Kurt Neubert


Les Seigneurs de la forêt
Documentary about the inhabitants, both human and animal, of the Belgian Congo. Released in 1958.
Camera Operator
The 1958 finals, held in Sweden, saw the emergence of a new superstar in Pelé. This 17 year-old wonder player led the Brazilians to a final triumph over the host nation 5-2.
Director of Photography
Documental sobre los Juegos Olímpicos celebrados en la ciudad de Berlín en 1936. Divida en dos partes de 118 y 107 minutos, respectivamente, el atletismo ocupa buena parte de su metraje, incluida la primera parte en su integridad. La segunda incluye imágenes de gimnasia, vela, pentatlón, decatlón, hockey sobre hierba, polo, fútbol, ciclismo, hípica, remo, salto y natación.
Love in Stunt Flying
Director of Photography
Mabel is a successful pilot who hates sensational media, but falls in love with Jack, a womanizer journalist with conservative views on gender. When the two of them get married, they make a deal: Mabel will cease to fly as long as Jack doesn't interview any more women. But how long can they keep their pact?
Dusty Ermine
Additional Photography
A forger returns to his family when he leaves jail vowing to go straight. Although approached by an international counterfeiting gang he keeps his word only to find his nephew is in the Swiss Alps helping the crooks. He sets off to try and put a stop to things, but with Scotland Yard also hot-footing it to the resort his problems are just beginning. Written by Jeremy Perkins {J-26}
Day of Freedom
Camera Operator
Se trata de un film propagandístico del las fuerzas armadas del régimen nazi, que actualmente está parcialmente perdido (sólo se conservan aproximadamente 17 minutos que fueron redescubiertos en 1970). El documental es una cobertura del VII Congreso del Partido Nazi, que tuvo lugar en Núremberg. Se presenta una advertencia de lo que está por venir por medio de la representación de un simulacro de batalla, escenificado por las tropas alemanas durante la ceremonia en Núremberg del Día de las Fuerzas Armadas de Alemania, en 1935. La cámara sigue a los soldados desde sus preparativos a comienzos del día en sus tiendas de campaña, y cuando marchan cantando a la amplia plaza donde tiene lugar una guerra en miniatura, en la que participan la infantería, caballería, aeronaves y defensas antiaéreas. Asimismo, tiene lugar la primera aparición pública del nuevo tanque alemán, que es presentado ante Adolf Hitler y miles de espectadores.
Fientje Peters, Poste Restante
Theatre Play
Novelist Philip wants to employ a beautiful young secretary, much to his wife Inez' disgust. After a particularly nasty scene, he packs his bags and leaves. Shortly after, his father-in-law arrives from Indonesia, mistaking family friend Willem for his son-in-law. Willem falls in love with Fientje Peters, the secretary in question, who has another admirer in Mr Bakker, the chief clerk at the hotel, who in turn is worshipped by his own secretary -- a tough tangle to sort out.
Die Tochter des Regiments
The Sea Calls
Director of Photography
The Baltic captain Terje Wiggen works as a pilot on the island of Muhu. When the mate of the ship “Carola” calls in sick, he jumps at the chance of reviving his life as a sailor. WWI breaks soon after the departure. By and by the ship’s company gets worn down by dead calm. On account of the plague-ridden captain, Wiggen disposes of the contaminated water reserve. Discontent among the crew rises until they take the sole lifeboat and leave their mate behind. Wiggen unsuccessfully tries to bring the ship under control. At the last minute he is rescued off the Japanese coast. At his return he promises to never leave his wife and child again. But the German Imperial Navy begins to blockade the waterways of the island. Wiggen paddles to Sweden with the intention of smuggling provisions for his family. On his way back he is detained by a German captain. After five years of imprisonment he returns to Muhu once more. Wiggen is hellbent on vengeance. (Deutsche Kinemathek)
Das Lied der Schwarzen Berge
Un drama en la nieve
Director of Photography
El guía de montaña e instructor de esquí Hans Turri ha sido contratado por el turista Gregory Milacz para realizar una ruta en las montañas. Ambos se ven atrapados por una tormenta, por lo que mientras Milacz queda a la espera en la cabaña Concordia, Turri vuelve de nuevo al valle. A la vuelta, Milacz ha desaparecido. Las sospechas se vuelven contra Turri como sospechoso de asesinato por los celos que pudiera tener por la bella Mary Dulac. Para librarse de la acusación de asesinato, Turri se lanza a la búsqueda de Milacs. Versión francesa de la película 'Der sohn der weissen berge', rodada el mismo año por el mismo equipo pero con diferentes actores.
The Son of the White Mountain
Director of Photography
La esquiadora francesa Mary Dulac cae frente a los pies de los tres esquiadores alemanes Turri, Koste y Morel durante el entrenamiento para los campeonatos europeos de esquí en Zermatt en el Matterhorn. La hija pasa las vacaciones de invierno en las montañas con su padre adinerado e invita a sus nuevos conocidos a un baile en su elegante hotel por la noche, para disgusto de su admirador Gregor Milacz.
Ways to Strength and Beauty
Camera Operator
The perfect body as an object of cult worship. Based on the mass sports and body worship movement of the 1920s, the film propagates physical training and shows in stylized documentary scenes aspects of physical hygiene, gymnastics, sports and dancing as well as scenes in which supposed sportsmen of antiquity pose naked.