Three young women from a parallel universe play a blind date reality game that culminates in the euphoric Flashout. They get trapped on unfamiliar planet Earth by a reality repairman who must destroy their pleasure-filled game before the Multiverse is permanently altered.
Born Vickie Lynn Hogan, she had a son at 18, became a stripper at 20, and married a billionaire at 26. Sheer determination turned her into Anna Nicole Smith, playmate, model and a household name.
In a futuristic world, Michelle lives everyday battling with DNA Hackers who use their skills to hack into people's bodies and kill them. She is an assassin, trying to keep her younger brother, Jackie, out of trouble. When Jackie gets involved in a petty crime of robbery, he propels himself into the world of DNA Hackers, Shylocks (Loan Sharks) and Gangs
Dillan Johansen es un supervisor de autoridad de tránsito desorganizado que sufre una tragedia personal grave. La valentía de Dillan se pone a prueba el día en que un gran terremoto golpea a Los Ángeles y atrapa a Dillan en un túnel subterráneo con un puñado de usuarios del metro. Dillan trabaja bajo tierra para salvar a los ciudadanos en pánico del fuego, el agua y un escondite secreto de químicos tóxicos.
Ocho veinteañeros con éxito en sus profesiones se reúnen al acabar su jornada de trabajo en un club nocturno de Los Ángeles para materializar sus fantasías y divertirse.