Kerry Shale

Kerry Shale

Nacimiento : 1958-06-17, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Kerry Shale


King Tut In Color
Narrator (voice)
The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb is revealed for the first time in color, thanks to colorization of black-and-white newsreel and photographs.
Drenar los océanos: Guerra en el Ártico
Narrator (voice)
El Ártico: un escenario donde se libra la guerra fría que oculta destacados secretos. 'Camp Century' se parecía a un lugar propio de la ciencia ficción: una base del ejército estadounidense situada bajo el hielo de Groenlandia. Perdida y olvidada durante 50 años, el cambio climático podría arrastrar al campamento y sus peligrosos residuos de vuelta hasta la superficie. Sumergidos a gran profundidad en las aguas del Ártico se encuentran los fantasmagóricos restos de un submarino nuclear soviético hundido hace mucho tiempo que podría estar filtrando radiación. Equipos científicos punteros se ocupan de estos tóxicos legados.
Objetivo: Washington D.C.
Ad. Paul Sebring
Después de un ataque traicionero, el agente del Servicio Secreto Mike Banning es acusado de intentar asesinar al Presidente Trumbull. Perseguido por sus propios colegas y por el FBI, Banning comienza una carrera contrarreloj para limpiar su nombre.
Terry Grenville / Benedict (Mine Choir) (voice)
Un joven topo debe intentar lograr su sueño imposible de convertirse en futbolista para salvar la mina de oro de su ciudad natal de un supervillano codicioso conocido solo como 'El Jefe'.
Un día más con vida
Kapuściński (voice)
En 1975, Ryszard Kapuściński, un veterano periodista polaco, se embarcó en un aparentemente suicida viaje por carretera al corazón de la guerra civil de Angola. Allí, fue testigo una vez más de la sucia realidad de la guerra y descubrió una sensación de impotencia que desconocía hasta entonces. Angola lo cambió para siempre: fue un reportero quien dejó Polonia, pero fue un escritor quien regresó…
Fireman Sam: Set for Action!
Don Sledgehammer (voice)
The alarm has sounded and the Pontypandy crew is off to rescue their friends and others in need. From engine sparks and wild fireworks to water rescue and more, you won't want to miss these adventures with your favorite hero, Fireman Sam!
Superagente canino
Klaus Hochauser
Un detective encuentra aventuras con su improbable compañero, un policía canino que tiene que esconderse en la exposición canina más exclusiva del mundo.
The Trip to Spain
Gastronomía y amistad, charlas y restaurantes se han sucedido por las regiones de Cantabria, País Vasco, Aragón, Castilla La Mancha y Andalucía. Coogan y Brydon hablan de celebridades entre bromas ingeniosas junto a la paella y el gazpacho, y sus cómicas observaciones sobre la fama son tan secas como el mejor vino español. (FILMAFFINITY)
Final Portrait: El arte de la amistad
Claude Martineau
París, 1964. El escultor y pintor suizo Alberto Giacometti, uno de los artistas más consumados y respetados de su generación, pide a su amigo, el escritor estadounidense James Lord, que pose para él con objeto de hacerle un retrato, asegurándole que no tardará más de dos o tres horas, una tarde como máximo.
Thomas & Friends: Tinsel on the Tracks
Gordon / Diesel / Harold (voice)
Thomas & Friends Christmas movie, 2016.
Thomas & Friends: Tales on the Rails
Henry (voice) / Gordon (voice) / James (voice) / Sir Topham Hatt (voice)
Thomas and his friends are telling tales on the rails! Percy's sheep escape and Den and Dart fear working apart. James can't handle the slip coaches, while Salt's imagination has him running scared. When Percy loses control, he bravely faces his fears with a little help from his friends. Track down exciting stories with Thomas and his friends!
Thomas y sus amigos: La leyenda del tesoro perdido
Las sorpresas esperan a Thomas y a sus amigos, ya que desentierran un antiguo barco pirata , Thomas está a la caza de el tesoro perdido de Sodor ...
El Caníbal en la Jungla
Peter Kalas
En 1.977 tres científicos se adentraron en las junglas de Indonesia para estudiar aves. Sólo uno de ellos regresó, el doctor timothy darrow. Las autoridades días después encontraron a otro de los miembros de la expedición totalmente descuartizado y prácticamente irreconocible. Los investigadores jamás encontraron los restos de la otra víctima y timothy darrow fue acusado de doble homicidio y hubo sospechas de canibalismo. Timothy darrow defendió su inocencia durante todo el juicio e intentó demostrar que los realmente culpables eran unas criaturas que vivían en la jungla, pero nadie lo creyó. Lo que él dijo parecía ser imposible pero en 2013 se recuperaron cintas originales de las grabaciones de aquel día.
