Felipe Lacerda

Nacimiento : 1969-08-13, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Nothing Ever Happened
António is a farmer who leaves his land to go to the city where his son Jorge lives. However, unlike a perfect portrait, the patriarch finds a life of lies, a broken marriage and Pedro, a grandson with dangerous attitudes. It all translates into a life of broken dreams.
La democracia en peligro
Aunque una vez Brasil fue un país lastrado por una dictadura militar, el 2002 se produjo uno de los acontecimientos más importantes de su historia social: la elección de Lula da Silva como presidente, un activista que había luchado largo y tendido para defender los derechos del pueblo carioca. Bajo su mandato, más de 20 millones de personas lograron superar el umbral de pobreza. En 2010, Lula cedió el testigo del poder a un prodigio llamado Dilma Rousseff. Por desgracia, la corrupción institucional alcanzó al pueblo llano que, influenciado por un juez partisano, acabó poniendo la lupa sobre Lula y Dilma, así como sobre cualquier persona que no estuviese dispuesto a bailar a su son. Este documental explica el proceso que llevaría a ambos políticos a juzgados por distintos crímenes judiciales.
One Day We Arrived in Japan
Editorial Production Assistant
Spanning 10 years and 10,000 miles, One Day We Arrived in Japan shows the stories of three Brazilian families who set off to Japan in search of a better future – a mother and daughter, a young couple, and a family of four with a small child. The film captures the passage of time, forming layers of memory and revealing how the families’ dreams and expectations stand up to a grueling new reality on the other side of the world. Since 1990, hundreds of thousands of Brazilians of Japanese descent have gone to Japan to work. This unique documentary brings to light the gripping personal stories behind a major transnational phenomenon.
One Day We Arrived in Japan
Editorial Consultant
Spanning 10 years and 10,000 miles, One Day We Arrived in Japan shows the stories of three Brazilian families who set off to Japan in search of a better future – a mother and daughter, a young couple, and a family of four with a small child. The film captures the passage of time, forming layers of memory and revealing how the families’ dreams and expectations stand up to a grueling new reality on the other side of the world. Since 1990, hundreds of thousands of Brazilians of Japanese descent have gone to Japan to work. This unique documentary brings to light the gripping personal stories behind a major transnational phenomenon.
The Soundtrack of a life. Cris ( Selton Mello) , a young artist still trying to find his place on the tough world of arts, gets from Brazilian Government special permit to stay a month in an isolated international research station surrounded by nothing but ice. His goal is to prepare an exhibition mixing music and photography. Cris will go against his own defined concepts and values, as he spends time with other researchers discovering PLANET EARTH on an never seen perspective. This shock will result on this young artist 's evolution changing his life forever.
Apaixonados: O Filme
Three couples meet in the middle of Carnival, trying to get together in the midst of various conflicts that have the biggest party in Brazil as a scenario - and often as a cause.
One reality. Two actors. Three couples in crisis. Outburst tells the story of three couples in crisis. Three families living a crucial moment in their lives. They each represent a different social class, a different group of values. The boring opulence of wealth, the frustrating character of a goal oriented middle-class life, the overpowering struggles of poverty, in a way, these couples represent each and every one of us. Together they sketch a destructive status quo.
Chatô: The King of Brazil
The true story of Assis Chateaubriand, the first magnate of communications in Brazil. Due to his influence during the late 1930s up to the early 1960s, he has come to be called 'the Brazilian Citizen Kane'.
Rio, I Love You
Película rodada a modo de antología que está formada por diversas historias de amor unidas por un mismo fondo, en este caso la ciudad de Río de Janeiro.
Secrets of the Tribe
What happens when western anthropologists descend on the Amazon and make one of the last unacculturated tribes in existence, the Yanomami, the most exhaustively filmed and studied tribe on the planet? Despite their "do no harm" creed and scientific aims, the small army of anthropologists that has studied the Yanomami since the 1960s has wreaked havoc among the tribe - and sparked a war within the anthropology community itself.
