Kimberley Warnat


Kimberley Warnat is an actress.


El Ogro
Un grupo de amigos de la universidad, llegan a un alejado pueblo, que parece estar atrapado en un reloj de tiempo, ya que parece como si todavía fuera 1800. Los ancianos del pueblo, realizan un contrato con el demonio, para salvar al pueblo, llevandolos a la inmortalidad, pero a cambio deben darle al monstruo un sacrificio humano anual. Ahora los jovenes amigos pueden ser sacrificados.
El mal hijo
Colleen Brennan
Varias chicas aparecen asesinadas en las afueras de la ciudad de Seattle. El principal sospechoso es un apuesto joven que parece poseer un imán para relacionarse con las mujeres, aunque la policía que conduce la investigación no consigue demostrar su culpabilidad, pues una mano invisible está manipulando los archivos y la información que se encuentra en las oficinas policiales.
Totally Awesome
Kimberly's Friend #1
Do you prefer to wax on or wax off? Preacher won't let you dance? Well then, put Baby in the corner and come on down, 'cause VH1 is bringing back more of the'80s you love in this feature-length film, Totally Awesome. The Gundersons have just moved across the country and the kids - Charlie, Lori, and Max - are trying their best to acclimate themselves into a new school and all kinds of dilemmas therein: the need to dance, the pitfalls of young love, the quest for popularity, scientific genius and of course the quirky but loveable Japanese gardener. Totally Awesome takes all your favorite '80s-flick mainstays and weaves them into the biggest and baddest plotline ever conceived. Tot say it is radical would be an understatement.
Going the Distance
Surfer Girl
Nick is a successful young man whose comfortable West Coast life couldn't be better. However, when his girlfriend falls under the influence of lecherous music producer Lenny Swackhammer, Nick impulsively decides to travel to Toronto to intervene. Nick's buddies Tyler and Dime opt to turn the quest into a cross-country road trip that's complete with wacky antics and encounters with beautiful women.
Freddy contra Jason
Beer Line Girl
Freddy Krueger necesita el miedo de la gente para regresar, por lo que decide resucitar al temible Jason. Pero el protagonista de "Viernes 13" no está dispuesto a dejarle el camino libre. Este formato que enfrenta a dos personajes míticos del celuloide no es nada nuevo en el cine: Frankenstein ya se encaró al hombre lobo en 1943 y 28 años más tarde resucitó para luchar contra Drácula. También, a lo largo del siglo XX, llegó el gigantesco Godzilla dispuesto a terminar con King Kong y una serie de mutantes que iban sembrando el pánico por Japón. En esta ocasión, fueron dos de los asesinos estrella de las películas de la década de 1980 los que se unieron. El resultado, el esperado: muertes, descuartizamientos y chicas ligeras de ropa.
Un extraño a mi lado
Julie Wyatt
Ann Rules, una famosa escritora de suspense, investiga el caso de un asesino en serie que ya ha matado a ocho chicas, todas ellas muy jóvenes. Angustiada, Rules le confiesa a su gran amigo Ted Bundy la enorme preocupación que le atenaza cuando piensa que su hija puede ser la siguiente. Lo que esta no sabe es que la policía sospecha que Bundy es el autor de las matanzas, pues corresponde con la descripción facilitada por la única víctima superviviente... Basada en la novela biográfica de Ann Rules, que conoció al asesino en serie Ted Bundy. Bundy asesinó al menos a 36 colegialas a mediados de los años setenta, cuando trabajaba junto a Ann en un centro de asistencia telefónica en Seattle. En una serie de flashbacks se nos mostrará la mortal carrera de crímenes del peligroso asesino. (FILMAFFINITY)
Due East
Sissy Purdue
Mary Faith Rapple, a bright high school senior, has never been part of the "in crowd." She teaches a night class, cares for her widowed father and pretty much keeps to herself. When a fellow loner moves to Due East, she finds herself in a relationship for the first time, leading to a small town scandal that changes her life forever.
