Arthur Lange
Nacimiento : 1889-04-16, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Muerte : 1956-12-07
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In the 1910s, Lange was active as a songwriter, collaborating frequently with lyricist Andrew B. Sterling and publishing with the Joe Morris Music Company. During the first half of the 1920s Lange recorded abundantly for Cameo Records. His 1923 orchestra, which also played the Cinderella Ballroom on Broadway and which included "hot" trumpeters Earl Oliver and Tommy Gott, was at the end of that year bought by young well-to-do bandleader Roger Wolfe Kahn, and it is not known whether the recordings Lange made after this point and up to 1926 were still made by these musicians (Kahn himself did not start recording under his own name for Victor Records until March 1925) or by another group. His 1928 recordings for Pathé Records were, however, almost certainly made by other unknown personnel. Though Lange himself played both piano and banjo he seems (with the exception of a recording by his "Lange trio" in 1922) to have acted only as conductor and arranger on his band recording dates.
Census records show that Lange shared a residence in the Hollywood Hills in 1930 with Ray Heindorf, who would go on to win three Academy Awards.
Lange was a prolific arranger of dance band orchestrations during the 1920s. His "stock" orchestrations were in use by many bands of the day. Lange wrote "Arranging for the Modern Dance Orchestra" which was the definitive work of its day (published Robbins Music, 1926).
Original Music Composer
Mystery writer Mickey Spillane tries to help Clyde Beatty deal with a plot to sabotage his circus.
Original Music Composer
Don Gallico es un maestro en el diseño de ilusiones mágicas que vende a través de su empleado, el Sr. Ormond, a magos famosos como Rinaldi. También es un maestro en el diseño de máscaras de disfraz realistas. Cuando Don se embarca en su propia carrera como Gallico 'the Great', mostrando sus propias ilusiones magistrales, sus sueños se hacen añicos por Ormond, por lo que paga su frustración asesinándole.
Original Music Composer
A la caballería del Ejército de los Estados Unidos se le ordena probar la viabilidad de camellos en los desiertos del Suroeste.
Original Music Composer
Surviving a plane crash in the Sahara, four oilmen find and manage to repair a German Afrika Corps tank which had been buried in the sand since WWII.
Original Music Composer
Ernie Driscoll es un ex-campeón de boxeo que trabaja como taxista. Su monótona vida se ve alterada cuando se entera de que su mujer mantiene relaciones íntimas con un mafioso, que acaba de apoderarse de una fortuna en diamantes.
Abbott y Costello son una pareja de bomberos que salvan la vida de Nugget cuando éste trataba de suicidarse. El motivo es que su novia lo ha dejado, algo que no ha podido superar. Los bomberos deciden ayudar al tipo, lo que les acarreará un gran problema con la justicia. Cuando van con él a su pueblo natal para intentar solucionar las cosas con su chica, descubren que muchos de sus vecinos preferirían que estuviera muerto.
Original Music Composer
Jim Sterling, un soldado norteamericano destinado a Corea, se enamora de una sencilla muchacha japonesa y se casa con ella. Los problemas de la pareja comienzan cuando regresan a los Estados Unidos: enseguida, numerosos detalles de la vida cotidiana, casi imperceptibles, ponen de manifiesto el fuerte rechazo de la familia Sterling hacia la joven extranjera. (FILMAFFINITY)
The feminist author of a national best-seller titled The Lady Says No meets a sexist magazine photographer and decides she'd rather say yes.
Un hombre inocente, recién salido de la cárcel, decide buscar a los que lo mandaron a prisión para vengarse de ellos.
Frank Johnson (Ross Elliott) es testigo de un asesinato mientras pasea una noche a su perro. El inspector Ferris (Robert Keith) le pide que declare ante el gran jurado, pero Frank decide huir. Su mujer, Eleanor (Ann Sheridan), que además piensa que en realidad huye de un matrimonio fracasado, obtiene la ayuda de un periodista, Danny Leggett (Dennis O'Keefe), para localizar a su marido. Pero ellos no son los únicos que le están buscando...
