Set in the rustic Midwestern town of One Fall, the film tells the story of a man, James (Marcus Dean Fuller), who miraculously survived a horrific fall from a spectacular 200 foot-high cliff and was never heard from again. However, three years after vanishing James chooses to return to his hometown of One Fall -- but he returns a changed man. For an incomprehensible reason James has developed supernatural healing abilities since the fall. He must decide whether to use his abilities to help the ones he once turned his back on, or to continue running from his mysterious past.
Manny-Amanda (Scarlett Johansson) y Lo-Laurel (Aleksa Palladino) son dos hermanas de 11 y 16 años, huérfanas de madre, que huyen de sus respectivas familias adoptivas. El sueño de Manny es el de tener una familia estable, mientras que el de Lo es el de ser azafata. La aventura en la que se embarcan les obliga a robar alimentos en tiendas, dormir en casas deshabitadas y a enfrentarse al inesperado embarazo de Lo.