Daniel Vincelette


Yannick Nézet Séguin: No Intermission
Director of Photography
From the NFB: He is a young man; an optimist drawn to dark music and the themes of death and suffering. Conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin has gained a reputation for his dedication, musicality and charisma. Combining documentary and animation, this short film captures his energy and passion, both in performance and in conversation.
Avispas asesinas
Cuando Jane vuelve con su hija a Black Stone, diez años después de la muerte de su marido, no se imagina que algo terrible está fraguándose en el pequeño pueblo. Un genetista, Eli Giles, mutó el ADN de las avispas hace diez años, siguiendo órdenes del Gobierno para crear el arma biológica definitiva: avispas asesinas. El problema es que, cuando las avispas atacan, matan tanto a amigos como a enemigos. Eli lleva todo este tiempo intentando controlarlas, pero no ha conseguido hacer avances; es más, las avispas se hacen cada día más fuertes. Ahora han escapado y han decidido convertir Black Stone y a sus habitantes en su nuevo nido... (FILMAFFINITY)
Vive una vez, muere dos
Director of Photography
Nicole Lauker pierde inesperadamente a su marido en un accidente cuando explota un bote y se cobra la vida de dos personas. Una investigación del FBI genera especulaciones de que, después de todo, puede no haber sido un accidente.
Crimen Pasional
Director of Photography
En la competención por un ascenso en el trabajo, la competencia femenina demanda a su contraparte masculina por acoso sexual. El chantaje y el asesinato siguen muy de cerca.
Lies and Deception
Director of Photography
Six years after her husband's suicide, Jean Bruckner is dumbfounded by the news that he has recently been murdered! With the help of a private investigator, she heads to Chicago to uncover the truth behind her spouse's charade. The deeper she digs, the more danger she puts herself in. The truth may be out there, but she may get killed before she finds it!
Muerte en la isla
Director of Photography
Unos ladrones de diamantes intentan recuperar el botín que su difunto jefe escondió tiempo atrás. Para conseguirlo, uno de ellos planea ganarse la confianza de la viuda, haciéndose pasar por un antiguo conocido de su marido y metiéndose de este modo en su vida. El expresidiario consigue engañar y seducir a la mujer, iniciando una peligrosa relación con ella.
Falsas apariencias
Director of Photography
Falling victim to a glib con artist named Michael (Stewart Bick), Texas housewife Diane (Peta Wilson) loses all her money, a disaster that drives her husband Randal (Anthony Lemke) to suicide. Unable to get justice through the official channels, Diane mounts her own plan of revenge. This involves assuming a new identity, trading in her blonde tresses for a redheaded "do", moving to a small town, and systematically seducing the man who ruined her life. One of six "no frills" TV movies produced in Canada for the Lifetime cable network at a flat cost of 2 million each,
Frente al abismo
Una apresurada conductora le corta el paso a otro vehículo cuando circula por la autopista, lo que provoca la cólera del desconocido conductor. Este incidente habitual se torna en una dramática pesadilla para Joanne, quien desde entonces recibe llamadas amenazantes que están poniendo en peligro su seguridad y la de su hijo.
View of Terror
Director of Photography
Celeste has it all - a successful career, a handsome boyfriend and a luxurious new apartment with a breathtaking view of the city. However, Celeste's dream life becomes a nightmare when she's targeted by a menacing voyeur, who terrorizes her with anonymous packages and grim nocturnal phone calls.
Director of Photography
An ex-SAS agent and a thief battle for their lives as air runs out in a maze of abandoned mine tunnels while they're searching for $200 million in stolen diamonds.
Leaving Metropolis
Director of Photography
David is a creatively stifled painter in desperate need of inspiration. As happenstance would have it, while seeking a job waiting tables, David stumbles upon a new muse in the form of a strapping diner owner named Matt. In short order the two bond over a shared love of art, and before long their passion for painting transforms into something more torrid. If it weren't for Matt's wife, Violet, everything would be perfect.
An abandoned caboose becomes a junkie's hideout, a multiple murder has been committed. A police investigation leads nowhere, the crime remains unsolved, and Marceau, a hardened cop, resigns in the aftermath. But his troubles don't end there: someone is stalking him and his life is in danger. To save himself, Marceau recruits Camille, a young woman drummed out of the police academy for her inability to fire a gun. They make a pact: Camille agrees to flush out Marceau's potential murderer and Marceau, in exchange, undertakes to remunerate and train her. Camille plunges into Marceau's seedy underworld and encounters a raft of suspects. As Camille sinks deeper and deeper into this sordid world, she comes to terms with its violence and understands that the line between good and evil is narrow indeed. From this insight she draws the strength that had previously eluded her. Marceau's legacy... But who, exactly, is Marceau?
La mujer de hierro
Second Assistant Camera
El oficial de marina Rob Cutter y su esposa Barbara tienen un hijo llamado Johnny. Rob descubre que dos helicópteros recién lanzados en su escuadrón se han estrellado porque una pieza defectuosa, un anillo en C, está hecha de una aleación más débil y menos costosa. Antes de que Rob pueda hacer público esto, Rob es asesinado por orden del general corrupto Howard, que no quería que Rob hiciera público lo de la pieza defectuosa.