Corey Grant


Angie's Cure
A traumatized rape victim finds therapy in a most disturbing way.
Angie's Cure
A traumatized rape victim finds therapy in a most disturbing way.
Angie's Cure
A traumatized rape victim finds therapy in a most disturbing way.
I Got the Hook Up 2
Dos amigos que se volvieron legales hace 20 años se ganan la vida gracias a su restaurante, pero cuando el inspector de sanidad amenaza con cerrarles el local, tendrán que volver a las andadas.
I Got the Hook Up 2
Dos amigos que se volvieron legales hace 20 años se ganan la vida gracias a su restaurante, pero cuando el inspector de sanidad amenaza con cerrarles el local, tendrán que volver a las andadas.
Una pareja descubre que comenzar una relación matrimonial extra es mucho más fácil de hacer que terminar una cuando ambos son seducidos por situaciones externas.
Una pareja descubre que comenzar una relación matrimonial extra es mucho más fácil de hacer que terminar una cuando ambos son seducidos por situaciones externas.
Una pareja descubre que comenzar una relación matrimonial extra es mucho más fácil de hacer que terminar una cuando ambos son seducidos por situaciones externas.
Sister Code
After the death of their mother, three foster sisters - the shrewd business woman, the free spirit, and the caregiver - find themselves fighting for their individual dreams and fighting each other in this tale of love, lust, and tragedy.
Sister Code
After the death of their mother, three foster sisters - the shrewd business woman, the free spirit, and the caregiver - find themselves fighting for their individual dreams and fighting each other in this tale of love, lust, and tragedy.
Open(adj) Willing to do anything for someone's affection. The Gaze of Cleopatra is an ancient Egyptian relic that has been stolen from the city museum. Said to have mystical powers, it is worth millions. Karma, a gorgeous thief helps Horus, an unemployed man out of a financial dilemma then seduces him in to assisting her retrieve the Gaze of Cleopatra in a lucrative heist that exposes him to a very dangerous underworld. Does Horus have what it takes to survive or is he so 'open' that he may just be a pawn to be used by Karma.
Lap Dance
Una aspirante a actriz hace un pacto con su novio de tomar un trabajo como bailarina exótica a cambio de cuidar a su padre diagnosticado de cáncer. Una vez que el pacto de la pareja se rompe, sus vidas cambian para siempre.
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
Sean Reynolds, a highly acclaimed investigative journalist (who strongly believed in paranormal phenomena), destroyed his career when the most watched episode of his reality show, based on paranormal phenomena, turned out to be a hoax. Sean saw a news report on a "Bigfoot Hunter" (Carl Drybeck) who claimed to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch. He believes Drybeck is a phony and decides to create a new show that reveals people's paranormal claims as hoaxes. Sean assembles his old film crew and heads to Northern California's "Lost Coast" to meet with and interview Drybeck. Obsessed, Sean is staking his comeback, his life and the lives of his documentary film crew on proving Drybeck's claim to be a hoax.
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
Sean Reynolds, a highly acclaimed investigative journalist (who strongly believed in paranormal phenomena), destroyed his career when the most watched episode of his reality show, based on paranormal phenomena, turned out to be a hoax. Sean saw a news report on a "Bigfoot Hunter" (Carl Drybeck) who claimed to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch. He believes Drybeck is a phony and decides to create a new show that reveals people's paranormal claims as hoaxes. Sean assembles his old film crew and heads to Northern California's "Lost Coast" to meet with and interview Drybeck. Obsessed, Sean is staking his comeback, his life and the lives of his documentary film crew on proving Drybeck's claim to be a hoax.
The Secluded House
Four teens document their night on camera as they visit an old, abandoned house that, in recent years, has caused people to go missing as well as played host to other strange occurrences. They soon realise that the secluded house is more than what it seems.
Dysfunctional Friends
Años después de graduarse en la universidad y seguir sus propios caminos, nueve antiguos amigos se reunen en el funeral de un peculiar y rico conocido, donde descubren que pueden optar a una importante herencia si son capaces de pasar cinco días igual que lo hacían en el pasado.
Dysfunctional Friends
Años después de graduarse en la universidad y seguir sus propios caminos, nueve antiguos amigos se reunen en el funeral de un peculiar y rico conocido, donde descubren que pueden optar a una importante herencia si son capaces de pasar cinco días igual que lo hacían en el pasado.