In this documentary on the life of Joan Crawford, we learn why she should be remembered as the great actress she was, and not only as "mommie dearest." caricature she has become. Friends, fellow actors, directors, and others reminisce about their association with her, and numerous film clips show off her talent from her start in silents to bad science fiction/horror movies at the end of her career.
Nunca hubo una estrella como ella. Adorada por adultos y niños por igual, a los cuatro años que ya lideraba en la taquilla, por delante de Gable y Cooper. Sus películas salvaron a un estudio cinematográfico de la bancarrota, y un presidente le dio crédito por elevar la moral de los estadounidenses cansados de la depresión. Sus primeras películas dieron un anticipo de sus talentos y pronto se convertirían en las canciones y bailes que ayudaron a hacer esas películas inmortales. Aquí está en su mejor momento en películas como Little Miss Marker, Now And Forever, The Little Princess, y The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer.
A documentary about child actors in Hollywood, exploring their history from the early days of film.
La boda del joven Jarvis hace que Frankie, su hermana pequeña, experimente una sensación de abandono casi insoportable. Afortunadamente, la niña cuenta con el cariño de Berenice, el ama de llaves negra, que hará todo lo posible por consolarla y enseñarle a afrontar la vida con madurez. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pvt. Muller
During the World War II in Italy, Sergeant Joe Mooney is leading his small squad on the front-lines but is ordered to avoid rescuing a soldier trapped in no man's land.
Bill Cody
Buffalo Bill Cody battles a gang of outlaws secretly headed by an unscrupulous lawyer.
A college student takes a break and goes out to sea with his father, the captain of a shark-hunting boat. When his inexperience results in an accident in which his father and a crewman are badly injured, he tries to make up for it by rounding up another crew and going back out on the hunt. However, things don't turn out quite the way he planned.
The Cripple Boy
A crippled boy discovers a wounded bald eagle, nurses it back to health, tames and teaches it to fly. One day, a rattlesnake is about to strike the boy, when the bird attacks the snake and a vicious fight erupts between the snake and the bird. In the excitement, the boy forgets his crutches and finds himself able to walk without them...
Frankie Pereira
Hoping to become a lawyer, Alec (Roddy McDowall) becomes a tuna fisherman in order to pay a debt. This turn of events puts Alec on the outs with his taciturn family. Eventually, the lad proves himself on all fronts, and is welcomed back into the family fold.
A lawman tries to find the source of a juvenile delinquent's bad behavior.
Mental patient (uncredited)
Behind the locked doors of a mental institution resides crooked politico Judge Drake, free from prosecution so long as he pretends to be crazy. To get the goods on Drake, private detective Ross Stewart has himself committed to the asylum as a patient. Meanwhile, reporter Kathy Lawrence, posing as Stewart's wife, acts as his liaison to the outside world.
George Athos
A bitterly jealous sponge fisherman tries to sabotage a fellow diver.
Gene Spooner
Jeff Carter ha puesto fin a la delincuencia de una ciudad, pero el joven matón Danny aparece e influye en los adolescentes Doris, Willy y Leo, que pasan el rato en un bar, donde trabaja Eve (Marilyn Monroe). Cuando Jeff trata de detener un robo planeado por Danny, él es asesinado y Danny va a juicio.
The Kid
Jeff Bailey, un antiguo detective, regenta una gasolinera en un pequeño pueblo, donde lleva una vida tranquila y sencilla. Sus amores son la pesca y una jovencita con la que quiere casarse. Inesperadamente, recibe la visita de un viejo conocido que le anuncia que el jefe quiere verlo. Bailey se ve entonces obligado a contarle a su novia su turbio pasado.
Military Cadet General 'Mogie' Cramichael
After their annual free concert at Chicago's Dearborn Settlement, Benny Goodman and his band are packing up to go to their next engagement when a kid steals Goodman's clarinet. Goodman and Popsie pursue him to a tenement flat where he has led them to hear his brother play the trombone. Shenanigans ensue following Goodman's offering the brother a job with the band.
