Mike Swift


And It Was Good
A couple reunites after a long separation to find themselves in a world that seems designed for their enjoyment and comfort. They immediately get married. During the ceremony, the Judge marrying them confronts them with the reality of their own mortality and challenges them to fight together against death. This perfect wedding day is returned to periodically throughout an examination of their future as they cope with life, love, and death.
Un pez fuera del mar
Los cazadores furtivos roban docenas de huevos de tiburón de un arrecife sin que el pequeño Pup y su amigo Julius puedan evitarlo. Pup se arma de valentía y decide lanzarse al rescate de sus hermanos aunque para ello deba enfrentarse a un gran desafío: salir a la superficie, al temible mundo de los seres humanos. Unidos, lucharán contra los malvados cazadores para preservar la riqueza de los mares.