Cezary Grzesiuk


Song of Goats
Andreas arrives on a remote Greek island to sell a plot of land inherited from his uncle. But who would buy a barren, rocky field with a stone hut? In order to sell the plot Andreas has to pay off a debt his uncle ran up with Yiannis, a local farmer.
One Soul
Alojz is a Silesian miner with a strained relationship with his wife and kids. Those relations begin to flourish after he's left disabled, while rescuing a colleague from a dam burst.
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Once Upon a Time in November
Mareczek takes Mamusia from a little allotment house in the outskirts where she has been spending the nights recently. It’s too cold for her to stay there. They set out to the city together with Koleś, a stray dog. They had both lost their flat due to the brutal policy of the city authorities and now they keep going from one shelter to the next. Although the dog is a burden in these circumstances, Mamusia doesn’t want to part with it. The woman makes herself comfortable in a squat where she and Mareczek witness the brutal attempt at burning down the building together with its inhabitants made by fascist militia who had left the Independence March on 11th November a moment earlier. The filmmakers used documentary material of true street incidents.
El protagonista de la cinta es Ian, un profesor de orientación especial que llega a una prestigiosa clínica oftalmológica de Lisboa para dirigir una terapia. Uno de sus pacientes afectados por la ceguera es Eva, una joven que trata de esconder su minusvalía. Ian pone en práctica métodos que suscitan polémicas dentro del equipo de la clínica pero consigue ganarse la confianza de los pacientes.
Un cuento de verano
Six-year-old Stefek challenges fate. He believes that setting a chain of events in motion will help him get closer to his father who left his mother. His sister helps him bribe fate with small sacrifices, but things go wrong and then Stefek tries a very risky trick.
Army of Valhalla
Película basada en la novela de Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski. Polonia, siglo noveno precristiano. Los nativos han vivido en paz durante siglos, tendiendo su tierra y adorando al Dios del sol. Pero cuando el príncipe Popiel, un hombre hambriento de poder, trae su ejército vikingo para establecer un régimen bárbaro y sanguinario de terror, el arquero afamado Ziemowit (Michal Zebrowski), lidera un levantamiento campesino e intenta poner fin a derramamiento de sangre.
Portret podwójny
Con sangre y fuego
Siglo XVII. Guerra civil entre Polonia y Ucrania. En medio de la sublevación de los cosacos, un coronel se enamora de una chica prometida... Un film épico de corte romántico-aventurero publicitado como la película que, en Polonia, superó a "Titanic" en recaudación
Last Mission
Andre, an assassin working on behalf of French government goes to Poland to kill Polish businessman Muran.
Colonel Kwiatkowski