Nader Boussandel

Nader Boussandel


Nader Boussandel


14 jours pour aller mieux
Maxime, an ambitious and Cartesian executive, thinks only of his career and his future marriage to Nafège, the daughter of his boss. On the verge of burnout, alone in not realizing it, he finds himself embarked by his future stepfather Romain in the middle of his worst nightmare... A well-being course supervised by Clara and Luc, a couple of "clairvoyants", with trainees more lunar than each other. 14 days to get better, during which his principles and prejudices will be subjected to the zenitude and benevolence regime!
Le furet
Maxime is a hardened bachelor who takes advantage of his freedom and assumes to live without ties or children. He has finally agreed to help a couple of friends who are trying to have a child by artificial insemination, by donating sperm to speed up the procedure. His life changes the day a rather invasive brother arrives at his home, accompanied by a rather hairy ferret, and when, in the middle of a torrid evening in gallant company, this ferret bites his private parts, making him permanently sterile. Realizing that he will never be able to have children, Maxime tries to get his gift back, only to learn that it has already been used for Lisa Barrot, a famous and seductive sports journalist. Aware that she will be the mother of his only child, he decides to do everything possible to meet her and get to know her.
Sarah, una joven luchadora, acepta ser voluntaria como sujeto de prueba y se le implanta el nanochip LEXX para un experimento de una compañía farmacéutica. Ella espera que el dinero recibido por su participación resuelva sus problemas financieros. Cuando el implante se vuelve siniestro y le ordena cometer crímenes, Sarah se sumerge en una espiral asesina con una sola opción: vivir o morir.
In the middle of the night, Léo wakes up his best friend Raphaël. His car has broken down an hour away from Paris. No way is Raphaël going to pick him up, that is until the woman of his dreams kicks him out of bed. Once he gets to where Léo is waiting, he discovers there is no breakdown, but what is there waiting for Raphaël?
Pensión completa
François y Charlotte dirigen juntos un hotel junto al mar pero su relación matrimonial no va bien. Esta situación, ya complicada, va a explotar el día que aparece Alex, el primer marido de Charlotte, que todo el mundo creía que murió en el devastador tsunami de 2004.
Las nuevas aventuras de Aladino
Garçon teubé / Agent de sécurité
La víspera del día de Navidad Sam y su mejor amigo Khalid se visten de Papá Noel con el objetivo de robar todo lo que puedan en las Galerías Lafayette. Pero Sam es rápidamente acorralado por unos niños y se ve obligado a contarles una historia: el relato de Aladin... la particular versión de Sam en todo caso.
Slim the Man
At the death of their father, Hassan and Djslil discover an old container in his house. It contains many memories: Old papers, news paper cuttings, and an old rock'n'roll album by a certain Slim the Man.
The Night Watchmen
Times have changed a lot for Franck who is a night watchman. About a decade ago he was a specialized worker. Today he feels bored but would jump at any chance to prove his bravery and courage.
Amor para llevar
Samir le tombeur
Amelle y Noom son dos jóvenes treinta añeros totalmente opuestos que el destino se encargará de unir. Ambos, víctimas de decepciones en el amor, juraron que no volverían a enamorarse jamas. Entonces, ¿como es que cuando a pesar de todo esto, los polos opuestos se atraen? Un juego de seducción se establece a continuación, para nuestro deleite. Pero no todo es tan de color de rosa, familias, amigos, colegas participan, las guerras se declaran, peleas estallan.
The Marchers
In 1983, in France experiencing intolerance and racial violence , three young teens and the priest Minguettes launching a largely peaceful march for equality and against racism, over 1,000 km between Marseille and Paris . Despite the difficulties and resistance encountered, their movement will bring about a real boost of hope in the way of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. They unite with their arrival more than 100 000 people from all walks of life and give France its new face.
Nous York
Thirty-somethings Michaël, Nabil and Sylvain head to New York to surprise their friend Samia on her birthday, secretly arranged with the help of another friend, Gabrielle. The two women had moved to NYC two years previously to try their luck. Samia shares a fabulous loft with a renowned American actress and works as her assistant. Gabrielle has a more mundane job in a small retirement home. Transposed to New York, the close bonds formed over the years between the five friends from a housing project on the outskirts of Paris take on a different aspect. The laughter and emotion is dictated by the adventures they share during their stay, from the daily lives of the women to the discovery of this cult city.
Wok the Kasbah
A funny comedy about the war suddenly started between two restaurant owners families.
Au bistro du coin
All That Glitters
Le voisin
Best friends Ely and Lila share everything together, including their dream of a life beyond the Paris suburb they've lived in since childhood. One night they venture into the capital and meet a pair of wealthy young friends at a night club. Ashamed of their working-class background, and seeing an opportunity to escape, Ely and Lila begin to lie their way into this glamorous new world. Falling deeper into their web of lies, the young women begin to lose sight of themselves as their friendship is pushed to the limit.
En chantier, monsieur Tanner !
The new owner
Le pas Petit Poucet
Jean Kamel
Les Barons
Les Barons ont une devise : "glander plus pour vivre plus". Chaque être humain naît avec un crédit de pas. Chaque pas effectué te rapproche de la mort. Nous, les Barons, on le sait dès le départ.
The Age of Man
Samuel is 30. Formerly a confirmed bachelor, he has been living with Tina – a photographer – for the past year but he gets scared when it’s time to commit. So he gives himself 24 hours to decide whether or not to break up with the woman he loves, convinced she will leave him sooner or later. By his side, Samuel can count on Jorge and Mounir, his usual confidants.
Las vacaciones de Mr. Bean
Nuevas aventuras en la gran pantalla del popular Mr. Bean, esta vez de turismo por el sur de Francia. Su viaje de Londres a la Costa Azul no tardará en convertirse en un auténtico caos, causando auténticos estragos allí por donde pasa.
School for All
Jahwad is thirty years old and going nowhere fast. He flunked out of school, and slipped into petty crime. Now, he has the police on his tail. So Jahwad is no longer going nowhere, he is getting out of town as fast as he can. He hitches a ride with a schoolteacher, who is desperate at being posted to one of the toughest high schools in the Paris suburbs. The man is so frantic, he rams his car into a tree. For Jahwad, the opportunity is too good to miss, but the high school dropout hardly looks the part.
A disparate group of people meet at a hotel on a gorgeous and isolated Mediterranean island. Meanwhile, a woman schemes to get even with its owner.
Weapon Seller (uncredited)
Cuando un equipo internacional de ex-agentes de inteligencia y ex-guerreros de la guerra fría se reunen en una bodega, su aventura de amor, amistad y traición apenas comienza. Al igual que el honorable e independiente samurai de hace cientos de años, estos ronin modernos se embarcan en su más peligrosa misión secreta: recobrar una misteriosa maleta y entregársela a su desconocido jefe y a la vez conservar sus vidas. Un criminal que se vende al mejor postor lidera un grupo de profesionales del crimen que busca un misterioso maletín, cuyo contenido es desconocido incluso para el espectador.