Mr. White
¿Y si el Apollo 11 nunca hubiese llegado a la luna? ¿Y si fue Kubrick quien rodó la llegada del hombre a la luna en un estudio? En el Londres de los años sesenta, un agente de la CIA intentará sin éxito encontrar a Kubrick; en cambio, se juntará con un penoso mánager musical.
Blood Moon
Father Domonic
(1887) Colorado. Los integrantes de una diligencia son secuestrados por dos forasteros. A medida que los viajeros intentan escapar de las garras de los forajidos, se irán dando cuenta de que hay una amenaza mucho mayor que es acecha.
Thomas & Friends: Spills & Thrills
Henry / Gordon / James / Sir Topham Hatt (voice)
The Island of Sodor is always bustling with activity, yet when the engines try to be "Really Useful" they often find themselves in some messy muddles. James tries to prove he's not afraid of the dark, or too vain to haul smelly fish, but when he pulls the nighttime Kipper Express he gets more than he bargained for. Stephen's need for speed and Salty's need to impress sends them both into some sticky, slippery situations. Hiro shows Diesel that nice engines do finish first and Sir Topham Hatt shows you can't cry over spilled milk - twice. It's full steam ahead for Spills & Thrills on Sodor. Featuring the episodes: Away from the Sea, The Smelly Kipper, No More Mr Nice Engine, Gone Fishing, Thomas' Shortcut and The Afternoon Tea Express. On the Australian release, Thomas' Shortcut is replaced by Jitters and Japes.
El abuelo que saltó por la ventana y se largó
Harry S Truman
Allan Karlsson acaba de cumplir 100 años. Durante su larga vida, le han pasado muchas cosas y ha conocido a mucha gente. Puede presumir de haberse encontrado con personas de todo tipo, como, por ejemplo, Franco, Churchill, Stalin o incluso con la mujer de Mao, con la que estableció una comprometedora amistad. Por si eso no fuese suficiente, Allan también participó en la creación de la bomba atómica, ayudando a Oppenheimer a elaborarla, y trabajó como agente de la CIA, aparte de otras muchas actividades peligrosas que hicieron de su vida toda una aventura.
Held Hostage: The Ordeal in Amenas
Held Hostage is the real and terrifying story of ordinary foreign workers who came face to face with Al Qaeda at the In Amenas gas plant in Algeria in January 2013. The attack left over 37 foreign hostages dead, including people from the U.S., U.K., France, Japan, and Norway. As the horrific events unfolded over four days in the full glare of the world's media, Algerian special forces and helicopter gunships attacked the site in an effort to end the crisis. Bringing together exclusive interviews with survivors and their families, expert analysis of the key events, and powerful dramatic reconstruction of the terrifying four-day siege, this documentary raises many unanswered questions: How did a convoy of terrorists manage to travel undetected across hundreds of miles of desert and gain control of one of Algeria's most important and valuable gas facilities? And who was ultimately responsible for the safety of the workers?
Thomas & Friends: Go Go Thomas
Gordon / Henry / James / Bash / 'Arry / Sir Topham Hatt (voice)
Thomas and his friends are charged up and ready to Go Go! Thomas shows Gordon that being quick is as useful as being strong, while Flynn the fire engine learns to put his pride aside and race to the rescue. Thomas causes some trouble on the tracks trying to be a model engine for a new photographer, while Spencer's on the move, ignoring warnings about electric engine Stafford's battery. Thomas pumps his pistons to Misty Island to help fix Ol' Wheezy. Will the number one blue engine be on track and on time? Ready, Set... Go, Go Thomas! Features the episodes: Express Coming Through, Race to the Rescue, Flash Bang Wallop!, Welcome Stafford & Ol' Wheezy Wobbles.
Thomas & Friends: Muddy Matters
Gordon / James / Sir Topham Hatt / Mr. Percival / The Photographer (voice)
Through mud, garbage, and muck, Thomas and his engine friends show that being really Useful can be a dirty job! See James turn into the Really Muddy Engine, and Thomas get showered with rubbish. Watch Peter Sam make a big mess trying to keep things on track, as Thomas creates chaos with the crows and much, much more. Join Thomas and the Steam Team as they make the best of the mess in these exciting muddy and mucky adventures! Episodes include: Muddy Matters, Thomas and the Rubbish Train (retitled Thomas and the Garbage Train in the US), Don't Bother Victor!, Whiff's Wish and Thomas Toots the Crows.
