Mark Fenton

Nacimiento : 1866-11-11, Crestline, Ohio, USA

Muerte : 1925-07-29


Black Lightning
A WWI drama in which a Red Cross dog saves a man.
The Passing of Wolf MacLean
Bert Granger
Addicted to heavy gambling and strong alcohol, Bert Granger owns a saloon in which his children, Benny and pretty Alice, entertain the patrons. One night, The Stranger interferes in a drunken quarrel and becomes involved in a bitter fight, from which he emerges victorious. He is strongly attracted to Alice, and he strikes up a conversation while, at the gambling table, her father is being cheated in a crooked card game and loses the deed to the saloon. When a reward is posted for Wolf Maclean, The Stranger, who resembles the description given of the notorious bandit, is arrested.
The Battling Fool
Reverend Josiah Jenkins
William Fairbanks stars in this fighting feature about a rural rube who enters the ring to earn prize money to help a crippled girl.
Name the Man
Constable Cain
Victor Stowell, son of the deemster of the Isle of Man, is engaged to Fenella Stanley. He becomes involved in an intrigue with local girl Bessie Collister, becomes the deemster on his father's death, and is forced to try Bessie for killing her illegitimate child.
Speed Kings
General Mendell
Jimmy Martin, king of the motorcycle speedsters, visits the Kingdom of Mandavia for a race. There he is persuaded to impersonate the king by a traitor, Rodolph D'Henri, who intends to annex part of Mandavia for neighboring Selmarnia. The real king is in jail. D'Henri's plot is successful until Martin falls in love with Princess Margaret of Alvernia. Then he discloses his true identity, releases the real king, exposes the traitor, earns knighthood, and marries Margaret.
El herrero de la aldea
Dr. Brewster
De jóvenes, el escudero (Marshall) y el herrero del pueblo (Walling) están enamorados de la misma mujer (Boardman), con quien se casa el herrero. Esto enfurece al escudero. Años más tarde, el hijo del escudero, Anson (Yearsley), desafía al hijo del herrero, Johnnie (Hackathorne), a trepar a un árbol, del que cae y queda lisiado. De adultos, Anson y la hija del herrero Alice (Valli) se enamoran, lo que enfurece al herrero, que castiga a su hija. El otro hijo del herrero, Bill (Butler), regresa de la universidad y resulta herido en un accidente de tren. Anson roba $ 480 de un fondo de la iglesia que actualmente está en posesión de Alice. Alice es alcanzada por un rayo. El herrero lleva a Anson y al escudero a la iglesia, donde ambos se arrepienten.
Headin' West
Judge Dean
Bill Perkins, a war veteran bumming his way across the country with an airplane pilot, is forced to disembark via parachute when he arrives at a familiar spot. He lands in the midst of a cattlemen's dispute, gets a job as a dishwasher, and learns of a conspiracy to steal the ranch from its absent heir.
The Conquering Power
Monsieur des Grassins
Young playboy Charles Grandet is sent to live with his miserly uncle after his father loses his fortune. He and his cousin Eugenie fall in love, but his uncle sends him away and tries to arrange a marriage more to his liking (and profit!). Will true love triumph?
The Wallop
Major Vorhis
John Wesley Pringle, aventurero en libertad, regresa a casa después de hacer su ataque y encuentra a su vieja amiga, Stella, comprometida con Christopher Foy, quien se postula para sheriff. Pringle frustra un intento del sheriff titular Matt Lisner de matar a Foy, pero cuando Foy es acusado de un asesinato, Pringle, en una astuta treta, captura a Foy, mantiene a la pandilla a punta de pistola y luego lo libera, explicando su motivo.
Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis
Senator Lacour
En vísperas de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), las dos ramas de una acomodada familia argentina se dividen en dos bandos: los Desnoyers, oriundos de Francia, y los von Hartrott, de origen alemán. Julio Desnoyers, un joven irresponsable y bohemio, tiene un romance con Marguerite, una mujer casada. Cuando estalla la guerra, el esposo de Margueritte se va al frente. Poco despues, una serie de circunstancias hacen que Julio cambie radicalmente y decida trabajar para la Resistencia.