Georgie Dunlop
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), todos los hombres útiles fueron reclutados por el ejército para ir al frente. Mientras que en las fábricas se hacían turnos de veinticuatro horas, los adolescentes pululaban a sus anchas por las calles trapicheando sin temor a reprimendas. Un soldado herido, que regresa a casa, decide abrir un centro de acogida para enseñar a los chicos a encauzar sus vidas y ofrecerles la oportunidad de conseguir su primer trabajo.
Zip West
Quizz West is conscripted into the United States Army in late 1940. Prior to being shipped out first to San Francisco, then the Philippines, Quizz and his hometown girlfriend Janet discuss their future plans.
Peter Crane
A young classical musician becomes the conductor a high-school all-girl jive band to entertain the troops.
Peter Orcutt
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
Henry Van Cleve - Age 15 (uncredited)
Cuando muere a los 70 años, Henry Van Cleve va al Infierno, donde lo recibe un caballero bien vestido que le exige que confiese sus delitos. Henry comienza entonces a contar su historia: desde niño, su acaudalada familia le proporcionó todos los lujos y satisfizo todos sus caprichos. Siendo ya adulto, llevó una vida disipada, entregado a la bebida y a las mujeres. Pero su vida cambió radicalmente el día en que conoció a Martha Strabel, la mujer de sus sueños. Tras escuchar su relato, el caballero le hace saber que en el Infierno no se aceptan personas como él.
Marty White
A poor girl falls for a wealthy young man. He invites her to his gala birthday party, but she doesn't have the right kind of dress to wear, so her family and friends band together to raise money to get her the proper dress.
Martin Eden quiere ser escritor pero para ganarse el pan opta por embarcarse como marino en un barco mercante. Una dura tormenta azota al navío que acaba naufragando. Martin consigue salvarse y decide poner por escrito la horrible experiencia que acaba de vivir. Algo que le traerá problemas con muchas personas.
George York
Alvin C. York es un joven y trabajador campesino que vive en una de las numerosas granjas de los montes de Cumberland, en el estado de Tennessee. Sólo tiene un defecto: la bebida. Alvin está enamorado de una muchacha, cuya familia de clase alta impide el matrimonio. Basada en hechos reales.
'Limpy' Barnes
A publicity man promotes his newspaper, but finds his boss always steals the credit.
Reuter as a Boy
German Julius Reuter sends 19th-century news by carrier pigeon and then by wire, founding a news agency.
Young Lad (uncredited)
Mytyl es una niña egoísta y no aprecia los esfuerzos que su encantadora familia hace por ella. Pero un duende la transporta, junto a su hermano, en un viaje fantástico con el fin de hallar “el pájaro que significa la felicidad".
Stevie Garfield
Dr. Garfield gets so involved in his research for an antitoxin for severe burns that he completely neglects his wife, Virginian, and their young son, Steve. Virginia divorces him and takes the son with her. Their paths cross again in a life-or-death situation.
Jerry Binns
A young city girl from a poor family is invited to spend the summer at a camp for girls from wealthy families. At first made fun of and ridiculed because of her background, she determines to show the snooty rich girls she's just as good as they are.
Tad Lincoln
This short chronicles Abraham Lincoln's presidency from his inauguration through delivery of the Gettysburg Address.
Benjamin Franklin 'Benny' Allen
The Arkansas Traveler, an itinerant printer, returns to a small town to help save The Daily Record, a newspaper started by Mr. Allen, an old friend who is now deceased.
A man returns to college and is talked into joining he football team and is a real joke on the team, until he is given a drug that gives him super strength.
Bill Colbrook
An impoverished widow fights scandal for the sake of her four children.
Ted (child)
Comedy about a weak husband, afraid to say "no" to his new wife, who realizes he must assert himself to save his marriage.
A poor singer in a bar masquerades as a rich society woman thanks to a rich benefactor.
Pierre Dreyfus
Biografía del famoso escritor francés Emile Zola, que incide especialmente en su participación en el famoso "Caso Dreyfuss", que puso en jaque al ejército francés.
Allan Simonds
An alcoholic woman was charged and tried for murder and a young defense attorney, unaware that she is his mother, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
Dickie Burke
Upset by discipline at school, a 17-year-old runs away to New York City and learns there are worse problems than going to his little red school house.
