Alma es científica en el famoso Museo de Pérgamo de Berlín. Con el fin de obtener fondos de investigación para sus estudios, acepta una oferta para participar en un experimento extraordinario. Durante tres semanas, debe vivir con un robot humanoide con inteligencia artificial diseñado para permitirle transformarse en el de su compañero de vida ideal. Entra Tom, una máquina en forma humana, creada para hacerla feliz.
While reporting on the election of the Pope in Rome, the completely atheistic journalist Gregory falls in love with Maria of all people, who is about to become a nun and is therefore actually promised to God. Gregory faces an accumulation of mysterious obstacles as he tries to get closer to Maria. He has to find out that he is dealing with a supernatural competitor. However, Gregory is determined to take up the fight against the big enemy.
While reporting on the election of the Pope in Rome, the completely atheistic journalist Gregory falls in love with Maria of all people, who is about to become a nun and is therefore actually promised to God. Gregory faces an accumulation of mysterious obstacles as he tries to get closer to Maria. He has to find out that he is dealing with a supernatural competitor. However, Gregory is determined to take up the fight against the big enemy.
Stefan Zweig fue un escritor, biógrafo y activista social austríaco judío que se vio obligado a huir de su país debido al régimen nazi. De esta manera, se refugia en París y más tarde en Londres. Aun así, Zweig acabará huyendo junto con su esposa a Sudamérica, instalándose finalmente en Brasil, donde acabará suicidándose en 1942 debido a su miedo a que el nazismo se extendiera por todo el mundo.