Papa's Angels
Becca Jenkins
Arkansas furniture maker Grins Jenkins is a cheerful man and loving father to his five kids, as well as the life of every party in their small town. When his wife Sharon, who used to be the 'bad cop', slowly dies of TBC, so does Grins' sense of fun. The kids refuse to keep mourning forever, but dad practically retires from the world and turns his back, opposing them enjoying life again. Then Christmastide arrives, and son Alvin refuses to let his kid brother's dream be spoiled.
In the Name of the People
John Burke is on death row for the murder of a young girl. He is worried about what will happen to his own young daughter after his execution. He asks the parents of the girl he killed to look after his daughter which, he claims, would also help fill the void left in their lives by the death of their own daughter.
Bear with Me
Melissa Bradley
An orphaned bear cub is adopted by little Emily and her family. They name the cub Masha, raise her and release her back into the wild. Three years go by, and Emily is lost deep in the forest. Cold, frightened and alone in the darkness, she falls and is knocked unconscious. When she awakens, Emily is amazed to see that a brown bear has kept her warm and dry all night by cuddling her. It's Masha – and Emily is overjoyed to be reunited with the bear just when she needs a friend most. Together the two bravely set off on an adventure to find their way home. Bear With Me is a tale the whole family will find as exciting as it is heart-warming . . . and the magnificent forests of the Pacific Northwest lend this story of loyalty, friendship and adventure a magic all its own.
Colmillo blanco, las nuevas aventuras
Lucinda 'Lucy' Rockwell
Jesse, un muchacho de 16 años que perdió a su padre en un terrible accidente de esquí, vive en las montañas con su tío Roy. Allí traba amistad con un lobo al que llama "Silver". Pronto, sobrino y tío deberán defender al animal de las iras de un poderoso ranchero que pretende acabar con él, pues lo considera una amenaza para sus rebaños. (FILMAFFINITY)
Playing to Win: A Moment of Truth Movie
A young girl is taken with a boy that she meets, but he leads her into gambling where she begins losing money, becomes desperate, and starts to steal.
Ms. Bear
Melissa Bradley
Four paws for this wonderful family film. Cute 7-year-old rescues a helpless and bumbling bear cub as the two set off on an adventure to reunite the cub with its mommy.
Guerreros de la virtud
Ryan Jeffers es un niño corriente que sueña con ser la estrella del equipo de fútbol de su colegio. Su vida rutinaria empieza a cambiar cuando su amigo Ming le regala un extraño manuscrito. Lo que todavía no ha descubierto es que más que un libro es un pasaporte hacia una extraordinaria aventura más allá de la imaginación. Con él, Ryan entrará en el reino de Mao, un armonioso paraíso. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Angel of Pennsylvania Avenue
When an unemployed Detroit man is arrested for a crime he didn't commit, his three children are determined to get him out of jail in time for Christmas and they decide to enlist the help of "the most powerful man in the world" - President Hoover. En route to the White House, they meet an array of colorful characters.
When Friendship Kills
Jill Archer
Teenager Lexi Archer moves to Chicago with her newly divorced mother and befriends a popular girl at her new school, Jennifer. After Lexi's volleyball coach suggests that she lose weight, Jennifer reveals she is bulimic and the two girls decide to help each other, leading to disastrous consequences.
Buscadores de oro: El secreto de la montaña de los osos
Dos adolescentes, una de ciudad y otra de campo, intentan encontrar el oro oculto de Bear Mountain aprendiendo sobre la amistad, la lealtad y el coraje en el camino.
Born Too Soon
Sarah Butterfield
American television film about the life of Emily Butterfield, a baby girl who was born prematurely and died 53 days after her birth.
Always Remember I Love You
Just after he turns sixteen, Robert finds out that he is adopted. His parents find to their horror that he was kidnaped from his real parents. They decide to tell him about this, even though they fear they might lose him. Robert runs away to find his real parents. He finds and gets close to them, without revealing his true identity. Eventually he must decided where he belongs.