La soeur
While filming on location in Tahiti, a small-time actor seizes an opportunity to make it big, but the attention may be more than he bargained for.
Walter Klozett is a spy arrested and imprisoned by the French Police who know him in possession of stolen booty which the French secret services would like to recover at all costs.
La grosse cliente
La grosse dame sauna
A group of friends is shaken when the girl falls in love. But the three boys will do anything to stop the romance.
La baigneuse
Un cuarentón en paro se va a la aventura al sur de Francia, donde conocerá a una joven actriz.
(as Gillian Pascuale)
A lovely summer day in Paris. Roger and Martine are on their way to work. "Work" is a euphemism because Martine is a prostitute in Pigalle. She is saving money to buy the house of her dreams in the country. Her husband Roger "works" for the same goal, but in a brothel for women. There, duchesses rub elbows with businesswomen, militant members of women's lib and other female pleasure-seekers.
La joven camarera Johnny trabaja y vive en una área de servicio para camioneros, donde se siente sola y espera que, algún día, le llegue el amor. Johnny se fija en Krassky, un conductor del camión de la basura, a pesar de que Boris, su jefe, le alerta que en realidad es homosexual. Quizá sea por su aspecto de chicazo, pero también Krassky se siente atraído por Johnny. Ninguno de los dos repara en que Padovan, el novio de Krassky, cada vez se muestra más y más celoso...
A César nominated short drama.
La patrone du bistrot
A number of strange characters come to Corecheux, in France: the Lalyre famille, an homossexual notary, a severe-looking governess, a female witch, a veterinarian, a journalist, and possibly the most chaste of them all, a few young girls ready to lift their skirts up at anything... A young priest takes over the mission to preach at this country estate village - but maybe he is too vigorous for the task.
La tenancière du saloon
Una organización sombría de traficantes de prostitutas realiza negocios siniestros en el salvaje oeste. Sazonada por provocativas escenas sexy, ¡la película sorprenderá por su belleza!
Madame Zozo
Un grupo de traficantes de blancas obligan a mujeres a prostituirse.
En una Francia futurista, una comedia sobre un plan para abrir una cadena de burdeles para mujeres.