants to be introduced to his family but he refuses for a long time because of his Lebanese family traditions. When Roro finally decides to introduce Lisa to his family, he walks into the apartment full of relatives who are...