Thomas & Friends: Sticky Situations
Gordon / James / Bash / Kevin / Sir Topham Hatt (voice)
The engines on the Island of Sodor find themselves in some sticky and slippery situations! Thomas and Butch are stuck in a bind when they don't fully listen to directions. Spencer gets lost in the fog but learns he can actually be Spencer the Helpful. Gordon must swallow his pride after dropping the Lion of Sodor in the mucky, muddy river and Edward shows Charlie there's a time to be Really Fun and a time to be Really Useful. All aboard for fun-filled tales as friends help each other through all kinds of sticky situations!
Thomas & Friends: Blue Mountain Mystery - The Movie
Diesel (voice)
When trouble strikes at the Blue Mountain Quarry, Thomas is sent to help his Narrow Gauge engine friends. While shunting and hauling, he catches a glimpse of a small engine trying to hide, yet no one will provide any clues to the engine's identity. Thomas is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery but discovering the truth is harder than he imagined! Will Thomas be able to save his new friend? Or will the mysterious engine be sent away from Sodor forever? Travel on an exciting journey with Thomas and his friends in his biggest movie ever, tracking down clues, discovering lost engines, and revealing the power of friendship!
Thomas & Friends: Schoolhouse Delivery
Sir Topham Hat / Gordon / Henry / James / Bash / Kevin (voice)
School's in session and there are important lessons to be learned on the Island of Sodor. Diesel gets a hero's welcome when he makes a Really Useful delivery to the schoolhouse. Percy gets a lesson in responsibility after he runs into trouble trying to be like the bigger engines! Henry gets trained in how to handle health and safety emergencies, while Hiro teaches Thomas about his happy homeland. Join the Steam Team for a bright journey to the Head of the Class!
Thomas and Friends: Up Up & Away!
Gordon / Bash / Kevin / Sir Topham Hatt (voice)
Thomas and Percy have a special Special as they try and try again to bring balloons to Mr. Bubbles' Big Balloon Show. At the Children's Steam Fair, Emily learns there are great rewards - and laughs - in helping others, Kevin tries his hook at Hide and Peep, and Thomas has a wonky whistle! Up, up and away for exciting adventures with Thomas & Friends!
Alien Reefs
Narrator: National Geographic Channel (voice)
Coral reefs are believed by many to have the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem on the planet. A lot of the life found here can seem very alien at first, they occupy less than 1 percent of the ocean floor but yet are home to more than 25 percent of all marine life. Warm water reefs typically come to mind when thinking of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, these reefs are very well known but they don’t just occur in warm waters. In this one hour special, we are brought into this alien environment and discover for ourselves a strange, hidden world that is simply abundant with life, ranging from the weird to the wonderful.
Arthur Christmas: Operación regalo
UNFITA OPS (voice)
Santa Claus cree que su reinado está llegando a su fin y que se acerca ya la hora de jubilarse. Confía en que su hijo Steven, que es muy eficiente y responsable, aunque no muy alegre, esté preparado para tomar el relevo inmediatamente. Sin embargo, esa Navidad surge un problema: uno de los 600 millones de niños a los que había que visitar se queda sin su regalo.
The Trip
Steve's US Agent
Steve Coogan es escogido por el Observador para hacer una ruta por los mejores restaurantes del país, lo que le parece un estupendo viaje para hacer con su novia. Pero cuando ésta le deja, no tiene quién le acompañe excepto su extravagante amigo Rob Brydon.
Thomas y sus Amigos: Thomas hace Pop
James (voice) / Dash (voice) / Sir Topham Hatt (voice)
Thomas is bubbling with excitement as he delivers special cargo to the picnic extravaganza! His friend Percy joins in on the fun for a game of Hide and Seek and Emily goes full steam ahead to cheer on the Sodor soccer team! Join Thomas and your favorite engine friends as they explore the sights and delights of Sodor in these exciting episodes. Features the episodes: Pop Goes Thomas, Jitters and Japes, Thomas' Crazy Day and Pingy Pongy Pick Up.
