Jonas Frederiksen


A Matter Of Trust
Five stories on interpersonal trust and unspoken truths intertwine in Annette K. Olesen’s artful, elliptical, and bittersweet relationship drama.
Revenge of the Necromancer
Original Music Composer
Jimmy is an outsider at his school. He is interested in the occult. He doesn't socialize much, but instead he tries to get in touch with his dead mother through ancient rituals, but without success. But one day a new boy starts at the school and he quickly befriends Jimmy. Suddenly the spirits awaken and become a real threat, so Jimmy and Amir have to join forces with the schools two most popular girls to fight the evil.
The Idealist
21 de enero de 1968, un bombardero B-52 estadounidense que transportaba cargas nucleares se ha estrellado en el hielo polar cerca de la base militar aérea norteamericana en Thule, Groenlandia. Unos días más tarde, responsables del gobierno calificarán el accidente como un «Broken Arrow» —es decir, un incidente donde intervienen armas nucleares pero no reviste peligro—, no habiendo motivo para preocuparse en torno a contaminación radiactiva o violación de la política nuclear por parte de una potencia extranjera. Centenares de trabajadores de Thule están trabajando en una inmensa operación de limpieza. Después de 8 meses, todos los restos de la aeronave y la nieve contaminada con plutonio han desaparecido. El caso está cerrado. No obstante, y 18 años más tarde, mientras cubría una historia sobre trabajadores locales, el reportero Paul Brink se verá inmerso en sospechosas circunstancias que le llevarán al oculto accidente nuclear del 68.
Taped Nightmare
What happens when you record your dreams on video and view them outside their natural boundaries? Find out as Dennis think he got it all figured out but soon the tables are turning and he and his friends Jimmy & Mike find themselves in a nightmare that is just as real as dialing for a pizza or striking the g-chord. What are smoky minds to do? Entering the dangerous realm of a collective nightmare the three friends must find their way through and around their hideous doppelganger in order to free themselves of this terminal nightmare - but is it possible? Find out in this hair raising, rock'n'roll injected pizza pie of cinematic slime.
Taped Nightmare
What happens when you record your dreams on video and view them outside their natural boundaries? Find out as Dennis think he got it all figured out but soon the tables are turning and he and his friends Jimmy & Mike find themselves in a nightmare that is just as real as dialing for a pizza or striking the g-chord. What are smoky minds to do? Entering the dangerous realm of a collective nightmare the three friends must find their way through and around their hideous doppelganger in order to free themselves of this terminal nightmare - but is it possible? Find out in this hair raising, rock'n'roll injected pizza pie of cinematic slime.
Heaven's Heart
Two couples, old friends, end up in a heated debate over adultery at a dinner party.
Day and Night
DAY AND NIGHT is about people that love and want to be loved. It's the story of a father, his young son, his unfaithful wife, her secret lover, his young mistress, his lonely sister, his forgetful mother, a fanatic football coach, a pregnant whore and an angel disguised as an old man. They are all looking for the answer to the same question: "If love is the answer - what is the question?"
Line Producer
Grace llega a la remota localidad de Dogville huyendo de una banda de «gangsters». Persuadidos por las palabras de Tom, que se ha erigido en portavoz de la pequeña comunidad, sus integrantes se avienen a ocultarla. Grace, en justa correspondencia, acepta trabajar para ellos. Sin embargo, cuando Dogville sea sometido a una intensa vigilancia policial para dar con la fugitiva, sus habitantes exigirán un acuerdo más favorable, que les compense del peligro que corren al darle cobijo. Grace aprenderá, de un modo brutal, que en este lugar la bondad es algo muy relativo. Pero ella guarda un secreto que no quiere desvelar.
Te quiero para siempre
Cècile (Sonja Richter) y Joachim (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) están a punto de casarse, pero ven truncado su futuro porque él sufre un accidente y se queda tetrapléjico. Sin embargo, lo más terrible es que Cècile se enamora del marido de la responsable del accidente, un padre de familia con tres hijos.
The directors, who are also partners, take a journey in pursuit of Sami's father, who abandoned his Danish family when Sami was very young.
Bailar en la oscuridad
Production Controller
La película se desarrolla en Estados Unidos en el año 1964. Selma (Björk) es una inmigrante checa que se muda a aquel país con su hijo Gene. Además padece una enfermedad hereditaria degenerativa que le está ocasionando una rápida ceguera progresiva. Por este motivo Selma ahorra centavo a centavo en una lata que guarda en su cocina para pagar una operación que evite que su hijo sufra el mismo destino.
The Caretaker
A man surveilling a woman sees something he can't ignore.