Joseph Meister
Tragedia que depende de la incomprensión, de la incultura, de la injusticia y de la ingratitud, magnificadas en un hombre para el que su bandera era la ciencia y de su aplicación dependía el bien de la Humanidad. Está estructurada en tres partes marcadas por acontecimientos relacionados con los estudios de Pasteur en el campo de la Microbiología y las enfermedades infecciosas: teoría microbiana de la enfermedad, mantenida a lo largo de la película y eje vertebrador de la trama, estudios sobre el carbunco e investigaciones sobre la rabia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Timothy (Dickie Moore), an orphan, is sent with his sister, Gay (Sally Martin), to a farm run by Vilda Cummins (Elizabeth Patterson, an old maid with a dislike for children. Timothy eventually wins her over, and also pushes along the romance for her niece, Martha (Eleanore Whitney), with David Masters (Tom Keene).
Middleton Bedford
Valette Bedford es una aristócrata sudista, dueña de una plantación, a quien su vida de comodidad se verá dinamitada por la explosión del conflicto entre sudistas e unionistas. Durante esos oscuros días de penurias y desesperación lo único que la sustentará será el amor por Duncan Bedford, su primo lejano, que es oficial de los confederados. A pesar de las incursiones yankis, Valette deberá conseguir mantener unida a su familia, a pesar que su mansión sea arrasada hasta los cimientos.
Gogo / Peter, age 8
Peter Ibbetson y Mary Mimsey, enamorados desde que eran niños, se vieron separados por las circunstancias de la vida, pero con el tiempo volverán a encontrarse: él convertido en un famoso arquitecto y ella casada con el duque de Towers
Billy Malone
Baseball player Terry McCall is a very good baseball player, who doesn't mind bragging about his skills on the baseball diamond and also his off-the-field skills at wooing and winning women. An accident causes his luck to turn bad and results in him turning blind, but he later regains his sight after being instrumental in saving the life of Mickey Malone, the team's young mascot. He then promises Mary Malone, Mickey's sister, for whose affection he has been competing with a teammate, that he is through showing off and bragging. But, in the end, he is still blowing smoke.
David Sonny Cole Jr. as a Child
Struggling architect David Cole is encouraged by his boss, Phil Graham, to fraternize with high society as a means of drumming up business. This inadvertently leads to him having an affair with a rich older woman. When his wife Sue discovers the infidelity, she divorces him and takes away their two children. It turns out this was Phil's intent all along - so he could marry Sue. With David now living in Europe, the two children grow up spoiled and self-centered under Phil and Sue's neglectful care. When one of them is shot while roughhousing, David realizes he must own up to his responsibilities as a father...but it may be too late to make a difference in his children's lives...
Tommy Weymouth
When a middle aged woman accepts a job at a day care center she comes across the child she gave up early in life.
Thomas Hall Jr.
A look at how his parents' divorce affects the life of a young boy.
Bobbie Sheldon
The story of a theatrical producer, his divorced wife and their four children.
Young Boy
Shortly after his arrival from South America to New York, Steven Humbolt is found dead in his apartment at the Savoia Hotel. Inspector Decker Dawes investigates the case and although the cause of death is described as apoplexy, Dawes is convinced it as murder, especially after he learns that Humbolt had been married fifteen times.
Laurence 'Laury' Applegate
Professor John Sylvestus Applegate has been dismissed from his college teaching position for objecting too loudly to the predominant part that football and other sports play in the curriculum, and soon finds himself dead broke when publishers show no interest in the dry material he brings to them. He meets a young boy, Laury and his mother, Sharon in the park and is quite taken with them. He gets a job-prospect letter, as a private tutor, and applies at once. His employer is Mr. Morley, a surly, sour, mean-tempered old man who informs John he is to act as a tutor for his grandson, who turns out to be Laury. Sharon, Morleys daughter had eloped against her father's wishes and was abandoned by her husband after Laury's birth.
Tommy Stream
Un magnate del ferrocarril es chantajeado por el novio y manager de la chica con la que comete adulterio.
A family man becomes innocently involved in an embezzlement.
The former Jo March and her husband Professor Bhaer operate the Plumfield School for homeless boys. One of the boys, Nat, invites Dan, a street kid, to come to the school, where the boys are all loved and well cared for. Dan is a young tough, but his heart is good, and when he is accused of theft at the school, Jo continues to believe in him and that the true thief will be found out.