Eddie Tayloe's grandfather leaves him six thousand dollars and the money belt it came in, freeing Tayloe to leave his dull newspaper job in Texas and move to New York to become a playwright. Along the way, his car breaks down and a girl walking along the highway asks for a lift. It turns out she's a nice girl, named Perry, running away from a job at a gasoline station. Soon they're off to New York together, but part ways once they arrive. Time passes and Eddie is failing to sell his play; Perry is failing to find a job. Odd circumstances, involving an old pickpocket named Mandy, bring them together again.
Original Music Composer
Un despreocupado vaquero es confundido por la gente del pueblo con un famoso pistolero. El vaquero decide que lo mejor sería salir de la ciudad... hasta que conoce a la novia del pistolero.
Original Music Composer
En la ciudad minera de Malemute, Yukon, el dueño del salón John Calhoun y una variedad de personajes sombríos buscan las bolsas de polvo de oro que los mineros depositan en el nuevo banco administrado por el mismo Calhoun.
Original Music Composer
El profesor Wanley y sus amigos comienzan a obsesionarse con el retrato de una bella muchacha, que está expuesto en el escaparate contiguo al club en que se reúnen. Wanley conoce por casualidad a la mujer del retrato y acepta ir a su apartamento. Pero allí ocurrirá algo inesperado.
A private eye and a niece investigate when six World War I veterans start dying in the same week.
A soldier falls for a chorus girl and then experiences trouble when he is posted to the Pacific.
Original Music Composer
Based on a true incident that occurred in 1942 when nine Nazi saboteurs were put ashore on the coast of Long Island, New York, by submarine, with orders to blow up various defense installations.
Original Music Composer
Dixie Daisy (Barabara Stanwyck), estrella de variedades, se convierte en la nueva atracción de un music-hall de estilo burlesque. Este hecho hace que se gane como enemiga a la diva Lolita La Verne, quien esperaba haber ocupado su lugar como estrella principal en el show. A esto, se le añade el regreso de la Princesa Nirvena, la antigua estrella del espectáculo, quien tuvo un affair con el jefe. Toda esta situación se convierte en una verdadera intriga, en el momento en que aparecen asesinadas las dos competidoras de Dixie, convirtiéndose está en la principal sospechosa. Para probar su inocencia, decide preparar una trampa para el verdadero asesino, antes de que puedan sucederse más crímenes.
Additional Music
A forger steals and kills for a rare book from a library in order to make forgeries to sell to rich suckers.
Original Music Composer
Wartime documentary propagandizing for greater participation in the U.S. war effort during the Second World War.
Primero de una serie de documentales conocidos por "Why We Fight", que fueron producidos por el ejército de los Estados Unidos. Muestra las causas de la guerra, quiénes son los enemigos y por qué hay que combatirlos.
Un detective privado es abordado por una misteriosa mujer, que dice estar amenazada. Pero tanto el perseguidor como el hombre encargado de su protección aparecen muertos. Todo parece girar alrededor de una estatua de un halcón de valor incalculable.
Joe y Paul Fabrini son dos hermanos que tratan de abrirse camino por su cuenta como camioneros. Tras unos duros comienzos, las cosas comienzan a ir bien, pero la ambición de Joe y la aparición de una mujer obsesionada con él hará que todo se complique.
In his last film assignment, portly Walter Connolly fills the title role (in more ways than one) in The Great Victor Herbert. Very little of Herbert's life story is incorporated in the screenplay (a closing title actually apologizes for the film's paucity of cold hard facts); instead, the writers allow the famed composer's works to speak for themselves. In the tradition of one of his own operettas, Herbert spends most of his time patching up the shaky marriage between tenor John Ramsey (Allan Jones) and Louise Hall (Mary Martin). Many of Herbert's most famous compositions are well in evidence, including "Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life", "March of the Toys" and "Kiss Me Again", the latter performed con brio by teenaged coloratura Susanna Foster. Evidently, the producers were able to secure the film rights for the Herbert songs, but not for the stage productions in which they appeared, which may explain such bizarre interpolations as having a song from Naughty Marietta.
A Harvard man fights a railroad baron with a disguise and the power of the press.
