Jean Willes

Jean Willes

Nacimiento : 1923-04-15, Los Angeles, California, USA

Muerte : 1989-01-03


Jean Willes
Jean Willes


Muerde la bala
Una carrera de caballos de 700 millas, a través de varios estados americanos, concentra un gran interés y muchas apuestas en toda la nación. Participan en la competición nueve personas muy diferentes que se enfrentarán a una de las más duras y apasionantes experiencias de su vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
El club social de Cheyenne
John, un vaquero de Texas, recibe tras la muerte de su hermano una insólita herencia: El club social de Cheyenne. Cuando John, al que acompaña su inseparable amigo Sullivan, otro desbravador de caballos, va a tomar posesión de la propiedad, se encuentra con que el club es la residencia de varias muchachas de vida alegre más famosa de toda la comarca.
La reina del Vaudeville
Miss Cratchitt
Una madre ambiciosa y absorbente intenta que sus hijas lleguen al estrellato en Broadway. Al final, el éxito llega de la manera más insospechada.
Gun Street
Joan Brady
In this movie filmed and released in 1961 (and not a 1962 production), an escaped convict returns to town and begins a reign of terror. Marked for death are Dr. Dean Knudtson, his wife Janice, formerly married to the killer, and Jeff Baxley, on whose testimony the man was originally sent to prison. Sheriff Charles Morton and deputy Sam Freed head a posse tracking down the killer in the desert. The man is found dead of the wounds inflicted by a prison guard trying to prevent his escape. The sheriff resigns his job and heads west with Joan. Written by Les Adams
Brotes de pasión
Junie McCarthy
En pocos días, el prestigioso abogado Arthur Winner comprueba apesadumbrado cómo todo a su alrededor se hunde. La gravedad de la situación le lleva a replantearse los principios que hasta el momento habían regido su vida. Durante los últimos meses ha compartido bufete con su suegro y con Julius Penrose, con cuya esposa mantiene una relacion sentimental. De repente, Winner descubre que su suegro ha cometido una estafa con el dinero de sus clientes. (FILMAFFINITY)
El cielo coronado
Gloria Panawek
Dos aviones, uno comercial y otro militar, están a punto de colisionar. Ante la inminencia del accidente los protagonistas son conscientes de que sus sueños y secretos podrían estar llegando a su fin.
La cuadrilla de los once
Mrs. Bergdorf
Once amigos, compañeros de armas en la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), planean robar, en una sola noche, cinco de los mayores casinos de Las Vegas. En el año 2001 Steven Soderbergh hizo un remake con un gran reparto: George Clooney, Brad Pitt y Julia Roberts.
The Slowest Gun in the West
Kathy McQueen
The town of Primrose, Arizona is beset by outlaws, so the towns people hire Fletcher Bissell III (A.K.A. The Silver Dollar Kid) as their new sheriff. Fletcher is so cowardly the townsfolk are sure that the local outlaws will be too proud to gun him down. This proves to be the case, and the outlaws hire their own cowardly gunfighter, Chicken Farnsworth, to go up against The Silver Dollar Kid. Written by Jim Beaver
FBI contra el imperio del crimen
Anna Sage
Jim Hardesty es un joven abogado que trabaja para el FBI, en un departamento que no tiene un gran futuro; por eso, su novia Luzy le pide que deje ese empleo. Él le promete que dimitirá en cuanto tome posesión de su cargo el nuevo director, John Edgar Hoover. Pero, cuando éste le pide a Jim que colabore con él, entonces tendrá razones para no abandonar.
Duelo en el barro
Un vaquero se instala en un pueblo y se enamora de una joven que trabaja en el saloon local. Pero ignora que la chica está relacionada con el patrón que domina la zona, lo que le provocará múltiples problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
No Time for Sergeants
WAF Captain
Georgia farm boy Will Stockdale is about to bust with pride. He’s been drafted. Will’s ready. But is Uncle Sam ready for Will? In No Time for Sergeants, Andy Griffith is certifiably funny in the role that clinched his stardom. Wearing a friendly, wide grin, he ambles into the U.S. Air Force – and lots of folks’ll never be the same.
