Barbara Cupisti

Barbara Cupisti

Nacimiento : 1962-01-24, Viareggio, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy


Barbara Cupisti is an Italian award-winning documentary director with a long career as film actress. As an actress, she is well known outside of her native country by horror fans, who will most likely recognize her from her films with director Michele Soavi and Dario Argento. As a director, she is considered one of the most talented female directors of documentaries in the world. Mostly focused on human rights, she said that her goal is to give voice to the people who don't have the opportunity to speak.


Barbara Cupisti
Barbara Cupisti
Barbara Cupisti


Dream Time
Sé stessa
Spaghetti westerns, giallo, mondo... are the legacy of a golden age in Italian genre filmmaking, which began in the sixties and came to an end in the eighties, but not without leaving behind a few final masterpieces. This film explores, a few decades later, what became of those filmmakers and their films. A number of the most famous survivors of Italian horror movies will help to shed light on what happened.
My America
The United States is considered a symbol of freedom, the great social experiment made of democratic principles, equality, and the pursuit of happiness. But does this ideal of prosperity and individual freedom reflect the life of all American citizens? My America recounts today's United States: a nation grappling with increasingly complex social problems and heightened political tensions that have weakened the distinctive characteristics of what is considered the most powerful democracy in the world. Besides this social malaise, there is also the ability and determination of regular citizens who try to challenge and repair the country's moral fiber.
My America
The United States is considered a symbol of freedom, the great social experiment made of democratic principles, equality, and the pursuit of happiness. But does this ideal of prosperity and individual freedom reflect the life of all American citizens? My America recounts today's United States: a nation grappling with increasingly complex social problems and heightened political tensions that have weakened the distinctive characteristics of what is considered the most powerful democracy in the world. Besides this social malaise, there is also the ability and determination of regular citizens who try to challenge and repair the country's moral fiber.
Paura: Lucio Fulci Remembered - Volume 1
This documentary examines the life and legacy of controversial Italian filmmaker Lucio Fulci through interviews with his colleagues, each of whom answers the question, "What is your fondest memory of Lucio Fulci?". The responses are as varied as the people who knew the late writer-director, providing a nuanced look at the man behind such gory grindhouse classics as City of the Living Dead and The House by the Cemetery.
Sotto gli occhi di tutti
Dr. Calandra's secretary
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and controlling in his relationships with women. Convinced that his girlfriend cheated on him (with her dentist, ça va sans dire), Antonio insults her in a fit of anger and in the fight she breaks off one of his teeth. Antonio now must travel across the country, going from dentist to dentist in search of someone who can make a crown that will suit his extra-large smile.
In Parma, conversing with a CSM judge from Rome, the judge Bocchi tells what intrigues are hidden behind the beautiful and charming facade of the city, referring in detail to the latest and most 'chatted episode. It begins when Bocchi interrogates Giulio, a handsome and unassuming young man, for reasons of strangling, and invites him to collaborate with justice.
L'anno prossimo vado a letto alle dieci
This rollicking Italian black comedy follows the hellish, bizarre New Year's Eve night of two average guys who find themselves stumbling from one outlandish situation to the next. After being dumped by his girlfriend, a man tags along to the party his friend is attending, leading to a series of misadventures.
Sólo tú
Faith Corvatch siempre fue una chica romántica. A los once años, durante una sesión de espiritismo, le fue revelado el nombre del que estaba destinado a ser el amor de su vida: ”Damon Bradley”, alguien de quien ella no había oído hablar nunca. Han pasado los años, Faith es ahora una atractiva mujer, tiene novio, trabajo fijo, un bonito piso, pero no ha olvidado aquel nombre. Diez días antes de casarse, recibe la llamada de un antiguo compañero de su novio que se disculpa por no poder asistir a la boda. El nombre de este viejo amigo es Damon Bradley.
Mi novia es un zombie