The Devil to Pay
Dr. Jernigan
Small town politician and banker Brent Warren is responsible for a murder, but only George Roan is sent to the gallows for it. Roan, however, is resuscitated after he is hung and proceeds to secretly haunt Warren's life. District attorney Cullen Grant is sure that Warren was behind the killing and has him arrested. Warren's fiancee, Dare Keeling, also happens to the Grant's ex-sweetheart, and she believes in his innocence. Her brother, Larry, however, isn't so sure and he goes to work as Warren's secretary.
Robert Castleback is in possession of secret papers which could bring a certain prince to power under conditions which would make Castleback a ruling force in Europe. Master crook Arsene Lupin becomes aware of Castleback's bid for power and, in the interests of France, begins a search for the plans.
Ligaduras de oro
Col. Brereton
Jefferson Todd y Louis Castiga (cuñados), llegan a las manos en un vapor del río Mississippi cuando Todd descubre la presencia de Castiga allí con una mujer.
The Fightin' Terror
The Fightin' Terror is a 1920 silent Western.
The Mystery Of 13
John Green
A man comes by a map that shows the location of a secret treasure, but runs afoul of a criminal organization known as the "13". Chapter ten, eleven and twelve are still missing from this 15 episode serial.
A Fight for Love
Angus McDougal
Los Montados del Noroeste persiguen a Cheyenne Harry por el asesinato de un niño indio, y el único testigo del crimen es un sacerdote, que no puede decir lo que vio porque el verdadero asesino, Black Michael, se lo confesó.
$5,000 Reward
Hammersley (as Marc Fenton)
A wealthy old man is murdered after deciding to write his nephew out of his will. Fearing that he will be accused of the murder his nephew takes flight but, with the help of a young woman whose life he saves, he has to try and track down the real murderer.
My Unmarried Wife
Dr. Allen
A nurse falls for a impoverished and recently blinded novelist.
John Ermine of the Yellowstone
Colonel Searles
As a baby, John Ermine is stolen from a wagon train by the Crow Indians and is adopted by Chief Fire Bear. John grows to manhood, ignorant that he is a white man until his parentage is disclosed to him by Crooked Bear, a white hermit who is on friendly terms with the Crows. Crooked Bear teaches John the language and customs of the white man's civilization, impressing upon him that it is his sacred responsibility to keep peace between the white men and the Indians.
The Man Trap
R.H. Steadman
Framed by police inspector Finch and his managing editor, R. H. Steadman, to cover up their own crooked work, reporter John Mull languishes in prison until he escapes, determined to wreak vengeance.
Flirting with Death
Dave Higginbotham
When an aviator dies performing in a traveling circus, the circus closes and sideshow con men "Sky-High" Billy Wardell and "Domino" Dominick are arrested for giving out fake watches to wheel of fortune winners. After Domino springs the jail's lock, they jump a freight train and arrive in the next town, where Billy falls in love when Jane Higgenbotham allows them to breakfast on her freshly baked pies.
The Clean-Up
James Richards
A publicist for a racy burlesque troupe romances the daughter of the head of The Purity League, an organization that wishes to see such shows banned.
The Car of Chance
James Bennett
In his will, Mr. Baird leaves his son Arnold (Franklyn Farnum ) just one seven-passenger auto and a hundred dollars to keep it filled up and in good repair. When James Bennett (Mark Fenton) hears of this, he insists that Baird do something to make his fortune before he can marry his daughter Ruth (Agnes Vernon). Bennett begins by using the car to start a jitney-bus line. This is not terribly impressive to Bennett -- who owns a trolley company -- and he decides he would rather see Ruth married to his controller, William Mott-Smith (H.J. Bennett).
The Flashlight
Jack Lane (William Stowell) has made an invention for photographing wild animals. It consists of a camera with a trigger -- when the trigger is stepped on by a passing animal, a flash goes off and the camera shoots the picture. Lane goes up to the mountains to try out his new contraption. When a recluse refuses to let him spend the night in his cabin, Lane goes to sleep out of doors, with the camera set up near by. In the middle of the night, he is awakened by the flash and the sound of gunshots. Trekking back to his own cabin the next day, he develops the picture, which is of a girl holding a rifle. He returns to the recluse's cabin where he is arrested for murder.
