Eric Goossens


Richard the Stork and the Mystery of the Great Jewel
Richard, a sparrow who was adopted by a stork family, is wintering at the Great Lake in Northern Africa. When he realises that he won’t be the one to lead his flock back North, Richard decides to fly away to travel on his own and crosses paths with Samia and her sparrow flock, who are being held captive by evil marabous under the control of the greedy peacock Zamano. The only chance of freedom for the sparrows is to solve a riddle and find the Great Jewel, which will call upon teamwork, trust and most of all- spork (sparrow + stork) skills.
La verdadera historia de Charlotte Salomon, una joven pintora judía alemana que alcanza la mayoría de edad en Berlín en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ferozmente imaginativa y profundamente dotada, sueña con convertirse en artista. Su primer amor aplaude su talento, lo que envalentona su determinación. Cuando las políticas antisemitas inspiran turbas violentas, ella escapa a la seguridad del sur de Francia. Allí comienza a pintar de nuevo y encuentra un nuevo amor. Pero su trabajo se ve interrumpido, esta vez por una tragedia familiar que revela un secreto aún más oscuro. Creyendo que solo un acto extraordinario la salvará, se embarca en la monumental aventura de pintar la historia de su vida.
¿Dónde está Anne Frank?
Sigue los pasos de Kitty, la amiga imaginaria de Anne Frank a la que le dedicó su diario. Como una decidida adolescente, Kitty se despierta en el futuro, dentro de la casa de Frank en Amsterdam, y se embarca en una aventura para encontrar a su mejor amiga convencida de que sigue viva en algún lugar de Europa. Aunque la joven muchacha queda impresionada ante los avatares del mundo moderno, también se sorprende por el legado que ha dejado Anne tras de sí.
Jules & I
Roos is fourteen years old and lives with her mother and her older transgender sister Jules. Jules is currently transitioning, taking hormones and experimenting with her looks. Roos, who has no interest in nail polish and the like, is irritated by all the changes. When Jules moves out, Roos begins to miss her new sister and gets closer to her again.
Executive Producer
Every night, when the museum closes its doors, the mironins, Blu, Low and Ro, three little drops of paint that live in the paintings created by the Spanish painter Joan Miró (1893-1983), come to life and immerse themselves in an inexhaustible universe where art and imagination reign.
Four Seasons in a Day
Every day, the Carlingford ferry takes travelers from Northern Ireland to Ireland, a short sea voyage across an invisible border that invites reflection on the consequences of Brexit.
Over The Top
How can you deserve a place in the world's history, without going into politics? Maybe by putting an artwork on top of a Pyramid? A fast food style film about the hunt of the yolo generation to find meaning in modern life.
The Wire
The inhabitants of the canyon of river Kupa, located on the border between Croatia and Slovenia, have historically been united due to their harsh living conditions, but this peaceful cohabitation between members of different cultures is threatened by the construction of iron fences to prevent the transit of refugees from Bosnia.
Blue Box
The Jewish National Fund's Blue Boxes were a global fundraiser to purchase land in Israel. Weaving a co-founder's diary entries with his descendants' memories, Blue Box investigates the myths that constructed a national icon.
Sea Shadow
Max wants to go to the sea but has to stay home and work for school. But it's hard to concentrate when a shadow man he draws, suddenly comes alive. The shadow man wants to go to the sea too. A shadow sea, formed by the shadow of a vase on... See more »
The Last Game
Meftun Taylan, former member of the Grey Wolves, who was sent to Europe in the '80s to fight against ASALA, now struggles with regrets about his criminal activities after the operations for the fatherland. Dreaming of a clear conscience, Meftun sees it as his task to eliminate such criminals and gangs. He chooses his targets from his circle of friends. Afterwards, he has the cold blooded hitman Cerkez come over from a Turkish prison. The operations are accomplished successfully one after the other. Instead of finding a moral balance, Meftun loses himself completely. After this there is a final mission for Cerkez to buy off his freedom. Meftun leaves his and Cerkez' future to “fate”. A special kind of fate, typical for Meftun.
