This drama, centered on a homosexual man, studies the consequences of the loneliness and misunderstanding that we continually face. On any given day in the life of Martín, his almost lost battle against anxiety will take a turn when his conflicts with family and friends show him that the existential emptiness that he already feels as part of him is not reason enough to as defeated.
A surrealistic nightmare inspired by an 1855 photographic portrait, in which the magic tricks of early cinema are used to eerie effect. Creepy and beautiful at the same time, it does not share platitudinous ways to frighten the audience with the vast majority of modern horrors. Countess di Castiglione is a really existed Italian courtesan famous for her beauty and wide acquaintanceship among the ruling elite of those times. She directed Pierre-Louis Pierson to help her create 700 different photographs in which she re-created the signature moments of her life for the camera. Robert de Montesquiou, a Symbolist poet, dandy, and avid art collector, was fascinated by the Countess di Castiglione. He spent thirteen years writing a biography, La Divine Comtesse, which appeared in 1913. After her death, he collected 433 of her photographs, all of which entered the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Princess Gertrude
Durante la Edad Media, la pequeña Danielle, huérfana de madre, ha encontrado en los libros y en el amor de su padre el refugio ideal, pero tras trágica muerte se convierte siendo una niña en la criada de su nueva madrastra. Por si fuera poco, sus dos hermanastras son realmente crueles con ella. Pero con el tiempo Danielle crece y se convierte en una damisela cuyo destino se cruzará fortuitamente con el príncipe Henry.
Mauro es un campesino que, en pleno siglo XV, inicia un viaje hacia Madrid para encontrar a su tío Illán, tras la muerte de su padre. A lo largo del camino va encontrando personajes pintorescos, como Herminia, quien disfrazada de hombre, le roba el dinero; el matrimonio formado por Beatriz y Herculano, que es homosexual; Don Zoilo que es atracado por unos bandidos y su esposa Doña Clara. Tras muchas peripecias consigue llegar a Madrid, antes de que fallezca su tío Illán, que le deja en herencia una gran fortuna y una viuda desconsolada con ganas de recuperar su vida.