The Phantom's Secret
Count de Beaulieu
At the death of Count de Beaulieu, his daughter Jeanne learns that her father had been the arch-criminal known as The Phantom. The only other person who knew her father's identity was his lieutenant, Franz Leroux, who now demands that Jeanne marry him in return for his silence.
Baseball Madness
The Father
Baseball Madness is a 1917 American silent comedy film directed by Billy Mason and starring Gloria Swanson.
The Clock
John Graham
A 1917 American silent comedy film
The Gates of Doom
Sir Ethelbert Duane
Indore, an Indian woman married to the English Captain Terence Unger is imprisoned by the prince after she gives birth to a baby daughter named Agatha. On his deathbed, Unger beseeches his friend Francis Duane to care for Agatha which Duane does, returning to England with the infant.
A Child of Mystery
In New York's Little Italy, Carlotta's life is run by Black Hand leaders who will not let her see her sweetheart Tom. The Black Handers also control the life of prominent Judge Andrews, because years before, after the death of Andrews' daughter, they kidnapped his granddaughter. Only now have they agreed to return her, at a charity ball, for a large ransom.
Grace's Uncle
Guilty is a 1916 silent film
Black Friday
Jim Fisk
In 1869, enemies of railroad magnate Richard Strong attempt to ruin him. Richard thwarts them, largely through the help of Charles Dalton, but then Charles tries to seduce Elinor, Richard's wife. Although she rebuffs Charles, Richard accuses her of infidelity, so Elinor leaves him and goes to Paris. Richard follows her, but, caught in the middle of the 1870 riots, he cannot get near her. Charles, also in Paris, finally convinces Richard that nothing had come of his interest in Elinor, but Richard now believes that Elinor no longer loves him.
The Mark of Cain
Dick's Father
The Insurance Swindlers
Roger Maxwell
The insurance companies, organized in one mighty trust, have been using the policy holders' money to speculate with. Tom Larnigan has announced that he will investigate and proceed against the trust.
Old King Coal
Roger Maxwell
Stone assures Weisner, head of the Coal Trust, that Larnigan will never start for Pennsylvania. Weisner is skeptical and informs Stone that if he does go he may be killed, as a strike is in progress. Weisner, a little later in Maxwell's home repeats the statement of it being an easy matter to kill Tom should be come to the coal country. Dorothy Maxwell and Kitty Rockford overhear the conversation. They decide to go to the coal country and lend their aid to Tom.
America Saved from War
Roger Maxwell
The plan is this: a foreign man of war is interned in the harbor. By blowing up this boat, Carney figures that strained relation existing between this country and warring nations will snap and the United States will be drawn into the conflict. This would mean untold orders and profit for the Steel Trust. Stone and Carney plan to carry out the plot with aid of an eccentric inventor named Bill Bean.
The Railroad Monopoly
Roger Maxwell
Tom Larnigan, encouraged by his victory over the Textile Trust, turns his attention to the Railroad Monopoly. Tom receives warning from the Graft Trust to cease his activities or suffer the fate of his father and brother.
Grinding Life Down
Roger Maxwell
The experience of Bruce on the grain steamer has been a great shock to Dorothy. She thinks Stone responsible and breaks her engagement, despite the pleadings of her father. Tom Larnigan is working for the Textile Trust in Lyndham. The low wages have caused a strike. Tom does what he can for the workers.
Big Bill's father (as Marc Fenton)
Kate, whose father, a university graduate, died when she was very young, is adopted by her tenement neighbor, Mrs. McMahon, after her mother, a woman of refinement, dies. At ten, the ill-nourished girl, who has grown up watching her drunken foster father fight with her overworked foster mother, goes to work in a factory after Mr. McMahon loses his job. During the next eight years, Kate's stepbrother, Big Bill McMahon, becomes her friend, sweetheart and protector.
The Broken Coin
King of Grahaffen
A movie serial directed by Francis Ford.
The Silent Command
The Coroner
Unable to pay for the operation that cured his daughter, a man promises to surrender her to the doctor on her eighteenth birthday. Knowing that the physician wishes to make her the subject of his experiments with hypnotism, the distressed father ultimately reneges on his promise, whereupon the doctor attempts to hypnotize the girl from afar.
The Black Box
Inspector French
Science fiction serial, presumed lost.