Imagínate un país donde cada día mueren más personas a causa del SIDA, la malnutrición y la falta de atención médica, que los que mueren en Afganistán, Iraq o Darfur. Donde los hospitales funcionan sin médicos, las ciudades pueden pasar meses sin agua corriente y la tasa de desempleo es del 90%. Imagínate ahora cómo es circular por este país -donde los discapacitados son vistos como seres malditos- con silla de ruedas, sin poder utilizar las manos o con alguna otra discapacidad. No hace falta que te lo imagines. Ithemba –"esperanza" en ndebele– te lleva a Zimbabue a través de Liana, un conjunto musical formado por ocho jóvenes discapacitados que afrontan con sentido del humor y valentía la caótica realidad de su país y los prejuicios sociales y culturales profundamente arraigados.
Music by Prudence tells a self-empowering story of one young woman's struggle who, together with her band, overcomes seemingly insurmountable odds and, in her own voice conveys to the world that disability does not mean inability. In addition to its sheer emotional punch, Music by Prudence has become the cornerstone of an advocacy campaign and has been embraced by the UN, Human Rights Watch and the disability community as an unprecedented portrayal advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities. Prudences poignant, inspiring and irreverent message of hope has received an amazing response from press and audiences all across North America, and has won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short and several other awards as it continues drawing in more audiences.
The most controversial political commentator of our day, and the author of three New York Times bestsellers, Coulter has a mad-cap mouth and an allergy to political correctness. But who is the woman behind the stinging barb and the quick wit? And what does she really believe when you strip off the rhetoric? This film takes you behind the bombast through original interviews with the woman Al Franken calls the reigning diva of the hysterical right—and who George magazine selected as one of the twenty most fascinating women in politics.