Thomas & Friends: Wobbly Wheels & Whistles
Henry/Gordon/James/Bash/Scruff/Kevin/Topham Hatt/Various (voice)
Travel along with Thomas for a wonderfully wobbly and wheel-spinning good time! The No. 1 blue engine has bridges to cross and tracks to uncover in these exciting adventures. When Victor gets overloaded with too many tasks, can Thomas help him let out steam? And while trying to get Scruff as clean as a whistle, will Thomas have to get his own wheels dirty? Just when things seem to be rolling along, will Ol' Wheezy make a wobbly mess of Thomas' special delivery? Hold on for exciting surprises waiting to be delivered just for you! Featuring the episodes: Jumping Jobi Wood!, Thomas and Scruff, Victor Says Yes and Toby and the Whistling Woods. The Australian release contains two additional episode; Creaky Cranky and Tickled Pink.
Thomas & Friends: Splish, Splash, Splosh!
Henry / Gordon / James / Kevin / Sir Topham Hatt (voice)
Even when it's wet outside you can still have plenty of fun, especially when you share your adventures with Thomas and his friends! Grab your galoshes (wellies in the UK release, gumboots in the Australian release) and join the team as they prepare for rainy day visits and soapy spills, and then get unstuck from a snowy situation in this collection of stories from the Island of Sodor.
Thomas & Friends: Misty Island Rescue
Diesel (voice)
The engines are hard at work to build the new Sodor Search and Rescue Center. When Thomas helps a friend in need, he is rewarded with an exciting trip to the Mainland. Along the way, he gets lost at sea and finds himself on the mysterious Misty Island, where he meets new friends Bash, Dash, and Ferdinand. Together they try to help Thomas find his way home. Will Sir Topham Hatt's search party ever find Thomas? Find out in in this action-packed movie adventure the whole family will enjoy!!
Thomas & Friends: Creaky Cranky
Henry / James / Kevin / Sir Topham Hatt (voice)
Thomas and his friends deliver cargo-loads of fun in this collection of uplifting episodes! Ride along as Thomas helps to deliver mail, mend engines, and prepare for the Spring Party on the Island of Sodor. Watch as Thomas learns that it pays to listen to advice, there's more to a train than its undercoat, and that sometimes it takes a team of friends to reach your true destination.
Bill Clinton
A docudrama about the life of the former UK Secretary of state for Northern Ireland, Mo Mowlam.
Soldado Universal: Regeneración
Dr. Colin
Un enloquecido nacionalista Checheno, Basayev, toma control de Chernobyl, lugar de la infame catástrofe nuclear, y amenaza con soltar una nube radiactiva a menos que sus demandas nacionalistas sean cumplidas. Luc Deveraux se une a un equipo estadounidense de UniSols revividos que permanecían guardados en secreto. Su misión: tomar Chernobyl y desactivar los explosivos que desatarían las nubes radiactivas. Luc se sorprende cuando se da cuenta de que uno de los UniSols es un clon de su antiguo Sargento, Andrew Scott. Pero el clonado Andrew no recuerda a Luc. Mientras que el equipo lucha furiosamente en su camino hacia la planta de Chernobyl, son sorprendidos con la guarda bajada. Usando un chip que puede controlar la mente, Basayev vuelve a Andrew contra sus camaradas. Ahora rodeado, herido y en desventaja, Luc debe luchar contra Andrew, y salvar el mundo.
Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails
Henry / Gordon / James / Kevin / Sir Topham Hatt (voice)
One summer, Thomas comes across an old abandoned engine called Hiro. Desperately in need of repair, Hiro faces the Smelters Yard, so Thomas and his friends must work together to save poor Hiro from this fate.
La ciudad italiana de Génova brinda a Joe y a sus dos hijas la posibilidad de reiniciar sus vidas tras la muerte de la madre. Mientras Kelly, la mayor, explora el ambiente de la ciudad, Mary ve continuamente a su madre en todas partes.
Gideon's Daughter
Telefilm de la BBC sobre dos importantes acontecimientos que vivió Inglaterra en 1997: la euforia por la victoria del Partido Laborista de Tony Blair y la conmoción por la muerte de Lady Di, la princesa de Gales.
American Shark
Narrator (voice)
From the shallow waters off Florida's beaches to the chilly depths of Northern California's Pacific Ocean, this program delves into the habits and habitats of American sharks. A coast-to-coast journey, this open-water expedition looks at the diverse types of sharks common to coral reefs, deep waters, shallow strands and popular beaches, examines why certain types of sharks have dangerous reputations and reveals rarely seen sharks.
Humanzee: The Human Chimp
Narrator (voice)
Oliver is a chimpanzee who not only can walk upright, but does of his own accord. For years there have been debate's over Oliver's identity. All those who know Oliver swear that he is at least somewhat human. Is Oliver a chimpanzee and human hybrid, a well trained chimpanzee, or something altogether different?
