Nivaldo Nascimento


Dutch Crimes
Doutor Paulo
Cora, a young language teacher, faces problems with one of her students and decides to take a sleeping pill. When she wakes up at the next morning, she notices her house is overturned, her bicycle is missing and a body was found in the Capibaribe River, in front of her house. She now finds herself between reality and fantasy, in a dilemma about her relationship with the crime.
To protect herself from a revolt by the workers on her family's farm, a reclusive designer locks herself in her armored car. The clock is ticking and the tension rises. Separated by an impenetrable layer of glass, two universes are about to collide.
15 Dias
Divino amor
Volunteer - Home Care
En el Brasil de 2027, donde las raves celebran el amor celestial y las consultas espirituales se han convertido en norma, Joana mantiene su relación con Dios como el aspecto más importante de su vida. Utiliza su trabajo como notaria para que las parejas que soliciten el divorcio reconsideren su posición, además de participar como miembro en un grupo poco convencional de religiosos que la ayudan a mantener su matrimonio a flote. Aunque tanto ella como su marido tienen problemas para lograr traer un niño al mundo, el esfuerzo que conlleva esta tarea les acercará aún más a la gracia de Dios.
World's End
Vitória and her son, Cristiano come back to their hometown Desterro, running away from a troubled life in the city. She asks her brother Balbino for shelter. The arrival of mother and son brings the town's secrets and forgotten stories back to light, in strange, mysterious ways. Cristiano's journey of self-discovery through the town's ghostly entrails sets him in a collision course with the most powerful man in town: his uncle.
Doña Clara
Clara, una ex-crítica musical de Recife de 65 años, vive retirada en un edificio particular, el Aquarius, construido en la década de 1940 sobre la chic Avenida Boa Viagem, que bordea el océano. Un importante promotor ha comprado todos los apartamentos, pero ella se niega a vender el suyo y emprende una guerra fría contra la empresa que la acosa. La estresante situación le perturba y le lleva a pensar en su vida, en su pasado, en sus seres queridos.
Neighboring Sounds
Life in a middle-class neighbourhood in present day Recife, Brazil, takes an unexpected turn after the arrival of an independent private security firm. The presence of these men brings a sense of safety and a good deal of anxiety to a culture which runs on fear. Meanwhile, Bia, married and mother of two, must find a way to deal with the constant barking and howling of her neighbour’s dog. A slice of ‘Braziliana’, a reflection on history, violence and noise.