Original Music Composer
Rebecca (Shirley Temple) es una niña de 10 años que queda al cuidado de su tía en una granja. Un día, un promotor radiofónico descubre que la niña puede ser un talento en ese medio y, de repente, la convierte en gran estrella. Adaptación de la novela homónima de Kate Douglas Wiggin.
Social butterfly marries Park Avenue doctor and learns that his nurse is in love with him.
Original Music Composer
Un exoficial de la Marina, empleado del presidente McKinley a principios del siglo XX, lucha contra una poderosa organización criminal que ha hecho del atraco a entidades bancarias su principal fuente de financiación.
A love triangle forms the basis of this drama. It all begins in a steel mill when a steel worker ignores the besotted gazes of his landlady at the boarding house and falls in love with a gold-digger. His best friend also finds himself smitten by the seductive young woman. But when the one of the workers fritters away a collection that had been taken up for the wife of a deceased co-worker on a foolish bet, he and the vamp take off until the good-hearted landlady intervenes and convinces them to stay and take their lumps.
Original Music Composer
Desde sus comienzos como anunciante de feria, Florenz Ziegfeld consiguió ganar y perder en la vida antes de enamorar locamente a su esposa Anna Held.
Music Director
Jane Dane tiene un accidente de tráfico con el abogado Bill Shevlin en Clummmerhorn, un pequeño pueblo donde deciden resolver su litigio.
Original Music Composer
A crew of young military-school cadets are enjoying their first weekend in Paris. Frank Harrington, a girl-shy cadet, wins the lottery which "They" have organized, an Frank wins the right to woo the star of the Folies Bergere, Gaby Aimee, with her garter serving as proof of conquest. Meanwhile Frank has found the one girl-of-his-heart, Patty, and this serves to complicate matters.
Original Music Composer
María Galante, una joven e ingenua telefonista francesa, es raptada por un capitán que la desembarca en Yucatán, dejándola abandonada a su suerte. Con grandes dificultades, María llega a la zona del Canal de panamá, donde encuentra trabajo como cantante en un café.
Music Director
Golden es un jugador que ha prometido a su esposa retirarse cuando gane doscientos mil dólares. Manipula un combate de boxeo y el gangster Mossiter se enfurece con él y ha de entregarle su fortuna. Empeña las joyas de su mujer y se hace un seguro de vida.
Original Music Composer
El presidente Roosevelt nombra nuevo Secretario de Diversiones a un productor teatral, con el fin de levantar los ánimos del pueblo estadounidense. El nuevo secretario pronto se harta de los grupos de presión que intentan destruir su departamento.
A wealthy young man bets his uncle that he can transform a clumsy cleaning lady into a glamorous fashion plate, then marry her off to his bachelor cousin.
The Warrior's Husband is a satire of the male and female roles in society set in 800 B.C.. Queen Hippolyta (Marjorie Rambeau) rules Pontus with masculine authority; in fact, it is the women of Pontus who do all the laboring, fighting, and governing. Hippolyta's husband Sapiens (Ernest Truex) is truly a sissy of the first order, and is not unlike most of Pontus' male inhabitants.
Original Music Composer
Peggy and her friend Millie are strolling down Broadway while Jimmy and Mac are trolling Broadway, and the four get together...
Original Music Composer
Showgirl Tony Landers, supported by her friend Flip Daly, fights for the custody of her son during a divorce hearing.
Abel Frake y su familia aguardan ansiosos la Feria Estatal de Iowa. Abel confía en ganar el lazo azul con su cerdo campeón, Blue Boy. Su esposa Melissa quiere presentar su relleno al concurso de alimentos, su hijo Wayne quiere ajustar cuentas con un fullero que se burló de él en la última feria y su hija Margy sólo quiere divertirse un rato.
Original Music Composer
Mientras interpreta la escena final de "El beso de la muerte", el protagonista muere asesinado. Los sospechosos son muchos, pues ha flirteado, actuado o contraido matrimonio con casi todas las mujeres del estudio. Cuando la protagonista es detenida, un guionista del estudio empieza a investigar el asesinato para demostrar su inocencia. (FILMAFFINIT)
Original Music Composer
Nasa (Clara Bow) es una mestiza con sangre blanca e india. Rebelde e indomable, no respetará las tradiciones de su padre y huirá con un hombre que no la conviene, quedando embarazada. Como si de una maldición se tratase, la vida de Nasa irá degradándose irremediablemente hacia el vicio, el alcohol y la prostitución.