Thomas & Friends: Best Of James
Thomas / Toby (voice)
Known on the Island of Sodor for his fine scarlet coat and occasional high-falutin' attitude, James has been a fan favorite from the very beginning. Children love his big grin and jovial way - - - adults connect with his kind heart and warm dispostition. This volume of the commemorative Thomas & Friends Collector's Edition series is dedicated to James, the very useful, splendid red engine. Celebrate all of the favorite stories which have made James one of the most popular and closest friends of Thomas. Remember when James got a little rough with some of the Troublesome Trucks and learned a very important lesson? Or when James' joke on Gordon backfired on him? And who could ever forget when James got stung on the nose by a bee? Get your tickets ready and hop for miles of smiles with your Sodor family as they salute your friend and ours, James.
Thomas & Friends: Best Of Thomas
Diesel (voice)
For over fifty years, the exciting adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and his Island of Sodor friends have enchanted millions of people around the world. With his endearing grin, light-hearted attitude, and cheeky personality, Thomas has enriched the lives of generations of children. Over the past year, we have received hundreds of thousands of letters, e-mails, and phone calls from fans who wanted to share with us their favorite Thomas stories. From this loyal support, we are proud to produce this first-ever DVD which includes eight of your favorite Thomas adventures and remarkable bonus features that promote learning and fun for everyone! Join Percy, James, Gordon, and the rest of your Sodor Friends as we celebrate the little blue engine who does really big things!
RKO 281: la batalla por «Ciudadano Kane»
Bernard Herrmann
En 1939, el joven prodigio Orson Welles deja Nueva York, donde ha triunfado en la radio y el teatro, y, contratado por RKO Pictures, se traslada a Hollywood con el propósito de hacer su primera película.
Casi todas las mujeres son iguales
Una mujer felizmente casada desde hace siete años, traductora de profesión, se ve seducida por las aventuras amorosas que relatan el diario escrito por un joven francés dos siglos atrás. La lectura de dichas páginas le harán replantearse su vida y despertar su imaginación.
B. Monkey
Beatrice, más conocida como B. Monkey, es una profesional del robo a mano armada y, aunque es una mujer de espíritu violento, desea desesperadamente controlar su vida para llevar una existencia anclada en la estabilidad y la serenidad domésticas. Harta de sus colegas y de su mundo, se aferra a Alan con la esperanza de empezar una nueva vida. Y, aunque al principio todo parece ir bien, su pasado seguirá acosándola vaya donde vaya.
Siglo XIX. Jude Fawley es un campesino que, desde niño, sueña con convertirse en un hombre ilustrado. Sin embargo, entre Jude y los libros no tarda en cruzarse Arabella, una seductora mujer con la que acaba casándose. El matrimonio resulta un fracaso y, tras la separación, Jude conoce a su prima Sue, una mujer muy avanzada para su época. Entre ambos se entabla una amistad que pronto se convertirá en amor.
Objetivo: El zar rojo
Un agente de la CIA que tiene que evitar el asesinato del presidente ruso, al mismo tiempo, tendrá que atender su vida privada que se ha complicado debido al regreso de su ex amante. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe
Mr. Beaver
Four kids travel to the magical land of Narnia where they must battle an evil queen with the direction of the lion, Aslan.
Superman IV: En busca de la paz
MBC Newscaster
Poco despues de que la cumbre USA-URSS para el desarme nuclear fracase, el mundo se ve al borde de la III guerra mundial. Superman recibe la carta del niño Jeremy, quien le pide que salve el mundo de la inminente guerra atómica. Desafiando al espíritu de los sabios de Krypton, el Hombre de Acero anuncia a la ONU que destruirá todas las armas nucleares, tanto del Este como del Oeste. Sin embargo, esto es aprovechado por el genio criminal Lex Luthor, recién fugado de prisión, quien se alía con los militaristas americanos y soviéticos para crear a Nuclear Man, un supermonstruo que aniquilará al Ultimo Hijo de Krypton.
Dentro del laberinto
Goblin (voice)
Sarah debe atravesar un laberinto para rescatar a su hermano pequeño, que ha sido secuestrado por los duendes y está en manos del poderoso rey Jareth. La niña descubre que ha llegado a un lugar donde las cosas no son siempre lo que parecen.
Yeshiva Student
La hija de un rabino se hace pasar por varón para estudiar en una escuela reservada para hombres. La polifacética Barbra Streisand consiguió el reconocimiento no sólo por su interpretación de la joven judía, sino por ser la primera película de la historia producida, dirigida, escrita e interpretada por una mujer.