Augustus E. Thomas


The Witching Hour
Jack Brookfield, un jugador con poderes clarividentes e hipnóticos, es capaz de ganar jugando a las cartas utilizándolos. Pero cuando inadvertidamente hipnotiza al joven Clay Thorne, éste, mientras está en trance, mata a un enemigo de Brookfield. Nadie cree en lo que afirma Brookfield de que Thorne es inocente de cualquier intento de asesino, por lo que Brookfield se asocia con Martin Prentice, abogado ya jubilado, con la esperanza de salvar al joven de la horca.
Bob se niega a contraer matrimonio con su novia y la abandona. Ella se casa con su mejor amigo para vengarse.
The Family Secret
Theatre Play
Un hombre modesto, sin saberlo, tiene un bebé con una mujer de una familia acomodada. A través de una serie de coincidencias se reúne con su hija, lo que obliga a la familia a enfrentar sus secretos.
Thirty Days
Theatre Play
John Cadwalader Floyd gets himself into a lot of trouble when hot-headed Italian Giacomo Polenta finds him in the arms of his wife, Rosa.
The World's Champion
Young William Burroughs comes from wealth but not nobility, so despite his income he is not welcomed when he pursues Lady Elizabeth Galton, and indeed he is not only beaten by her cousin but thrown out by his own father for the disgrace he has caused. He travels to the United States where he becomes a champion prizefighter. Upon his return to England, he finds circumstances quite changed for Lady Galton and he sets out to change her circumstances further.
The Bonnie Brier Bush
Theatre Play
A Lord's son is engaged to his rich ward, but prefers a peasant.
The Witching Hour
Rio Grande
Theatre Play
Maria Lopez is the daughter of an American mother and a Mexican father, who is the head of a band of insurgents. As a child, she was kidnapped by her father and raised south of the border to hate gringos. She begins to like them a lot better when, during an escape from some Mexican "Rurals," she crosses the border and is captured by Texas Ranger Danny O'Neil. He lets her go, and they fall in love, but their romance is interrupted when she hears that her father has been captured by Americans.
The Capitol
Theatre Play
Margaret Kennard takes her baby daughter Agnes and leaves her husband Eustace for James Carroll. Upon discovering that James is a thief, she leaves him, joins the Salvation Army, and places Agnes in a convent. Twenty years pass. Agnes marries young Congressman Blake. James is now a lobbyist trying to prevent Blake from passing an anti-profiteering bill. Attempting to help her husband, Agnes sets out to prove that James is a scoundrel.
The Capitol
Margaret Kennard takes her baby daughter Agnes and leaves her husband Eustace for James Carroll. Upon discovering that James is a thief, she leaves him, joins the Salvation Army, and places Agnes in a convent. Twenty years pass. Agnes marries young Congressman Blake. James is now a lobbyist trying to prevent Blake from passing an anti-profiteering bill. Attempting to help her husband, Agnes sets out to prove that James is a scoundrel.
Theatre Play
A lost film. An Army lieutenant at a remote post in Arizona tells a young woman that he does not love her, so she contrives to marry his commanding officer, who is also his best friend.
Mrs. Leffingwell's Boots
Theatre Play
The feather-brained wife of the level-headed Mr. Leffingwell. As the fashionable young couple wend their way through such standard social obligations as weekend parties, tennis matches and polo games, Mrs. Leffingwell becomes innocently involved with a couple of would-be philanderers.
Her Man
Theatre Play
A wealthy woman moves to Appalachia to educate illiterate mountaineers, but gets caught up between two feuding families.
On the Quiet
Theatre Play
Young couple gets married in secret because her family objects to the match. To escape the family the couple goes into hiding.
Theatre Play
Private Frank Austin, imprisoned for striking Colonel Kincaid, who was abusing a lame newsboy, escapes to Colorado. Meanwhile, Latin professor Thomas Doyle, his wife Mary and sister Kitty also move to Colorado because of Mrs. Doyle's health and are persuaded by Kincaid to buy a ranch that is worthless because it has no irrigation. While Mrs. Doyle gets well and Doyle's funds run out, Austin, on land bordering Doyle's, strikes gold and is blackmailed by Kincaid to let him have a controlling interest.
The Other Girl
Theatre Play
Rev. Bradford seeks the health resort conducted by William Muldoon. "Kid Garvey," who has known Mr. Muldoon for many years, calls on his old friend. Rev. Bradford arrives and he chooses the "Kid" as his trainer, believing him to be one of the regular trainers of the institution. Garvey seeks an opportunity of breaking into "swell society" and requests that he be introduced by his right name, Frank Sheldon.
The Nightingale
Franti, an organ grinder of the poor districts of New York, has a daughter, Isola, who sings to his street piano's accompaniment.
The Nightingale
Franti, an organ grinder of the poor districts of New York, has a daughter, Isola, who sings to his street piano's accompaniment.
The Jungle
Drama directed by George Irving et al.
The Jungle
Drama directed by George Irving et al.
Paid in Full
An officer in the U.S. Cavalry sacrifices his reputation to save that of the unfaithful wife of his superior officer.