Poor pretty Patty. An "average American girl," she goes on a quiet date with her boyfriend and ends up getting raped by three psychotic thugs. Too embarrassed to report it to the police and advised by her boyfriend to "forget the whole thing".
Poor pretty Patty. An "average American girl," she goes on a quiet date with her boyfriend and ends up getting raped by three psychotic thugs. Too embarrassed to report it to the police and advised by her boyfriend to "forget the whole thing".
Poor pretty Patty. An "average American girl," she goes on a quiet date with her boyfriend and ends up getting raped by three psychotic thugs. Too embarrassed to report it to the police and advised by her boyfriend to "forget the whole thing".
Executive Producer
1980, la nave Pegaso IV es lanzada desde una base lunar con la misión de descubrir qué les ha pasado a dos anteriores naves espaciales que han desaparecido. Pero la Pegaso IV queda dañada por una lluvia de meteoritos y acaba cayendo en la superficie de un asteroide. El único superviviente de la misión es el comandante Frank Chapman, que es abordado por los habitantes minúsculos del planetoide cuyo nombre es Rehton. Las densas fuerzas magnéticas reducen a Frank al tamaño de sus habitantes, que lo juzgan y condenan a quedarse en Rehton para el resto de sus días.