John Freedom Henry


El día de los muertos II: Contagio
En 1968, un extraño virus causa un violento brote de canibalismo en un hospital militar. El brote se sofoca quemando y enterrando a los afectados. Cuarenta años después, el centro militar se ha convertido en un hospital para enfermos mentales. Cinco pacientes del sanatorio liberan, por error, el virus convirtiéndose, sin darse cuenta, en despiadados seres sedientos de carne humana. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bruce Helson
Vonda Madding has a history of bad relationships with men. The last man she married abused her and that was the last straw - she swore all men were scum. But what can she do? Eileen Trost has the answer: a witch's potion to free Vonda of her hateful thoughts and make her forget them once and for all. Suddenly her ex-boyfriends are being murdered and the police's only suspect is Vonda. But they don't know about Enyo, and they won't believe what is really happening...