Animated treats from the good folks at Nickelodeon! Features festive episodes of the Rugrats and SpongeBob Squarepants. Episodes Comprise: The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius - Jimmy on Ice Rocket Power - Ice Queens Rocket Power - Snow Bounders SpongeBob SquarePants - The Paper SpongeBob SquarePants - The Snowball Effect All Grown Up - The Finster Who Stole Christmas Rugrats - The Great Unknown Rugrats - Falling Stars
Race Across New Zealand was the first of three telefilms made for the Rocket Power cartoon series, first transmitted on Nickelodeon in the US on 16 Feb 2002, during the 2002 Winter Olympics. The plotline entails the Rocket Power gang's trip to New Zealand to participate in "The Junior Waikikamukau Games", with Otto Rocket competing against the son of an athlete who once beat his father Ray at a race in New Zealand (allegedly by cheating), and his sister Reggie's attempts to get herself noticed by Ray, who is constantly cheering for Otto exclusively. Sports featured in this telefilm include zorbing, mountain biking, tubing, dirtboarding, windsurfing, and snowboarding.
Tras "Lluvia en los zapatos", la directora española -que había estudiado cine en el American Film Institute-, vuelve a los Estados Unidos para rodar una versión latina de "Comer, beber, amar", la aclamada comedia familiar de Ang Lee que retrata la vida de un chef viudo -aquí de origen mexicano- que tiene problemas con su sentido del gusto y con las tres hijas solteras con las que vive.
Dos hombres que han sido contratados para asesinar al productor de cine Mike Max, que ha amasado una gran fortuna haciendo películas violentas, son asesinados al día siguiente. El productor, en cambio, consigue huir, pero el crimen ha quedado registrado en vídeo: el Observatorio Griffith Park, situado en una colina, viola la intimidad individual grabando toda clase de sucesos. La excusa es la lucha contra la violencia.