Nastja Arcel

Nastja Arcel

Nacimiento : 1963-10-03, Copenhagen, Denmark


Nastja Arcel


Expediente 64: Los casos del Departamento Q
Else Munk
Tras una pared falsa se hallan tres cadáveres momificados alrededor de una mesa, junto a un asiento libre. Carl y Assad siguen las pistas hasta una institución donde tenían lugar experimentos médicos. Allí, intentan descubrir quién debía ocupar el cuarto asiento.
Bora Bora
Mia, 15, is at odds with everyone. School is hell and her mother is always on her back. Mia is only at peace when she is running - something she is good at. On a downtown shopping street she meets Zack, 16, who runs with a gang of kids who want to become parent independent and live as pickpockets. Mia joins them, but finds the pressure difficult. Moreover, the police have their eye on them. Mia has a choice, to keep ignoring her problems or face up to them.
Truth About Men
Julies mor
El joven Mads (Lindhardt) tiene una buena casa, un buen trabajo y una novia (Novotny), con la que espera tener hijos. En el fondo no sabe muy bien qué es lo que realmente quiere. Un día encuentra una carta que se escribió a sí mismo a los 17 años, en la que se preguntaba si había hallado el amor verdadero. Lleno de dudas, decide tomarse un tiempo de reflexión lejos de su novia para averiguar qué es lo que realmente quiere y si alguna vez ha sido verdaderamente feliz.
Karla & Jonas
Karla met Jonas during a summer vacation at the lake. After being unable to stop thinking about him and their kiss she phones him, making up a school assignment about children living in an orphanage, which is precisely where Jonas lives.
Att: Kasimir
Every day, in a dark office or maybe a prison cell, a man receives an envelope containing a tape of electronic noises that he translates to code using an old typewriter. One day he hears a familiar voice on the tape and begins to question his line of "work".
The Three Musketeers
A classic story known all over the world that has captured and thrilled generations of children and adults now in puppet animation format. With all of the sense of childish enthusiasm intact, this romantic story disguised as humour and farce will once again delight.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
A chamber play taking place around Christmas, where Liv, her brother and mother are to celebrate Christmas together. The father has recently left the family and 14 year-old Liv cannot accept that Christmas is not what is used to be. Liv does her best in order to keep both family and Christmas together, but when her mother invites a young colleague to celebrate Christmas with them a painful struggle for power between Liv and her mother takes place.
The Judge
Margrethe Skov, medlem af flygtningenævn
Jens Christian er en strømlinet karrieredreng og nyudnævnt formand for Flygtningenævnet. Arbejdet er livets omdrejningspunkt og alt er godt, indtil en bortadopteret søn melder sin ankomst, og en usædvanlig vanskelig asylsag lander på skrivebordet. Pludselig er det ikke rigtige valg ikke soleklart for Jens Christian, der står splittet mellem forpligtelser og følelser.
Lost Generation
The film is based on Christian Kampmann's novels: "Certain Considerations", "Solid Relationships", "Clean Lines" and "Other Ways" (1973-75). The Gregersen family is a picture of inner and outer Denmark from the mid 50's to the 70's. The story begins in 1954 in the well-behaved, but not just successful, Gregersen family from the best part of the whiskey belt on the right side of Strandvejen.
King's Game
Lone Kjeldsen
Starting a new job as a political journalist at a leading newspaper, Ulrik Torp witnesses a brutal struggle for power in the Midparty's ranks -- a struggle that coincides with the charismatic party leader's involvement in a near fatal car accident. A flurry of lies and media speculation surrounds the incident. Gradually, Ulrik unearths a ruthless conspiracy involving the incumbent prime minister.
Catch That Girl
Maria Johansen
Ida's father suddenly gets a stroke and is rushed to the hospital, diagnosed with a deadly disease with no other opportunity than to travel to USA to attend a medical experimental operation. Unfortunately, the small family have to get the money themselves, as the state doesn't pay for that kind of experimental procedures. Ida has to get the money - and she got no other way than to steal them from the bank where her mother works...... developing the banks intense security.
Agnus Dei
Mor / Mother
The young girl Johanne is left by her mother at a solemn convent school. The school is a strange world to her, and when she feels unable to comply with the demands of faith she faces a difficult decision.
Russian Pizza Blues
Four parallel stories about a Russian and his daughter trying to get to his wife's Russian Pizza House in New York, but they are stranded in Copenhagen. A girl getting married. A man finding his brother and starting a new life in the city. Two men working at a bridge. And it's all happening the same night.
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