Deedy Lawrence
Unwed mother gives up baby for adoption and hopes to get it back when the adoptive mother dies.
Melodrama ambientado en Estados Unidos en la época de la Gran Depresión.
In a deeply cloistered convent, nun Dorothea Wieck (Mädchen in Uniform) raises a foundling to be Evelyn Venable. But at 17, what if, guided by a kindly doctor, she sees the world and finds love?
When Cap's back pension finally comes in, he treats the gang to a day at an amusement park.
The gang goes to a circus sideshow to visit Dickie and Spanky's uncle, mistakenly believing he is "The Wild Man from Borneo."
Jimmy Vetter
A political hack becomes President during the height of the Depression and undergoes a metamorphosis into an incorruptible statesman after a near-fatal accident.
Dickie Chester
In this drama, an immigrant barber becomes a US citizen and works hard to uphold his ideals of personal freedom and rights. He is a total supporter of the system, and when he is held-up, decides to reform the criminal by feeding him and finding him work. Later, a local politician attempts to tell people how to vote, but the barber is not swayed and becomes an example to others in his neighborhood.
Oliver Twist
An orphan boy in 1830s London is abused in a workhouse, then falls into the clutches of a gang of thieves.
A truant officer spots the kids in an amusement park. They try to escape him.
Bill Westcott as a Little Boy
A race-car driver whose career is on the skids because of his drinking falls for a rich society girl. That motivates him to clean up his act and resume his career, but it may be too late for that.
'Buddy' Evans
Gabby Denton, a hard-drinking, down-on-his-luck drifter, seems to get a chance at redemption when his brother-in-law helps get him a job as a mechanic. Not realizing the garage he works for is actually a front for a stolen car ring, Gabby soon finds himself mixed up in both murder and a liaison with the boss's girl.
Dickie throws a birthday party to try to raise money to buy his mother a birthday present.
Dickie Allen
Modest programmer denotes a young man's rise to fame in wrestling matches he doesn't realize have been "fixed", and ensuing romantic turbulence.
Stymie takes Dickie for a ride in his runaway car and cures his stiff neck.
Johnny Faraday
Helen es una cantante de cabaret que decide abandonar su profesión para contraer matrimonio con Edward Faraday, un abnegado científico entregado a su trabajo y cuya situación económica no es muy boyante. Durante un viaje a Alemania, Edward contrae una grave enfermedad, debido a sus investigaciones, y se ve obligado a seguir un costoso tratamiento. Para sufragar los gastos, Helen vuelve a su antiguo trabajo. Así conoce a Nick Towsend, un playboy que la enamora y con el que inicia una nueva vida. Cuando Edward regresa y descubre la infidelidad de su mujer, decide quitarle a Helen el hijo que tuvo con ella.
The gang, while playing firemen, come upon a real fire.
Dickie Harmon
Overworked boxer Jim goes to a health ranch in New Mexico to recover where he falls in love with Peggy and her sickly son. Once recovered, Jim leaves to return to the ring. Can their romance survive the distance?
Willie - Angela's Brother
A small country on the verge of bankruptcy is persuaded to enter the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics as a means of raising money.
Young Dirk De Jong
A farmer's widow takes on the land and her late husband's tempestuous son.
Un policía de tráfico pone una multa a la hija de un político influyente, el cual consigue que le destinen a patrullar las calles a pie. Cuando descubre a la joven en el bar de un gangster durante una redada, la ayuda a escapar, y después chantajea al padre.
Dickie Foster
An elderly gentleman arrives for an extended stay with his grown son in Chicago.
Child Watching Baseball Game
Joe Grant is an inventor, fireman and baseball player in his small hometown. He gets an offer to play in a big team and hopes to get more money for his inventions. But Joe's invited to present his invention to a fire extinguisher company at the same time when he is supposed to play. Will he be able to show the effectiveness of his invention and win the game?