El color del camaleon
During the Pinochet dictatorship, Jorge Lübbert became an instrument for the Chilean secret services, who forced him to work for them in an extremely violent way. He was able to escape from Chile and became a war photographer based in Belgium. Today, his son Andrés takes him back to the places of his unfinished past.
Boys on Film 14: Worlds Collide
Worlds collide in more ways than one in this stunning collection. Confidence is violated, classes clash and desire is concealed, yet love still triumphs regardless of the consequences.Boys On Film 14: Worlds Collide features nine new, powerful, and dramatic short films: Lee Haven Jones's "Want It" starring Jamie Cutler and Alan Turkington; Sophy Holland and Alicya Eyo's "Brace" starring Jake Graf and Harry Rundle; Mauro Mueller's "A World For Raúl" starring Alexandré Barceló and Adrián Alonso; Dennis Shinners's "Barrio Boy" starring Dennis Garcia and Dan Leonard; Darwin Serink's "Aban + Khorshid" starring Mojean Aria and Bobby Naderi; Jan-Dirk Bouw's "I ♥ Hooligans"; Christopher Bradley's "The Violation" starring Slade Pearce, Elaine Hendrix, and Shayne Topp; Rafael Aidar's "The Package" starring Jefferson Brito and Victor Monteiro; and Søren Green's "An Afternoon" starring Ulrik Windfeldt-Schmidt and Jacob Ottensten.
Where the Poppies Blow
Een strijd om vrede
I ♥ Hooligans
A football hooligan feels unconditional love for his club. However, being gay, he has to hide his identity in order to survive in this world that is so precious to him.
The Boy is Gone
A young boy pursues his dream of being a pilot and becomes instrumental to a nation's nightmare.
Little Heaven
Right In the heart of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa is a small orphanage called “Little Heaven”. One of the orphans, Lydia, is 13 today. A truly joyful event, because she can now move to the ‘other house‘ where all of the ‘big kids’ live. Unfortunately this special day is overshadowed by the shocking news delivered to her by the head nurse: Lydia is HIV positive.
Un monstruo en París
Hacia 1910, en París, una extraña criatura tiene aterrorizada a la población. Emilio y Raúl, dos hombres que no tienen nada en común y no muy predispuestos a la aventura, emprenden la caza del monstruo. Gracias a esta misión lograrán encontrarse a sí mismos, descubrir el amor y romper con toda clase de prejuicios, lo que les lleva a albergar dudas sobre la verdadera naturaleza de ese extraño ser.
El secreto del libro de Kells
Executive In Charge Of Production
Brendan es un joven monje de 12 años que vive en una remota abadía fortificada de Kells, en la Irlanda del siglo IX. Con los otros hermanos, ayuda a construir una muralla para resistir los asaltos de los vikingos. Pero una nueva vida de aventuras se presenta ante él cuando conoce a un famoso maestro que llega de tierras extranjeras, cuidando de un antiguo libro mágico que está inacabado. Con la esperanza de terminarlo, Brendan saldrá de la abadía por primera vez y se internará en el peligroso bosque, habitado por todo tipo de criaturas…
Between Heaven and Earth
In the heart of the Eurasian continent, the ancient center of the world where the Silk Road connected China to Europe, the circus is a deeply rooted cultural phenomenon. This film focuses on two circus artists, whose lifelong friendship under the dictatorship in Uzbekistan is affected by the differing political choices they make under the dictatorshop in Uzbekistan.
Fox and Hare Save the Forest
One day, Fox and Hare find that Owl has disappeared. Together with their friends, they search the forest to find him, but instead they discover a big lake that was not there before. Could the sudden appearance of the lake have anything to do with Owl’s disappearance? They must go and find Owl, who is somewhere out there on the rapidly rising water... It is the start of an exciting and fun adventure.
A family of urban foxes embarks on an adventure-filled day-trip to the countryside, after one of its cubs asks to see where he was born.