Uta Seibicke


Willkommen bei Habib
Four men’s destinies slam into each other and intertwine on four balmy summer nights. Old wounds are reopened, new ones appear, unexpectedly there is a new closeness. And, when the sun rises over the city and the striking garbage men, finally ensure German order again, nothing is the same for these four men.
Al otro lado del muro
Empezar de cero, comenzar una vida nueva y dejar el pasado y la tristeza atrás. Eso pretendieron en los años setenta Nelly Senff (Jordis Triebel) y su hijo Alexei (Tristan Globel) cuando escaparon de Berlín Oriental para buscar un futuro en la Alemania del Oeste, supuestamente más hedonista y menos represiva.
Last Christmas
Christmas Eve in Berlin Two people in a taxi. A mysterious woman, a grumpy driver. An encounter. In the end, an end but also a beginning.
Last Christmas
Christmas Eve in Berlin Two people in a taxi. A mysterious woman, a grumpy driver. An encounter. In the end, an end but also a beginning.
Last Christmas
Christmas Eve in Berlin Two people in a taxi. A mysterious woman, a grumpy driver. An encounter. In the end, an end but also a beginning.
Last Christmas
Christmas Eve in Berlin Two people in a taxi. A mysterious woman, a grumpy driver. An encounter. In the end, an end but also a beginning.
Dating Lanzelot
Perdidos en la nieve
Noruega, 27 de abril de 1940; en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras un enfrentamiento aéreo varios pilotos enemigos, unos del bando británico y otros del alemán, terminan perdidos en el frío y desolado desierto helado de la tundra Noruega. Allí, juntos, tendrán que dejar atrás sus diferencias por el conflicto bélico e intentar colaborar para conseguir salvar sus vidas. Una experiencia que puede hacer surgir la amistad o acabar con ellos para siempre.
Lauf der Dinge
They're young. They're hungry for life. And they've left the cold, gray North behind for fun and adventure on a Mediterranean island. Elisa: rich, spoiled, fleeing from daddy and his stifling upper-class morals. Richie: the sexy drifter for whom every woman is a potential meal ticket; Florian: sensitive, gentle, the type not only girls gravitate to; Daniel: stuck between adolescence and small-mindedness. But even in paradise there are some dark corners that never get any sun. It's where you can lose your way, or your bearings... where you can discover love or refuse to see it... where you realize that you haven't really left the cold, gray North behind – but that it's inside you - and that this is real life...