Shashi Balooja


The Duel
History Professor
With a fresh start, trying to escape an abusive past, Vance and his mother have just moved to a new city. Searching for a way to support his family while continuing his education he joins forces with Jules, who is looking for a highly skilled, basketball duel partner. With their impressive talent these two start cleaning the streets, winning every duel in town. Once word spreads they're invited to enter the ultra-violent, competitive duel championship. With high hopes for the win they'll do whatever it takes to walk off the court the new champions. Written by Elizabeth Obermeier, Marketing Manager
And Then Came Love
Successful New York journalist and single mom Julie Davidson's (Vanessa Williams) six-year old son Jake (Jeremy Gumbs) is acting up, so she finds his sperm-donor father Paul Cooper (Kevin Daniels), who's a struggling actor and law-school drop-out.
Cuando menos te lo esperas...
Bartender (uncredited)
Harry Sanborn es un solterón recalcitrante que sólo sale con mujeres mucho más jóvenes que él. Él y Marin, su última conquista, han planeado un romántico fin de semana en la casa de la playa de la madre de ella. Cuando Harry sufre un infarto, la madre de Marin, Erica Barrry, una famosa escritora divorciada, acepta a regañadientes cuidarlo hasta que se reponga. La sorpresa de Harry es grande cuando se da cuenta de que se siente atraído por ella, que, a su vez, gracias a Harry, descubre de nuevo el amor. Pero a Erica también la corteja un joven y encantador médico. Una vez recuperado, Harry vuelve a su casa y a sus viejos hábitos. Sin embargo, la relación con Erica ha alterado su vida y sus sentimientos.