Anne Campion

Nacimiento : 1929-01-07, Brussels - Belgium


Anne Campion est une actrice belge, née le 7 janvier 1929 à Bruxelles. Anne Campion a été adoptée à l'âge de cinq ans par Léo Campion, après qu'il eut rencontré en 1933 sa mère Jeanne.   


Femmes de Paris
Matrimonial Agency
Viviane Galey
Noël is a bachelor who inherits a matrimonial agency. After contemplating selling it, he chooses to manage it.
Chicago Digest
Dolly Sweety
This comedy short subject satirizes the Hollywood genre which the French had given the name to of Film Noir.
Return to Life
Elsa (segment "Le retour de Louis") (uncredited)
In France in 1946, the difficult return to civilian life of five deportees and prisoners of war after having lived through the hell of the Second World War.
Between Eleven and Midnight
Tonia (uncredited)
Between eleven o’clock and midnight one evening, a notorious trafficker Jérôme Vidauban is shot whilst walking in a tunnel in Paris. The case is assigned to Inspector Carrel, who is Vidauban’s perfect double. Using his resemblance to the arch criminal, Carrel manages to infiltrate in Vidauban’s circle of acquaintances and contacts. He becomes embroiled in a bizarre web of intrigue and discovers no shortage of possible murder suspects, all of whom appear to be surprised to see him still alive.
Between Eleven and Midnight
Between eleven o’clock and midnight one evening, a notorious trafficker Jérôme Vidauban is shot whilst walking in a tunnel in Paris. The case is assigned to Inspector Carrel, who is Vidauban’s perfect double. Using his resemblance to the arch criminal, Carrel manages to infiltrate in Vidauban’s circle of acquaintances and contacts. He becomes embroiled in a bizarre web of intrigue and discovers no shortage of possible murder suspects, all of whom appear to be surprised to see him still alive.
The Devil Who Limped
Pauline de Dino (uncredited)
The film is a 125-minute, black-and-white biography of French priest and diplomat Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754–1838), who served for 50 years under five different French regimes: the Absolute Monarchy, the Revolution, the Consulate, the Empire, and the Constitutional Monarchy. Its title comes from one of the main historical nicknames for Talleyrand, that he shares with demon king Asmodeus and English poet Lord Byron.
Los malditos
Ingrid Eriksen
A bordo de un submarino en el Oslo de 1945, Gilbert, un médico francés, es secuestrado por un grupo de oficiales nazis. En la embarcación habitan todo tipo de fugitivos evitando ser capturados por el bando aliado. Un jefe de la Gestapo, un general alemán, un industrial italiano y un periodista francés colaborador nazi viajan en este barco. Cuando se recibe la noticia del armisticio, un motín estalla a bordo del submarino.