Halldór Gylfason


The Very Last Fishing Trip
Magnus Arni Skulason
A group of friends goes on their annual salmon fishing trip to relax in the countryside. The newcomers in the group really try their hand at endurance and the tour goes quickly and safely into the sink out of new and old sins.
Áramótaskaup 2021
Annual TV movie that makes fun of the past year.
It Hatched
Una joven pareja se dispuso a abrir una casa de huéspedes en un lugar remoto de Islandia. Vienen en busca de paz, pero pronto descubren que algo malvado acecha debajo de su sótano y los persigue en sus sueños mientras duermen.
The Last Fishing Trip
Six friends on their annual fishing trip realize leaving wives, work and worries at home is really hard work. What was supposed to be a cozy fishing trip, turns out to be a downward spiral to Hell. Let's go fishing.
Take 5
Jóhann Daði
A young farmer dreams of being an actor in a movie. One day he desides to fulfill his dream so he kidnaps 5 artist from the city and forces them to make a movie with him in the barn.
World's End
Einar, a charismatic history teacher is committed to a remote mental asylum in Iceland. During the bank holiday weekend he initiates an uprising that transforms into a proper revolution where the lunatics literally take over the asylum.
Boys On Film 4: Protect Me From What I Want
Denni (segment "Wrestling")
Elliot Tittensor (TV's Shameless) stars as Daz in headlining film PROTECT ME FROM WHAT I WANT, a gripping British film debut that sees him woo a young lad in an underpass, only to be threatened with a break-up the following morning. Passive and submissive roles are tackled and tugged in gay graffiti tale VANDALS and Icelandic grapple-fest WRESTLING, while POSTMORTEM, MY NAME IS LOVE, and Iris Prize-winner STEAM look at promising encounters that turn awry. Rounding out the collection are HEIKO, an alternative ode to foot fetishes, BREATH where 12-year-old Erik swims out to sea to make a daring move on his best friend's father, and the crème de la crème from this collection TREVOR, which won multiple prestigious awards from Sundance, Berlinale, and even The Academy Awards (Oscar) for Best Short Film.
Laddi leikur Jóhannes, myndlistarkennara sem upplifir dag sem ætlar engan endi að taka. Þessi ólukkudagur hefst á því að Jóhannes, af sannri riddaramennsku, stoppar fyrir ungri stúlku (Unnur Birna) í rigningu á Reykjanesbrautinni. Á vegi Jóhannesar verða ýmsir skrautlegir karakterar, bandbrjálaður öfundsjúkur kærasti, metnaðarfullur skólastjóri, óalandi unglingur og kostulegt lögregluþjónatvíeyki.
A love story about two gay wrestlers living in rural Iceland who must keep their relationship a secret from the inner world of Iceland's national and very macho sport.
And Björk of Course
A group of Icelanders attend a course to search for their inner self.
A tale of crime in the Kolaport
101 Reykjavik
Hlynur tiene 28 años y vive con su madre. Cuando ésta se enamora de una profesora de flamenco lesbiana, su vida cambiará.