Production Manager
Es la accidentada historia de una novicia que abandona su convento, atraída por el porte varonil de un capitán inglés del ejército que ha llegado a la península ibérica para luchar contra las tropas napoleónicas invasoras. La novicia desciende de su pedestal una imagen de la Virgen que allí se veneraba, para ocupar su puesto y evitar el escándalo que entre las demás novicias y todo el pueblo hubiera producido la deserción de la culpable.
Production Manager
Una médico está bajo el punto de mira de la policía tras la muerte de su marido, un médico que conseguía dinero fácil atendiendo a criminales sin denunciarlos. Tendrá que probar su inocencia o perderá su licencia para ejercer la medicina.
A greedy businessman-turned-renegade foments an Indian uprising against the coming telegraph to perpetuate his economic stranglehold on the territory.
John Steele (John Wayne) es un sheriff adjunto que es enviado por el governador Wallace (Berton Churchill) para proteger a los colonos que llegan al territorio de Nuevo México. El hacendado Sam Crew (Noah Berry) y su secuaz Arizona (Paul Hurst) intentarán parar a los colonos mientras Sonora Joe (Luis Alberni) y sus vaqueros llegan de México para robarles.
A black-face minstrel preacher motivates his congregation in song. Gags include a stockpile of guns outside the church and stolen chickens.
Assistant Director
Released in both a silent and a sound version: Mitch Moran, a veteran WWI pilot and now a commercial pilot, takes his young irresponsible brother, Steve, under his guidance. Steve heeds little of what Mitch is selling but does find time to steal Mitch's sweetheart Sally.
Assistant Director
Michael Lanyard, a reformed cracks-man, adopts Adrienne, the daughter of an old friend, and goes to Southampton to attend a party celebrating her engagement to Bobby Crenshaw, the son of a wealthy society couple. The Count and Countess Polinac, international jewel thieves, also attend the party, and Count Polinac forces Lanyard to open the safe containing the jewelry of the guests by threatening to expose Lanyard's criminal past. Lanyard forestalls the count, however, and protects the valuables. The count and countess are arrested, and Michael's secret is kept safe.
Assistant Director
Rita Martin, the partner of a phony spiritualist who uses information supplied by her to gull and astonish the rubes, gets work as private secretary to John Clayton, a wealthy man who has just disinherited his worthless son, Frank, and left his entire fortune to his upright stepson, Bob Williams. At Frank's request, the spiritualist later performs for the elder Clayton a seance during which Rita impersonates the late Mrs. Clayton and arranges for a reconciliation between Frank and his father. Rita falls in love with Bob, however, and, in order to protect Bob's interests against Frank's, exposes the spiritualist as a faker. Frank is disgraced in his father's eyes, and Bob quickly forgives Rita for her past complicity in Frank's schemes.
A women's track team is preparing for a big meet against a rival college, but the coach is having trouble getting her team ready. Norma, the team's star, is more interested in slipping out to meet her boyfriend than she is with getting ready for the meet, so Norma and the coach engage in a clash of wills.
Assistant Director
A women's track team is preparing for a big meet against a rival college, but the coach is having trouble getting her team ready. Norma, the team's star, is more interested in slipping out to meet her boyfriend than she is with getting ready for the meet, so Norma and the coach engage in a clash of wills.
Assistant Director
1860 ushers in the era of iron ships, Richard Sibley, a builder of wooden ships, stubbornly resists the change, which leads him to forbid the marriage of his daughter Rose to John Rhead, a proponent of the new method. This injustice outrages John's sister Gertrude so much that she breaks off her engagement to Sibley's son Sam. Meanwhile, John and Rose elope.