Original Music Composer
Lovers David Lunch and Betty Summers are caught in the feud between their two families. When David kills the Summers son, he escapes to the West. He marries and when his boy is two he and his wife are killed by Indians who take the boy. Twenty years later the boy is now the Indian chief. Betty's daughter is nearby and the two are destined to meet.
Gambler/racketeer "Knucks" McGloin takes note of just how much money and action (aside from the game itself) takes place around and about the annual Rose Bowl football game, and decides this is one sweet proposition and could be even sweeter if one had his own college and football game and had a large say beforehand as to the outcome of any game this team had. So he ups and creates his own college---Carnasie after his own neighborhood. His gangster rival. Gilatti, thinks this give McGloin a definite inside advantage and, if there is one thing a gambler can't abide, it is that someone has an inside advantage and they are not that someone. Gilatti gets himself a college football team. Education marches on.
A young girl from Sunnybrook goes to live with her wealthy relatives and falls in love with a doctor. Adapted from Kate Douglas Wiggin's famous novel.
Additional Music
Un campeón olímpico de jabalina monta en cólera cuando se entera de que su mujer está coqueteando con otro hombre. Esto llevará a una serie de situaciones comprometidas que se desarrollan en ciudades tan sofisticadas como París y Venecia.
Original Music Composer
Una chica rica de la alta sociedad neoyorkina con fama de aburrida se da cuenta de que se es mucho más popular entre los hombres cuando se pretende ser una chica "mala". De viaje en París conoce a Guy, un joven americano arruinado que le ayudará a inventarse esa "mala" fama para llamar la atención de la sociedad en la que se mueve y en particular la de su amado Donnie.
Music Director
In order to keep his lover, Maria Draga, in luxury, Captain Alex Pastitsch contracts huge debts which threaten his military career. To save Alex's career, his superior officer, Colonel Strádimirovitsch has an idea of how to fix it.
Three US sailors aboard a decoy ship fight German U-boats in World War I and try to win Sally who works on the Coney Island midway.
Music Director
A young man seeks vengeance on the outlaws who killed his father.
Music Director
A young radio repairman becomes involved with gangsters and one of their girlfriends when he repairs their radio.
Music Director
A gambler, hopelessly in debt, agrees to pay off his debt by allowing his creditor to take out a life insurance policy on him and collecting once the one-year suicide clause has elapsed.
Music Director
It is 1915 in Vienna and the Great War has caused many casualties. Elsa, a beautiful prostitute, wants to help the war effort, but is rejected as a nurse, but a government official thinks that she will make an excellent spy.
Music Director
After a tumultuous first marriage, Millie Blake learns to love her newfound independence and drags her feet on the possibility of remarriage. The years pass, and now Millie's daughter garners the attentions of men-- Men who once devoted their time to her mother.
A 1930 musical tableau presented by Joe Schenck. Based on patriotic hymn by Fay Foster.
An all-star revue featuring MGM contract players.
Self - Orchestra Leader
An all-star revue featuring MGM contract players.
On a volcanic island near the kingdom of Hetvia rules Count Dakkar, a benevolent leader and scientist who has eliminated class distinction among the island's inhabitants. Dakkar, his daughter Sonia and her fiance, engineer Nicolai Roget have designed a submarine which Roget pilots on its initial voyage just before the island is overrun by Baron Falon, despotic ruler of Hetvia. Falon sets out after Roget in a second submarine and the two craft, diving to the ocean's floor, discover a strange land populated by dragons, giant squid and an eerie undiscovered humanoid race.
Young vivacious Billie uses her charms on influential businessman Glenn Abbott in hopes of getting her secret fiancée Gil a diplomatic appointment. Meanwhile Gil's affections meander to beautiful ingenue Kentucky, Billie's best friend.