Francesco Dellamorte es el cuidador del cementerio de Buffalora, un pueblo del norte de Italia. Dellamorte vive una vida solitaria apartado del mundo; su único amigo es Gnaghi, un pequeño, feo, lisiado y mudo compañero con el que comparte su ronda diaria por el cementerio. Desde hace algún tiempo, los muertos enterrados en el cementerio de Buffalora reviven debido a una súbita y misteriosa epidemia. Dellamorte tendrá que impedir que los muertos invadan el mundo de los vivos, algo que el resto de los humanos piensa que es sólo parte de su imaginación.
The Flesh and the Devil
Maria Cristina
Colombia 1662: In the Spanish colonies there the Inquisition: apostates are tortured, burned witches. The indigenous people are demonized and in the middle are two friends into enemies. The doctor Alfonso should marry the eldest daughter of the wealthy Don Ramon, but her other two sisters hedges of deadly intrigue. Father Guzman plays a spy of the church is a dangerous game that will be fatal for him and the mysterious Esmeralda turned all men's head.
Elisa and Karl are in a department store at closing time planning to steal a shirt, but Karl has to run to retrieve the car. And in the dark, after closing, Elisa witnesses a murder. Only problem is, she's blind. And when a police officer who was protecting the witness is killed it becomes more difficult for the Commissioner. And even more complicated when his relationship with Elisa starts to become a love-hate relationship.
La fuga del paraíso
En una sociedad futura, un anciano habla a dos niños de un extraño medallón. Tras una catástrofe nuclear, dos adolescentes que vivían en un paraíso artificial huyeron al espacio exterior utilizando el mismo metal en busca de la libertad.
Il bambino e il poliziotto
Carlo, a police officer, after intercepting a call conducts a drug bust at a private party at the upper class apartment of Rosanna Clerici and she is arrested. Just as the police and party guests are leaving, Giulio, Rosanna's six-year-old son, comes out of his room and asks Carlo where his mother is. Seeing that Carlo is the person responsible for his mother's arrest, Giulio tags along with him until his mother is freed. Carlo does everything possible to have Social Services or somebody look after the kid but is told by the Courts that he is the best candidate for his custody until a better one is found. Even though Giulio manages to turn Carlo's life inside out he ends up getting to like the kid and falling for the kid's mother, Rosanna, while she is in prison. It ends with Rosanna being released from prison and the three of them going out for dinner.
El engendro del diablo
En plena Edad Media, los Caballeros Teutónicos, "frailes guerreros de crueldad legendaria", exterminaron un poblado de brujas, enterrándolas en una fosa común sobre la cual se erigirá una catedral, como barrera frente a las fuerzas del Maligno. Ya en nuestros días, algo sucede que tiene relación con dicho suceso...
Las puertas del infierno
Un grupo de espeólogos vigila a uno de ellos que habita dentro de una cueva con el objetivo de batir el récord de permanencia. Pero algo sale mal, ya que pierden la comunicación en los instantes en los que estaba siendo atacado por fuerzas malévoles. El grupo decide acudir al rescate ignorando que se trata de un siniestro lugar que 7 siglos antes había sido una abadía maldita donde 7 monjes practicaban magia negra.
Dark Bar
Anna, a young saxophone player, investigates her sister's disappearance with the help of a friend.
Terror en la ópera
Signora Albertini
A Betty , una joven cantante de ópera, le ofrecen la oportunidad de debutar como protagonista en el "Macbeth" de Verdi, al sufrir un accidente la cantante principal. La obra tiene fama de maldita y, de hecho, empiezan a producirse, en torno a Betty, una serie de extrañas muertes, que vendrían a confirmar tal superstición.
Once dias, once noches
Como cada mañana Michael viaja en un ferry que le lleva a su trabajo pero aquel día le ocurre algo especial, se encuentra con Sarah, una mujer bellísima, que le mira profundamente y antes que él pueda reaccionar ella se desnuda ante sus ojos y le pide que hagan el amor allí mismo. Sarah es una escritora que está acabando su último libro sobre los cien hombres de su vida y Michael es la última de sus conquistas, él se siente aturdido ya que se casa en doce días y Sarah le pide que le conceda las once noches que le quedan.
Unos actores ensayan un drama inspirado en hechos reales. El sádico asesino protagonista ha escapado de la institución mental.
La llave secreta
Lisa Rolfe
Nino es un hombre mayor que está casado con una bella joven. El tipo no está muy satisfecho con su vida sexual, pero una posibilidad de cambio se abre una noche que sorprende a su esposa dormida.
El destripador de Nueva York
Un asesino que habla como un pato, ronda por Nueva York asesinando mujeres en forma grotesca. El detective Jack Headly se empleará a fondo para intentar cazarlo.