Executive Producer
This short film tells the story of Beckett, a smart and intriguing twelve-year-old, and his relationship with his divorced parents, James and Cindy. The separation took place when James came out as gay man.
Executive Producer
Forensics students arriving an isolated, island "body farm" get to try out their CSI skills on a bunch of corpses under the watchful eye of their grumpy professor. The island used to house a state penitentiary where the authorities were experimenting on death row inmates and now the bodies won't stay still.
Executive Producer
Julia es una joven enfermera que vive en un pueblo del norte de Estados Unidos en absoluta decadencia y donde han desaparecido varios niños en poco tiempo sin que nadie sepa la causa, excepto los más supersticiosos que atribuyen las desapariciones al Hombre Alto: una oscura figura que se lleva a los niños. Cuando el hijo de Julia desaparece misteriosamente, ella hará todo lo posible por recuperarlo y obtener respuestas a los interrogantes que aterran al pequeño pueblo: ¿quién es el Hombre Alto y qué les ocurre realmente a los niños raptados?
'Drop Box' is a comedy about a spoiled pop princess who accidentally returns her sex tape to a local video store, then must try everything to get it back from an uncooperative clerk. Fearing that if she fails, her next big hit won't be musical.