Deseo bajo los olmos
Florence Cabot
El hijo (Anthony Perkins) del granjero Eben sólo espera el día en que pueda heredar las tierras de su padre, un tiránico viudo (Burt Ives). Pero cuando éste vuelve a casarse y anuncia que dejará sus posesiones a su nueva esposa, estallan las pasiones más encontradas a lo largo de una noche llena de furia y deseo entre Eben y su nueva madrastra (Sophia Loren).
Hear Me Good
Rita Hall
Comedy involving a beauty contest that has two pre-chosen winners; one the special girlfriend of a not too savory character, the other, the true love of the promoter.
The Tijuana Story
Liz March
Courageous newspaper editor Manuel Acosta Mesa tries to take on the mob in Tijuana through his newspaper, reporting on the violence, prostitution and drug sales in the border town.
Hell on Devil's Island
An ex-con from Devil's Island enlists the support of the governor's daughter in exposing a prison mining operation.
The Man Who Turned to Stone
A new social worker at a girls' reformatory discovers that her charges are being used by a group of ancient alchemists, who have insinuated themselves as the prison's chief staffers, to keep themselves alive and free from an insidious petrification, which is already afflicting one of their number.
Un rey para cuatro reinas
Ruby McDade
El aventurero Dan Kehoe (Gable) llega a un rancho dirigido por una viuda y sus cuatro nueras con la esperanza de encontrar un tesoro formado por lingotes de oro. El codiciado botín, fruto del atraco a un banco, fue enterrado en aquel lugar por los cuatro hijos de la viuda, de los que sólo queda uno vivo, pero no se sabe cuál ni cuándo regresará.
La rebeldía de la Sra. Stover
Cuando comienza la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Mamie (Jane Russell), una atractiva prostituta de San Francisco, se instala en Hawaii. A pesar de que sus perspectivas parecen mejorar cuando se enamora de un escritor de ciencia- ficción (Richard Egan), tanto la guerra como su pasado complicarán la relación.
La invasión de los ladrones de cuerpos
Nurse Sally Withers
En una pequeña ciudad de California empiezan a suceder cosas muy extrañas: el comportamiento de algunas personas cambia de tal manera que causa estupor e incluso miedo entre sus parientes y amigos.
The Lieutenant Wore Skirts
Joan Sweeney
TV writer Greg Whitcomb did his military service heroically but now has settled into everyday life with a young wife, Katy. A letter from the war department arrives that Katy believes is calling Greg back to active duty from the Air Force reserve, but she hides it during a party celebrating their wedding anniversary.
He Took a Powder
Wally leaves his wife.
Bobby Ware Is Missing
Janet Ware
This suspense film revolves around the crime of child abduction. The parents of the missing child undertake a feverish search for their son. The police are contacted, and a ransom letter is received.
5 contra la banca
Unos estudiantes van a Reno para pasar unas horas en la capital del juego. Uno de ellos, Ronnie, hijo de una acaudalada familia, urde por diversión un plan para robar un millón de dólares en un casino. Brick, un excombatiente de la Guerra de Corea que sufre un trastorno psicológico, se aferra a la idea de que el atraco tiene visos de prosperar... Phil Karlson realiza la típica película de robos con un planteamiento muy clásico. Kim Novak es la novia de uno de los ladrones, lo que da pie a una de las frases más memorables del film, una descripción del matrimonio como "un partido de tenis, jugado con cañones de 40 milímetros".
Nobody's Home
The boys unknowingly purchase the same house.
Gypped in the Penthouse
Larry and Shemp reminisce about their experiences with Jean, a diamond crazy gold digger each of them was gypped by. After telling their stories, they have a run in with Moe, who is now married to the same women. When Jean shows up, they deliver some stooge-style revenge.
His Pest Friend
The boys install a television aerial.
Bowery to Bagdad
Melody, alias "Claire Culpepper"
The Bowery Boys find a lamp that has strange magic powers.
Masterson of Kansas
Dallas Corey
El sheriff Masterson está empeñado en probar que un grupo de vaqueros ha tendido una trampa a Merrick haciéndole parecer culpable de asesinato. Merrick hizo un trato con los Kiowa para cederles una reserva que los cowboys querían para pasto. Masterson sabe que los Kiowa declararán la guerra si Merrick es ejecutado, por lo que deberá encontrar al único testigo de los oscuros hechos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ha nacido una estrella
Fan at a Benefit Show (uncredited)
Norman Maine, un famoso actor adicto al alcohol, descubre a Esther, una joven con un gran talento para la canción y decide impulsar su carrera cinematográfica. Ella consigue la fama y, a los pocos meses, la pareja contrae matrimonio. Pero, a medida que el éxito de Esther aumenta, decae el de Norman, y esta situación lo empuja a la autodestrucción.
