Thor Halvorssen


El disidente
El 2 de octubre de 2018, el periodista del Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi, muy crítico con la política de su país, Arabia Saudí, entró en el consulado saudita de Estambul. Tras 17 días sin noticias de él, la Casa de Saud confirmó su muerte. Le mataron cortándole el cuello y su cuerpo fue descuartizado con una motosierra. Su prometida y disidentes de todos los rincones del mundo tratan en este documental de unir los cabos sueltos de su brutal asesinato.
2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is "finally equal...." The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage.
The Singing Revolution
Most people don't think about singing when they think about revolutions. But song was the weapon of choice when, between 1986 and 1991, Estonians sought to free themselves from decades of Soviet occupation. During those years, hundreds of thousands gathered in public to sing forbidden patriotic songs and to rally for independence. "The young people, without any political party, and without any politicians, just came together ... not only tens of thousands but hundreds of thousands ... to gather and to sing and to give this nation a new spirit," remarks Mart Laar, a Singing Revolution leader featured in the film and the first post-Soviet Prime Minister of Estonia. "This was the idea of the Singing Revolution." James Tusty and Maureen Castle Tusty's "The Singing Revolution" tells the moving story of how the Estonian people peacefully regained their freedom--and helped topple an empire along the way.
Freedom's Fury
En 2006, coincidiendo con el 50 aniversario de la Revolución Húngara, se realizó este documental sobre la semifinal de waterpolo de los Juegos Olímpicos de 1956 entre Hungría y la URSS, conocido como el "Baño sangriento de Melbourne". Está narrado por Mark Spitz, entrenado de joven por Ervin Zádor, figura central de lo ocurrido. El film fue producido por Lucy Liu y Quentin Tarantino, quien describió los hechos como "la mejor historia jamás contada".
Halo of Stars
Set against the backdrop of a small traveling circus, a European clown and his 5-year-old daughter lead each other through the everyday mysteries of love, magic and loss. Based on the long poem “The Clown” by Anthony Lucero.