Chucho Monge


Dicen que soy mujeriego
Original Music Composer
Pedro es un mujeriego incorregible hasta que en su vida aparece Flor, una bella joven de la cual se enamora. Ella duda de su amor. ¿Podrá convencerla de la sinceridad de sus sentimientos? Para ello deberá enfrentar a Pablo, quien está enamorado de Flor y representa para él un fuerte rival.
Cuando los hijos se van
Amor, dolor y traición. El retrato de una familia mexicana con muchos secretos. Uno de los mejores melodramas de Juan Bustillo Oro.
Aventurero del mar
Adventure film directed by Carlos Véjar hijo.
Eterna mártir
Pedro Sierra
A dedicated wife and mother takes the blame for embezzling money that was actually stolen by her husband in order to buy medicine and a doctor's care for the couple's seriously ill infant son. Consequently, the well-meaning woman is willingly sentenced to years in prison for a crime she did not commit-all because she believes her son will fare better if the bond between father and son remains intact. Upon her release, she soon discovers that no good deed goes unpunished. Her once loving husband has remarried a woman that her son calls Mother, After just a brief glimpse of her loved ones, she simply leaves without saying a word. Many years later, she becomes a patient at her son's busy medical practice just so that she can keep an eye on his progress in secret. In a cruel twist of fate, it is only after he diagnoses her as being terminally ill does does she reveal her true identity. The poor woman subsequently learns that her former father-in-law lied about her initial release from ...
El superloco
Mad scientist, a neanderthal and a drunk makes a crazy combination.