The Glass Web
The ice-cold diva Paula ruthlessly exploits the guys she dates. While blackmailing the married Don with a recent one-night-stand, she has a secret affair with Henry, who works as researcher for the weekly authentic TV show "Crime of the Week", which Don writes for. When Henry fails to help her to a role, she insults him deadly... and ends up dead herself. Now Don desperately tries to hide his traces, but Henry sabotages his efforts and suggests he write the unsolved murder case for next week's show...
De aquí a la eternidad
Annette (uncredited)
Al soldado Prewitt están a punto de concederle un traslado con el que abandonará Pearl Harbour. Pero el nuevo capitán Holmes le retiene con el pretexto de que es un gran boxeador. Los romances y los abusos están al orden del día en una base despreocupada por la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sin embargo, el ataque japonés al enclave es inminente.
Run for the Hills
Prancer Veach
Fearing nuclear war, an insurance man moves to a cave with his wife and family.
Abbott y Costello van a Marte
Capt. Olivia
Lester y Orville lanzan un cohete de forma accidental, el cual se supone que va destinado a Marte pero, en vez de parar allí, llega a Nueva Orleans durante el Mardi Gras. Luego son obligados por el ladrón de bancos Mugsy y su compañero Harry, a viajar a Venus, donde encuentran una civilización entera de mujeres; los hombres son desterrados.
Marino al agua
Con varios días de permiso que disfrutar, pero sin un céntimo en el bolsillo, el marinero Moby Dikerson y sus compañeros Joe Carter y Skip Edwards se enrolan como tripulantes de un barco que va a la isla Catalina. Una vez allí, deciden organizar un espectáculo benéfico.
El francotirador
Woman Exiting Bar
En San Francisco, Eddie Miller, un modesto empleado, armado con un fusil de precisión mata desde un tejado a cuatro mujeres. A continuación se quema una mano para poder ingresar en un hospital y atraer la atención de los médicos sobre su estado mental.
A Yank in Indo-China
Jungle Jim in the Forbidden Land
Jungle Jim is forced to lead anthropologist Dr. Edwards into a land inhabited by giant people.
The First Time
Fawn Wallace
A married couple welcomes their first child.
A Fool and His Honey
Wally's Wife
Wally suspects Eddie of having more than a friendly interest in Wally's wife, and his suspicions, he thinks, are confirmed when he finds Eddie in his apartment. Eddie has a logical reason for being there, but Wally won't listen and the chase is on.
The Champs Step Out
Miss Pearson
In the third of four shorts in this series, two ex-prizefighters, Max Baer and Maxie Rosenbloom, are hired by an archaeologist, Professor Bentley, to guard a million dollars worth of antiques and relics in his home. During the night, each makes a play for the professor's secretary, Miss Pearson, who is working for a gang of crooks planning to rob the place. She slips them a mickey-finn but they come to soon enough to catch the crooks and save the relics.
The stooges are dance instructors sent by a movie company to a tropical island to teach the natives how to dance so they can appear in a movie. The boys run into trouble with the local witch doctor who wants to add their heads to his collection. The stooges defeat the witch doctor with hand grenades they swipe from a multi-armed idol, and get on with the dancing lessons.
The Family Secret
When his son accidentally kills someone, a lawyer must defend the man wrongly charged with the murder.
Don't Throw That Knife
Lucy Wyckoff
The stooges become census takers and wind up in the apartment of a lady whose husband is both jealous and a knife thrower. When the husband arrives home, the boys try to hide, but are discovered, and after dodging some knives, leave on the run.
He Flew the Shrew
Comedy short.
Revenue Agent
Marge King
Accountant Augustis King discovers that his wife, Marfhe, is having an affair with his boss Sam Bellows. He telephones Internal Revenue Bureau that he can give evidence of a large tax-evasion racket. Before IRS-agent Steve Daniels arrives, King is murdered by a henchman of Bellows and his partner, Ernie Medford. Daniels discovers that Bellows and Medford are smuggling gold bullion from their mine in Mexico, and sell and bank the money under assumed names. they hide the bullion in a compartment welded to the bottom of a car.
