Jamie Palmore


Perpetual Motion (2013)
Montage Skater
Con 24 largometrajes en el catálogo, el video TransWorld ha sido un legado desde que Uno salió en el ’96. TransWorld SKATEboarding se enorgullece en presentar el video número 25, Perpetual Motion, con los diversos talentos de Walker Ryan, Jimmy Carlin, Tom Remillard, Josh Matthews, Silas Baxter-Neal y Julian Davidson.Una película de Jon Holland y Chris Thiessen. La versión de itunes incluye todo el material adicional del proyecto con más de una hora de contenido adicional.
SweetMafia - Stee
Jamie Palmore
The Cinematographer Project
TransWorld SKATEboarding is proud to present our 24th video, The Cinematographer Project. We’ve assembled 13 of skateboarding’s finest filmmakers to each produce their own original three-to-five minute short. The result is a truly creative and diverse take on the current world of skateboarding. Featuring: Jon Holland, Mike Manzoori, Bill Strobeck, Russell Houghten, Dan Wolfe, Chris Ray, Brennan Conroy, Beagle, Torsten Frank, Lee Dupont, RB Umali, Christopher Middlebrook, Alien Workshop
Jamie Palmore opened it and Tyler Surrey closed it. About half the dudes had two-song parts.
Montage Skater
Video by Jon Holland and Chris Ray. Featuring Pete Eldridge, Ryan Decenzo, Taylor Bingaman, Torey Pudwill and Tyler Bledsoe
Sk8mafia's Am Video from 2009 featured Jamie Palmore, Tyler Surrey, Larelle Gray, Wes Kremer, Marshall Heath, Nick Tucker, Dorian Gray, Kellen James, Brandon Turner and Peter Smolik.