Os representantes
31 Minutos, la película
La malvada multimillonaria Cachirula está obsesionada con completar su colección de animales extraños y para ello encarga a Tío Pelado traer a Juanín Juan Harry hasta su maléfica isla. Mientras tanto, el día del cumpleaños de Tulio Triviño, Juanín tiene todo preparado para festejarlo, pero los planes de Cachirula triunfarán con un engaño que terminará con Juanín despedido y alejado de sus amigos. Como es de suponer, es en ese momento que Tío Pelado convencerá a Juanín de ir a trabajar con él a su canal y rápidamente lo meterá en un container y lo subirá a un barco en dirección a la isla. Cuando todo el staff de 31 Minutos se den cuenta, comenzarán un viaje que no estará exento de risas, tormentas y hasta ganas de volver a casa, aunque finalmente el valor de la amistad será más fuerte.
Sexo com Amor?
Three children are caught in school with an erotic book. His parents are called by the leadership to discuss the problem. During the meeting, comes to surface the love and sexual problems of these three couples; such as lack of desire, betrayal, love, passion, insecurity and provocations.
If I Were You
The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years, but they do not understand and respect the feelings and view point of the partner. Claudio sees Helena as a shopper and "little teacher of a choral" and Helena sees Claudio as an insensitive and rough man. On the night before the fiftieth anniversary of Claudio, they changed places with each other.
Owner of the Story
A 50 year-old woman who analyses her past. She pictures herself when she was 20 years old and she re-creates the story of her life through a game of innumerous possibilities. What if she wouldn't have gone to that ball? What if... instead of meeting the man of her life, with whom she married and had kids, she would have called a girlfriend and they went to the theater? What would be her destiny? What would have happened? In the plot the present talks to the past. A young woman projects her future in a fascinating game between memories and desires.
Bus 174
Documentary depicts what happened in Rio de Janeiro on June 12th 2000, when bus 174 was taken by an armed young man, threatening to shoot all the passengers. Transmitted live on all Brazilian TV networks, this shocking and tragic-ending event became one of violence's most shocking portraits, and one of the scariest examples of police incompetence and abuse in recent years.
O Sonho de Rose - 10 Anos Depois
Documentary depicting what happened to the characters in the film Terra para Rose, made by the same director. Shows the life of some 1500 families of landless rural laborers who, for the first time in 1985, occupied an unproductive large landholding, the Annoni plantation in Rio Grande do Sul. After camping out for years in tents, facing down the police and negotiating with the government, the former landless laborers have managed to turn their dream into reality, and are now successful small farmers.
Estación central de Brasil
En los asfixiantes pasillos de la Estación Central, en Río de Janeiro, una antigua maestra se gana la vida escribiendo las cartas que le dictan los analfabetos. Endurecida por la soledad y por la adversidad, Dora ha ido cayendo en una estoica indiferencia. Sin embargo, cuando una de sus clientes muere atropellada a la salida de la estación, decide hacerse cargo de su hijo y llevarlo a casa de su padre en una remota zona del nordeste de Brasil.
El primer día (Midnight)
El destino de Joao, preso en una cárcel de Río de Janeiro, nunca debería haberse cruzado con el de María, aislada en su apartamento. Sin embargo, el 31 de diciembre de 1999 Joao se escapa de la prisión y se produce un encuentro inesperado entre ellos, mientras llega el primer día...
Tierra extranjera
Brasil, marzo de 1990. El plan económico del gobierno brasileño de Collor empuja al país al caos. La vida de Paco, un joven estudiante paulista, se desmorona con la muerte de su madre y acaba con su sueño de ser actor. Paco decide abandonar su país y marcharse a España, la tierra de su madre, aceptando llevar antes a Lisboa un objeto de contrabando. Allí conoce a Álex, el amor y el peligro de morir...
Socorro Nobre
Cuando la reclusa Maria do Socorro Nobre lee un artículo sobre el artista polaco Franz Krajcberg en la revista Veja, decide escribirle una carta. Socorro fue condenado a más de veintiún años en una prisión para mujeres en Salvador, Bahía, mientras que Franz es un artista atormentado que perdió a su familia y vivió su infancia en un gueto en Polonia pero sobrevivió al holocausto. Franz se mudó a Brasil y recuperó el deseo de vivir viviendo cerca de la naturaleza e inspira a Socorro a soñar con la vida nuevamente.