A Snitch in Time
Miss Gladys Scudder
The stooges are carpenters who are re-staining some furniture they've delivered to a boarding house. The plot gets complicated when the boys confront some crooks who are hiding out there. They defeat the bad guys with the help of the varnished furniture which sticks the head crook to a chair.
House About It
Wally and his family and Eddie and his family all wind up living in the same house. Complications ensue.
His Baiting Beauty
Ethel Dunkel
Harry has to leave town on a business trip to take part in the opening of a new radio station. However, his wife suspects that he is actually going to meet another woman.
Let Down Your Aerial
Eddie buys a new TV set and Wally offers to help him put up his roof antenna.
Chinatown at Midnight
A young man who steals valuable Oriental objects for a lady friend who operates an antique shop gets mixed up in a twisted murder plot.
The Winner's Circle
Jean Trent
A Thoroughbred makes the long journey from initial training and workout to ultimate triumph as a champion horse.
Hectic Honeymoon
Ruth Jones
Sterling works as a woman's hosiery salesman, and marries one of the office secretaries only to find out that his boss has just decided that anyone in his employ that gets married will be fired. His antics to keep his wife and his boss apart leads to troubles on both fronts.
Blondie in the Dough
Miss Marsh, Thorpe's Secretary (uncredited)
Blondie #21: Blondie opens a bakery in her home to help fill the family cookie jar in this entry in the long-running domestic comedy series based on the popular comic strip. Her tasty cookies become so popular that a cookie magnate makes her an offer that is difficult to refuse. Unfortunately, this creates all kinds of problems for the Bumsteads.
La diosa de la danza
Rita Hayworth interpreta a una angelical musa que monta en cólera cuando se entera de que un musical de Broadway la va a presentar como una chica real muy sexy. Así que baja a la tierra para poner las cosas en su sitio.
Bride and Gloom
Sally (as Jean Donahue)
In this Columbia All-Star Comedy (production number 8439), Shemp Howard finds himself in a love nest with the wrong woman, while his bride-to-be is waiting, none too happy, at the church.
The Scooper Dooper
Betty Parker
A young man who wants desperately to become a newspaper reporter decides he can cinch his career by exposing a suspected diamond smuggler.
Slappily Married
Customer (uncredited)
Joe's wife, who thinks he's been carrying on with another woman, moves out.
Honeymoon Blues
Peggy Dawson
Immediately after his wedding, Hugh's boss comes to him with an important job - he is to ingratiate himself with an important client's mistress and retrieve some incriminating love letters.
Monkey Businessmen
Nurse Shapely
The stooges are bumbling electricians who decide to go away for a rest after they are fired for their incompetence. The rest home they choose is run by Dr. Mallard, a quack who gyps the patients for everything they've got. When the boys discover the crooked goings on they escape, but not before Curly accidentally cures another patient who rewards him with a thousand dollars.
Ain't Love Cuckoo?
Cuckoo Narrator (voice)
Gus Shilling and Richard Lane are two GIs serving overseas, following WWII, and they get word that their wives, also in the U. S. military service, are missing. Meanwhile, the two wives get the same information about the husband of each. Time passes, and Gus, the widower, meets Richard's wife, the widow, and vice-versa and Gus marries Richard's wife and Richard marries Gus's wife, and all is well until they go on their honeymoons and stay at the same hotel.
Fuera de la ley
The Other Girl (uncredited)
La acción tiene lugar en el mundo de las carreras de caballos, cuando un jugador con deudas falsifica la partida de nacimiento de un jockey para que pueda participar en una trascendental carrera. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sangre en Filipinas
Lt. Carol Johnson
Un grupo de enfermeras del Ejército de los Estados Unidos se dirige a Hawaii en diciembre de 1941. El ataque a Pearl Harbor cambiará su destino y sus vidas. Enviadas a Bataan, Filipinas, las enfermeras estarán bajo el mando de la teniente Janet Davidson, que tendrá que enfrentarse con enfermeras novatas que esperaban una agradable estancia en Hawaii, pero tendrán que convertirse rápidamente en veteranas si quieren salvar las vidas de numerosos heridos y con suministros cada vez más escasos.
Beautiful Clothes
Harry Langdon lip syncs the title song and interacts with models.