Little Boy (uncredited)
Among the travelers of varied backgrounds that meet and interact on one night at Union Depot, a metropolitan train station, are Chick and his friend Scrap Iron, both newly released from prison after serving time for vagrancy. Hungry and desperate for a break, Chick fortuitously comes across across a valise abandoned by a drunken traveler. In it he finds a shaving kit and a suit of clothes with a bankroll, which help transform the affable tramp into a dashing gent. After buying himself a meal, Chick seeks some female companionship among the many hustlers who walk the station. He propositions Ruth Collins, a stranded, out-of-work showgirl and takes her to the station's hotel.
Junior Roberts
Director Lloyd Bacon's 1931 drama takes a different look at the Broadway arena by focusing on the owners of a theatrical costume shop.
Little Hal
Lord Henry Kerhill, el dueño de una lujosa mansión inglesa, descubre a su esposa Lady Diana, y a su primo Jim Wynn haciéndose confidencias en el jardín, junto al pozo de los deseos.
Ned Leeds
A tough District Attorney goes after a murderous crime gang, only to find that his witnesses, an innocent family, have clammed up in fear of reprisals.
Patricia's Son
Una joven estudiante universitaria se queda embarazada por el hombre que ama, pero las circunstancias impiden que se case con él, por lo cual contrae matrimonio con un compañero de clase al que no ama. Sin embargo, su amante regresa pronto, lo que propiciará a que ella se encuentre frente al dilema de a quién elegir.
Sonny Hanson
A bank teller's love life falls apart when he's accused of embezzling.
Johnny Carter as a Child
Bart (John Boles) no tiene más remedio que olvidar su pasión literaria y empezar a trabajar en una editorial para mantener a su mujer y a sus cinco hijos. Allí conoce a Mildred (Genevieve Tobin), una antigua novia que convence al jefe para que le permita a Bart terminar su novela. Como, debido al alboroto familiar, no puede hacerlo en su casa,va a escribir al apartamento de Mildred. El amor resurge y deciden irse a vivir fuera del país. Diez años después, Bart regresa convertido en un gran escritor y se propone recuperar el cariño de sus hijos dándoles dinero para que vayan a la universidad.
Junior Bradford
In the South Seas, a half-caste island girl refuses to follow tradition and marry a fellow islander, instead falling in love with a white man and heir to an American fortune.
Una mujer de la alta sociedad genera un escándalo cuando se enamora de su chofer.
Dickie the Boy at Beach (uncredited)
Larry, a publisher, wants Kate to write a book about the 'Office Wife'. An executive stenographer's duties creates a relationship approaching that of his wife. Little does Larry know that sometimes literature mirrors life.
Trebel's Son (uncredited)
Un amnésico, en teoría muerto, es reconocido por su esposa, quien se ha vuelto a casar.
Sam Lee as a Child (uncredited)
The popular Caucasian-looking son (Richard Barthelmess) of a wealthy Chinese businessman lives away from his widowed father and passes as white, but experiences prejudice, rejection, insult, and heartache when the socialite (Constance Bennett) he loves learns of his heritage.
Boy at Puppet Show (uncredited)
A young, unfaithful wife and mother is thrown out by her cold, unforgiving husband, the Attorney General of France. She is barred from ever seeing her three year old son again despite her earnest attempts to make amends. For many years the mother seeks refuge overseas and in Absinthe. In the end, her son, a young and promising lawyer unknowingly defends her in court. Ruth Chatterton gives a marvelous performance in this early talkie in her portrayal of Madame X.
Better known for her work in talkie "weepers," Helen Twelvetrees made a few preliminary appearances in such late silent films as Fox's Blue Skies. The audience was expected to believe that the twentysomething Twelvetrees and Frank Albertson are teenagers living together platonically in an orphan asylum. A wealthy old man comes calling to adopt Albertson -- who, feeling sorry for Twelvetrees, trades places with the girl. Thus it is that the heroine is carted off to a luxurious mansion, while Albertson remains behind. One year later, the old man discovers Albertson's deception, whereupon he invites the boy to live with him as well. By this time, Twelvetrees and Albertson are of marriageable age, thus the film ends with a wedding in the offing.
Baby Francois (uncredited)
François Villon, in his lifetime the most renowned poet in France, is also a prankster, an occasional criminal, and an ardent patriot.
For generations, Our Gang comedies have been enjoyed by millions of fans the world over. Now, celebrate the 100th anniversary of this iconic and beloved film series .
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